It also leads to an interesting secondary question - Ensnare has a morph to do a slow once the root wears off. What happens if a foe can be slowed but not rooted?
A slow might work. Question is whether or not it would apply due to being an after-effect of the root application. No root application, no follow-up slow?
I know that debuffs, like armor reduction, etc., will work. As far as I can tell, any official dungeon boss characters (basically anything goes with more than one gem on its health bar) are immune to crowd control.
If im not to lazy tomorrow i might put up a video on how you range, tank and cc them bosses. Also note that "big" bosses are not as easy to cc, since they have a sturdy frame/waight. I tanked whole dungeones with my super build, 2 bows and some armor.
I started range tanking when i realised that melee tank and aggro is just an illusion in this game. We are all every class in one, with the right build. To the extent that i would say, classes dont exist and might kill of this game in the near future.
Pick up boon, the steed, specc full stamina, gear for magica and hp, travel in armor. Use leech, stealth abilities, knockback/control possitioning with knockback and ur fine. Use dual bows for fast switching from aoe pulls to kite/sustain/control bar.
Dungeons with harder more single tank soak up, go for bow sustain, and regular tank sustain, single target and 1 gap closer if you need to make a quick taunt of someone. Swtich when you need to possition a heavy boss or take damage with a shield. Else just run around like a mad one.
Oh, and be ready to switch target pritty mutch all the time.