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Heals are not welcome on that game

Firstly I would like to appologize with the fault, I'm not english. (I know there is a French forum but nobody seems to go there and French are not known to be kind...). That's not a thread for QQing, not at all, I'm just telling what happens to me and would like your mind at the end of your reading.

I would like to discuss about the heal role on that game. I'm playing heal on most of the MMO's I've ever played and I've never seen a so much ungrateful role. I'll explain.

The first point I would like to discuss is the point to be considered as being in a fight or not.
I'm playing since the begining with my friend which is dps and we had no problem to do the quest as a heal-dps group. When he reached the level 30 when I was only 28 I started to wonder why there was that difference between us. And I undeerstood, when I watched as his screen during a boss fighting, that sometimes I had no xp on the boss, and so no loot.

I know that, to be considered as a part of the fight, you have to do a percent of the damages done, or to heal the people fighting against the mobs. But I can't understand that way of being considered as a part of the fight because, sometimes :
-The people fighting the boss or the mobs just don't loose any life, so my heals are useless, so I'm not considered as a part of the fight. And the buffs I put doesn't seem to be useful for that either.
-When I try to dps I surely do not enough damages to be considered as a part of the fight.

Since the level 15 I took a second staff of dps (with destruction staff spells) but it is not enough either (even if my destruction staff is higher level than my restoration staff). On a quest, when I had to loot an object on a dwemer centurion, I had to kill that centurion 5 times because every time he get killed too fast for me to do enough damages (even with my destruction staff) and nobody lost life so no heal needed. I had to wait for the 5th time for being alone with my friend on the boss so I could do enough damages and he was tanking so he lost a little life.

The second point I would like to talk about is the fact that some quests (guilds and the main quest) are meant to be alone.
I've always loved to play MMO's but never liked to fight the mobs. I like to care about my mates for staying alive. So, for me, that kind of quests have no place in a MMO but, I know what you will answer, that can be discussed and TESO isn't like every other MMO's.

But when you try the main quest at the level 35, that the mobs are level 30 and the quest is grey colored, and then you still get stucked and die again and again because you can't fight a boss that heals herself every 5 seconds with 4-5 healing orbs you're not able to dps, that's getting pretty annoying. I guessed that the main quest was not meant to be done at the right level (doing it at level 20 when the mobs are level 20 for example) because it's pretty difficult, but for a heal it's getting pretty impossible.

By that I can just understand that being a full heal in that game is impossible (I know they warned us that it would be impossible for a heal to be full heal in dungeon because it would have meant a too large dps loss, that's why I took a destruction staff, but I didn't expect that kind of problems...). You have to be dps, at least to do the alone quests, and you have to fight for your XP and your loot, even if it means you have to fight the bosses again and again.

I would like to have your mind about that, I may not have understood everything well but that's what I feel about the game at the moment, and I hope it won't be that way at level 50... (I'm level 41). And I would like to know if other heals are annoyed by that kind of stuff.
  • mlstevens42_ESO
    My suggestion would be to hit the mobs the only thing I can think of to help you gain experience.

    I would also suggest to make a solo build for when you are required to solo something. I understand this is not the way of most other games but it is the way of things here. Use your heal build when grouping. About the only things can suggest.

    The way this game is set up is so that you can adjust your build to some degree dependent on the situation.
  • Tueland
    You should hit the boss with your staffs ranged attack or swap to a dps build of some sort when they dont need your healing. Atleast thats what I expect of healers in groups.
  • Skylandra
    While I don't agree with everything you wrote op, I do feel they have limited the healing staff somewhat by not giving it any attack skills, a Staff Bash ( that heals a player for %total damage or something like that)

    However as a Healer you should at any chance you have in a boss fight be using the Staff heavy attack as you will get the bonus.

    Solo PvE bosses can be tricky. I normally save my Ultimate For the Boss. There are some good skills though that can be taken from Mage and Fighters Skill lines That are AoE and Great single target DPS - the on that comes to mind is Silver Bullets - my friend uses that as a DPS. Read the descriptions and fit them in somehow because you can use any weapon with those skills giving your Healing staff bar a little more zing!!!

    My build is very Stamina Heavy ( Sword and Shield) So I took Mage Guild Skills to balance it.
  • Melissouille91b16_ESO
    For the two first comments : I don't know if you really have understood everything I wrote (maybe some things weren't very english XD) because I wrote that I actually tried both technics : I tried to heal the guys fighting (it didn't work) and tried to also dps with my destruction staff, which is higher level than my restoration staff (but it didn't work either cause it seems I didnt't do enough damages)...

    For the 3rd answer, yeah, it seems I'll be forced to take the mage guild ultimate so I can dps a bit, but I'll have to up that guild a lot for that.

    But thanks everybody for your advices and your minds :)
  • Berylin
    I normally play as a team with a friend who has been a great healer in MMORPGs since EverQuest. However, she has physical limitations that mouse control poor, meaning she can't maneuver well in a fight, and misses her shots a fair bit. Since heals are area-effect, she does well with them.

    As a "pure" healer, she is incapable of doing solo quests. Trying to operate solo has proven so frustrating (and costly in repair bills!) that she has completely given up being a healer and is now experimenting with high-survivability ranged DPS builds instead.

    In short, I agree with you conclusion. In this game, it doesn't pay to be a healer. Your advancement is gimped unless you spend considerable time on non-healing skills. This in turn will make you a less potent, less practiced healer. I suspect that dungeon parties will be unable to recruit competent healers within a month, simply because very few players will have the skills and playing experience to be useful in that role.
  • AlchemyDevil
    I am a dedicated healer. From my personal experience with the game so far I advance at the same rate as everyone else simply with HOTs and "tagging" mobs that will not damage my team mates. HOTs means that I can simply drop a Heal Over Time spell (on multiple allies) and if they take ANY damage at all for the duration of the heal I will share in the credit for the kill. If it's a mob that wont damage my allies (like a mob that will constantly be knocked back or stunned so it cannot attack) Just "tag" it with your weapon.

    Mostly though, just throw down the HOTs mate, spam them before every encounter to give you a great chance at sharing the kill and also it means less burst healing during the encounter as the HOT is making up for all the little hits the mobs can do.
  • Fina
    During the Beta I tried to be a "pure heals" build because that's what I knew from other games. Solo bosses were very tough, but I managed to take them down with lots of dodging, running, and blasting with my resto or destructo staff.

    But it was hard and time consuming. Watching the other players around me taking down monsters and completing quests with ease made me realize that I needed some DPS skills too.

    Definitely put points into DPS. You should have more than enough skill points, so I'd suggest putting some into Aedric Spear or Dawn's Wrath.
  • cf398ub17_ESO
    when you advance far enough in the mages guild you will get fire runes lay those down before you start healing that way you get the loot and some xp
  • Silverbird
    I just recently started to use a second weapon set on my healing templar. (Destro staff) I did very well on my solo quests that far. (Around lvl 40 now) I did most of the main questlines with soul trap, sun fire my heal and light/heavy attacks with my resto staff. Some of the fights did take their time and moving around and blocking at the right time was important.
    My only advice for any healing-trainee is to spend a few skillpoints into your classes own damaging skillines (which use magicka).
    I am now switching more often to my destruction staff, becourse i have a hard time once i face more than 2 mobs at the same time. So my destro staff skillbar is set up for ae-damage. (Mainly wall of elements and solar flare atm.) I even did spend skillpoints into the passives from the fighters skilllince, since you often have to face undead/daedric enemies.
    Edited by Silverbird on 15 April 2014 08:20
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