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[Tanking] - Always Block? or just Block Heavy Attacks?

I'm just curious as to how you fellow tanks are playing it. During dungeons, specifically boss fights, do you always block while in combat? Only lowering your shield to throw out a taunt or buff.
Or do you only block during the heavy attacks you can see the enemy charge?
  • mark2472
    I use my health bar as a gauge as to whether I should be blocking normal attacks or not. When it's nearly full, I usually only block heavy attacks and I use aoe abilities to get as much attention from the mobs as possible. When my health starts dropping too fast or if it drops below say 2/3, I know I should start blocking more for even the normal attacks.

    I also usually block when I first pull a group of mobs. I'll throw an aoe into the group of mobs and throw up my shield for that first incoming barrage of attacks, lol.

    As for bosses, some bosses require a lot more blocking than others. It's really a case by case basis.

    Once the adds are dead, though, I usually can keep my health from dropping much just by blocking the heavy hits.
    Edited by mark2472 on 9 April 2014 16:16
  • ElChristo
    mark2472 wrote: »
    I use my health bar as a gauge as to whether I should be blocking normal attacks or not. When it's nearly full, I usually only block heavy attacks and I use aoe abilities to get as much attention from the mobs as possible. When my health starts dropping too fast or if it drops below say 2/3, I know I should start blocking more for even the normal attacks.

    I also usually block when I first pull a group of mobs. I'll throw an aoe into the group of mobs and throw up my shield for that first incoming barrage of attacks, lol.

    As for bosses, some bosses require a lot more blocking than others. It's really a case by case basis.

    Thanks for the reply. I've been testing it out in solo dungeons. I tried blocking as much as I can, but it drains Stamina pretty quickly. It seems like blocking occasionally or like you said, blocking when you're below a certain health percentage, is the way to go.
  • SuperScrubby
    There are some passives that reduce blocking and I believe some accessories that do too. Heavy armor also helps when you get that passive. I don't main tank, unless the main tank in a dungeon goes down but I'll block heavy attacks and aoe's that I can't get out of. I don't know if the latter always works but I feel it helps.
  • Xanxarib16_ESO
    block 24/7 just tape it down and only use instant cast abilities to maintain agro and your buff on your self, iv just did the first 3 Vet dungeons as a DK tank, and i even just stood in the big AoE from the bosses eating the damage, i asked my healer if he wanted me to go out and he just said nah i hardly heal you, so just eat those AoE's ... he did't have any mana problems.

    to hold block down and not run out of stamina in boss fights-

    1st. get all the passive that will reduce the cost of blocking, then stack gear then will reduce cost of blocking (jewelery, glyph og shielding)

    2nd. you will want to drink stamina pots allmost on cooldown in boss fights.

    3rd and last dont use any stamina cost skills, unly exception should be the SnS taunt that will increase your whole party's damage, but you can use the Undaunted Range taunt if you have stamina problems.

    if you do these 3 things your healer's will love you. and call you the best tank ever...
  • jhmcclellan3_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Guys - I have only tanked one dungeon so far, and it went pretty well actually. I do have a question though - is going sword and board the only way to effectively tank, or (perhaps at higher levels) is it possible to reach the armor softcap and so on without using a shield to tank? I don't mind using one, but it would be fun to tank in other ways. For example, using the Undaunted taunt and tanking with a two hander or something of that nature.
  • jhmcclellan3_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I guess I have answered my own question. I just took a good look at the skill calculator and it appears that the one hand and shield passives are just too good to give up until you out gear/out level the content. Well, time to invest some points and time into one hand and shield.
    As a Templar healer, tanks definitely need to block more. I can't tell you how many dungeons I've run where I'm doing nothing but spamming heals to the point of magicka exhaustion because tanks just don't block or dodge. I know people aren't used to having to manually mitigate damage since most MMOs use stats as the sole means of damage mitigation but come on. Tanks need to start being more active defensively and not just stand their swinging their weapons while getting punched hard in the face.
  • SuperScrubby
    You can possibly tank with other weapons, but sword and shield have the best benefits. You also get a taunt with sword and shield that you don't get with other weapons. However there is a skill in the undaunted line (skill tree from finishing dungeons) that also acts as a taunt, but is harder to get.

    Either way CC is your best way to tank trash mobs anyways.
  • jhmcclellan3_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Speaking of CC, I am leveling a Nightblade tank - besides mass hysteria, is there a good aoe cc that I can use to help with some of the massive trash packs?
  • Aaren
    @jhmcclellan3_ESO I'm a templar tank and in kind of the same situation with no good class AoE CC. I use volcanic rune from the mage guild line. It is pretty decent, but hard to block while casting since you have to place it on the ground.
  • jhmcclellan3_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the suggestion - I will have to look into that one.
  • LastLaugh
    BKTHNDR wrote: »
    As a Templar healer, tanks definitely need to block more. I can't tell you how many dungeons I've run where I'm doing nothing but spamming heals to the point of magicka exhaustion because tanks just don't block or dodge. I know people aren't used to having to manually mitigate damage since most MMOs use stats as the sole means of damage mitigation but come on. Tanks need to start being more active defensively and not just stand their swinging their weapons while getting punched hard in the face.

    Another Templar healer here and I couldn't agree more. Both my magicka and magicka regen are overpowered or just under (I'm trying to keep them as close as possible to that cap without diminishing returns.) I have spell cost-reducing skills and armor and try to manage magicka efficiently. With some groups I'm using magicka potions every time they come off CD and still going OOM.

    As a healer, you can really tell how much the tank is using blocks and other mitigation abilities. When they don't bother, it feels like healing a clothie taking heavy damage the entire run.

    Fast, single target heals are the most expensive magicka-wise. I understand that some spike damage is unavoidable but when it's not, the more you can mitigate it the better. If I run OOM the chances are very good that we'll die.

    This goes for the entire group, not just tanks. Unfortunately the way this game works non-aoe heals automatically go to the lowest health player, so if a dps is standing in fire or something the poor tank won't get healed much until he's at lower health than they are.
  • jschweitz
    I'm still pretty low level but I've had luck with just blocking heavy attacks on trash while I eye my healer. I make sure to taunt anything that gets close to her. On bosses at my level there is always at least one telegraphed attack that is a must-block. I have an addon to tell me if something that just bashed my brains in is blockable so I know for the next time. It's fun and challenging, it's different from WoW and other MMOs but I love that about it. I love that everyone has to stay on their feet and keep themselves alive, it feels more real and exciting to me.
  • Xanxarib16_ESO
    il say it again tell your noob tanks to just hold block down and if they need to use there abilities just use instant cast abilities.
    a little hint here when you block you block everthing even if the mob hits you in the back, and you can use instant cast abilities while holding block down.

    so again tell your noob tank to hold block down 99% of the fights its that simple to tank in this game and take no skills at all!!!

    you dont have to time your blocks for greater effect.
    you dont run out of stamina just for holding block down.
    you cant still use abilities while holding block down.
    you can still sidestep cone attacks while holding block down
    bash for interrupt is one click away when you hold block down.

    tanking or blocking in this game is a joke! and not what i would call action combat. this reminds me of early days in Tera online when a lancer would do the same as we do here in ESO hold block down and just refresh your taunt on the boss.
  • EliteZ
    I have a question for other tanks, how do you spend your ability points? Do you go all hp, all stam or a mix of both? SO far I've been going all hp and only using my stam for blocking and the taunt skill. I'm not sure if I should start putting points in stam or not though.
    Edited by EliteZ on 21 April 2014 09:37
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