Maintenance for the week of July 1:
· [COMPLETE] NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
The Xbox Live™ service interruption has been resolved. Thank you for your patience.

"Unknown Error" Fix Incoming


ZOS_MichaelServotteZOS_MichaelServotte Administrator, Moderator admin
3:39AM edited 3:39AM in Server Status

We are bringing down the European megaserver for maintenance at 5:00 AM BST / 6:00 AM CEST to address the "Unknown Error" issue that some players have been experiencing. We expect the maintenance to last for only one hour. We will keep you updated as soon as the maintenance is complete.
Edited by Moonraker on 8 April 2014 04:02
  • Gimers
    Any news on the NA servers?
  • Moonraker
    Gimers wrote: »
    Any news on the NA servers?
    Not sure if they will do a unscheduled maintenance for this or during the scheduled on. EU is Tuesday NA is Wednesday. See this thread for details of Weekly downtimes for both.

    Check the Server status thread for latest announcements.
  • Tightywhites
    Soul Shriven
    Your fix didn't work. Please don't stop trying.
  • Moonraker
    Your fix didn't work. Please don't stop trying.
    @Tightywhites I suggest to try flushing the DNS cache:

    Flush The DNS Cache

    Open the Terminal

    Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal

    Flush DNS - Type or copy/paste (easier) the following command and hit Enter.

    Mac OSX 10.9:

    dscacheutil -flushcache;sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

    Mac OSX 10.7 & 10.8

    sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

    Reboot the router, launch game and try again.

    If you haven't tried it yet, reboot your router.

    If these don't work, you could try these in this order. Test each at a time.

    Reset DNCP lease

    System Preferences > Network > Select the network you are connected to (indicated by green circle)> Click Advanced > Click Renew DHCP Lease

    Change your DNS

    Change your DNS settings to a public DNS server (non-ISP).

    I used Google:,

    On the Mac, to change the DNS server IP addresses go to:

    System Preferences > Network > Advanced… > DNS

    Note the existing ones usually automatically added by your ISP then change them for the Google ones of other you prefer. Remember to Apply changes after clicking OK when done.

    Uncheck Auto Proxy Discovery

    - Navigate to the System Preferences under the Apple Menu.
    - Open up Network in System Preferences. (Usually located in the third row, third icon.)
    - Make sure the network connection with a green dot next to it is selected.
    - Click the Advanced button in the lower right corner
    - From the drop down menu, click on Proxies.
    - In the "Select a protocol to configure" list
    - Uncheck "Auto Proxy Discovery”
    Edited by Moonraker on 12 April 2014 12:40
  • Tightywhites
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Moonraker

    I had already tried most of those things on your list accept the renewing the DHCP lease and changing the DNS. I have now done both of those but nothing works. Please do not stop trying to fix this problem, from the forums I am not alone.
    Edited by Tightywhites on 8 April 2014 23:29
  • Moonraker
    Hi Moonraker

    I had already tried most of those things on your list accept the renewing the DHCP lease and changing the DNS. I have now done both of those but nothing works. Please do not stop trying to fix this problem, from the forums I am not alone.
    Will keep looking and hope they get a real fix out soon.
  • istanicas
    I have this issue NA server and haven't been able to play in four days.
  • istanicas
    E: actually, here's the fix
    "Looking at the tracert that you sent in we determined that it looks like the information is going through a bad route to get back to you and thus could be why you are getting the kickouts and lag spikes. To attempt to fix this please follow these steps to flush your DNS:
    Windows 7:
    Click on the Start button Type cmd in the Start Menu Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator Type "ipconfig /flushdns" and hit enter If it was successful, you will see the message "Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache." Power cycle the router to clear the cache so that it doesn't store the bad route "
  • Moonraker
    istanicas wrote: »
    E: actually, here's the fix
    "Looking at the tracert that you sent in we determined that it looks like the information is going through a bad route to get back to you and thus could be why you are getting the kickouts and lag spikes. To attempt to fix this please follow these steps to flush your DNS:
    Windows 7:
    Click on the Start button Type cmd in the Start Menu Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator Type "ipconfig /flushdns" and hit enter If it was successful, you will see the message "Windows IP configuration successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache." Power cycle the router to clear the cache so that it doesn't store the bad route "
    Thanks for the info @istanicas. I posted how to flush the DNS cache on Macs in an earlier post so others can try that and other methods.

  • Moonraker
    ZOS posted on the ongoing drop out problems:
    ZOS_GinaBrunoZOS_GinaBruno Administrator, Moderator admin
    5:32AM edited 7:01AM in Server Status
    We are aware that some of you are having issues with social systems, chat lag, or getting dropped from the game. We are looking into this now, and will let you know as soon as we have an update.
    They marked it as resolved but not sure that also applies to 'getting dropped from game' too.

    Hopefully they have resolved this fully and it helps with the drop outs of game too.
    Edited by Moonraker on 12 April 2014 18:53
  • Moonraker
    ZOS posted to PC TS section (not sure why not here also) a little while ago asking for details from players with this issue. Check it out here with details of what to provide and where to send it:

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