I haven't played Sorcerer at all so I cannot help you I'm afraid but I recommend you visit some 3rd party fan sites that have a significant amount of info to help with all kind of queries. These sites are informed by people who've been playing sorcerer for more than a year now and there's plenty for you to get your teeth into. Here some for you to start with http://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline and http://tamrielfoundry.com/forum/classes/sorcerer-class/.
here is a skill calculator, works much the same way the interface in teh game does, so explore builds or skills to your hearts content.
im a sorc, i prefer to focus on summoning, but there are a few skills that will hold enemies in place, and damage them. then there is the fire rune from the mages guild tree, annoying to level up that guild tree though.