[BUG: Minor/Cosmetic] Punch animation gets stuck in a loop (Dreugh quest)

Soul Shriven
Description: After freeing a Dreughsider from their clay prison, character remains stuck in a punch animation loop.

Repro Steps:
1) Accept the quest which requires that you rescue the Dreughsider's (I'm sorry, I can't recall the quest name at the moment)
2) Find one of the clay mounds containing a Dreughsider and free them (Press E to begin punching the clay apart)
3) Note player character animation

Expected: Character punches the clay cocoon apart, freeing the person inside, and stop punching.

Actual: Character punches the clay cocoon apart and continues looping through the punching animation.

NOTE: Harvesting a resource node breaks the loop, so there are workarounds. It's just a little annoying to have to do every time you free an NPC.
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