Zeni, fix the Dungeons. Seriously.

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Loot is a joke, people snake chests in randoms.
Why not copy wow's system that is reference of functional?


Plus the loot in instances aswell is insanely pathetic.
No offence, but this games going free to play ;) mark my words.
  • Laura
    if it goes free to play its because they released a beta instead of pushing it back a couple months. not because of instances which I think are fine.
  • doggie
    As long as they fix the broken stuff I don't have too much problems with a few broken quests and a booring loottable the first two weeks. But if they go ahead and just release new content instead of fixing all the not so functional existing content then I pretty much give up.

    Because almost everything is "half-broken", and the last thing we need is a adventure zone full of bugs.
  • Apokh
    I would not go so far to say it is Beta, especially when i remember back to 2005 when WoW was released in Europe. We had tons of downtimes and tons of fixes for a Hotfix of a Patch.

    I wrote a large Text on this in the German Forums - there has to be a revamp of the whole Dungeon thing asap. When ZOS wont care about PVE because of the great PvP they will drown with man and mice just as WHO did and the fantastic Quests and the heavenly Crafting would not save them..

    I really, really hope they have a revamp of the Group-PvE Features ready with the Craglorn Stuff to release.
    Edited by Apokh on 8 April 2014 09:14
    Play@Feierabend mit der legendärsten Feierabendgilde.
    Besuch uns.
    Es ist besser zu schweigen und alle glauben zu lassen, man sei dumm, als den Mund aufzumachen und alle Zweifel zu beseitigen.
  • Tamcia
    I'm not doing any dungeons because people will just avoid fighting and grab the chests - you kick them from the group, they are still in the dungeon and no one else can enter. This is the worst dungeon system I've seen.
  • Xariann
    This video does a great job at showing all the issues with the dungeon system. It's greatly putting me off the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLBHjwCw088
  • Cogo
    Funny, I had no problems with dungeons, loot in them or groupmembers.

    However, maybe its because I make sure who is in the group? I have met a few players while playing, keeping them on friend list. Then when its time for a dungeon, I'll grab people from my guild. If we still need a spot, Ill check my friest list.

    So far I LOVED dungeons. Loot is very well done. And well done I mean you dont get EVERYTHING all the time. Love it! Good drops actually means....GOOD DROPS! =)

    If you have problems with someone in your group "taking" chests and not doing their job...then you know who not to group with again?

    Stop trying to make EsO into world of warcraft.

    Many people I speak to regarding EsO have a simular comment about it. Not just the game itself but the community that's starting to form.

    It is very simular to the community in EverQuest, where your actions as a player didnt always go unnoticed. Players who ninja pulls, trains, are rude or in this case, "steals" chests in dungeon groups.......they may find themselves a hard time getting into GOOD guilds (not just big guilds).

    Also, there is upcoming 4 and 12 man content at higher levels.

    I think the biggest difference in WoW and EsO here is going to be.....if you act like a ***, or dont act at all (just stand there and get free stuff), you will quite quickly make a bad rep for you and will be forced to group with others who dont care who you are or maybe are in the same seat.

    I LOVE this feature. It's player only based and quite RP/Elderscrolls like.
    You are what you do. Both good and bad!

    Stop complaining about bad groups as it was the games fault!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Apokh
    Cogo wrote: »
    If you have problems with someone in your group "taking" chests and not doing their job...then you know who not to group with again?
    Maybe, but as soon as you recognize one of these trolls, the evening and the mood is gone. Don´t know if it is intended to be that way.
    Cogo wrote: »
    Stop trying to make EsO into world of warcraft.
    No one wants ESO to be WOW. But it is also no shame to overtake working systems instead of iventing sth that obviously is not working yet. Or push back Release and taky your time to finish such important things first.
    And as told within the video. If there are chests meant to be the only reward (which is not to bad at all), why not implementing a Loot interface where to setup the conditions for looting these chests? You can decide by yourself to use it or not to do so. So just like the ppl wanting the Nameplates -> why not making it optional, so anyone can decide by himself.
    Edited by Apokh on 8 April 2014 12:34
    Play@Feierabend mit der legendärsten Feierabendgilde.
    Besuch uns.
    Es ist besser zu schweigen und alle glauben zu lassen, man sei dumm, als den Mund aufzumachen und alle Zweifel zu beseitigen.
  • joejccva71b14_ESO
    Alot of you don't even have a clue. It's not always feasible to group with friends or guildmates so you have to pug. With that being said, there IS in fact a problem with the dungeon system where ZOS needs to make it so if you kick someone from the group they are removed from the instance.

    How can we make you understand that this needs to happen and is a problem? Do we need to write it in crayon?
    Edited by joejccva71b14_ESO on 8 April 2014 12:55
  • doggie
    The problem with player reputation on a megaserver is that there's just so many players and if you use the group finder chances are you'll never see the guy again. It's quite different from Everquest or WoW days where there were maybe 5-10k players on a server total, to a megaserver with several hundredthousand players.
  • Twistedmind
    I agree there are issues in the dungeon things, those are minor and can be fixed..

    But people saying "I quit because ... " are just not worth of time to argue with, if they cannot give time for fixes and making things work their imo welcome to go back to those mmo's that they love so much.
    Egypt and Antarctica kills off more investigators each year than cancer does.
    Old Call of Cthulhu fact.
  • Eps
    I believe that the best solution is that if several people are in a group and one of them opens a chest, then everybody gets loot rolls from it. This would fix the issue for the long term, in any situation where chests are involved.

    So the "Trolls" can go around opening chests all they want, because the rest of the group can simply get their share from the chests later.
  • Sarius
    whats all this crying about the chests? who cares anyway while leveling u upgrade ur gear every 2 levels so theres no need to cry about that loot i would be more concerned about the exp gain in these dungeons then the freaking loot of the chests theres not that many good stuff in there anyway mostly greens and every 50th chest maybe a blue

    and noone will do this in a vet dungeon anyway as u need all 4 ppl to clear trash/bosses
  • joejccva71b14_ESO
    Sarius wrote: »
    whats all this crying about the chests? who cares anyway while leveling u upgrade ur gear every 2 levels so theres no need to cry about that loot i would be more concerned about the exp gain in these dungeons then the freaking loot of the chests theres not that many good stuff in there anyway mostly greens and every 50th chest maybe a blue

    and noone will do this in a vet dungeon anyway as u need all 4 ppl to clear trash/bosses

    While your point is mostly valid, the issue is moreso of dealing with the *** that don't even help with the dungeon content, and people are also talking about veteran dungeon content as well. There are still a lot of pug's in VR content dungeons and you have idiots there too who don't help and just loot chest.

    The problem is ZOS needs to put in an auto-kick from the instance feature if you remove someone from the group.
  • MittWaffen
    Xariann wrote: »
    This video does a great job at showing all the issues with the dungeon system. It's greatly putting me off the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLBHjwCw088

    this sums it up, perfection.

  • Vorpedagel
    I think there will be a lot of changes to come - Zenimax listen to their player community. But overall there is not too much to complain about with this game. A few buggy quests on release and a few players think loot is terrible in a dungeon? Maybe that's just how this game was designed. Nobody likes an easy game where the loot pours in so fast that you have to constantly bank. Make a thread an post some suggestions politely and maybe Zenimax will notice and make a few changes :)
    - If they feel that enough people want it that way.
    - Dave
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    They don't need to change a thing. You people crying do. Try, making some friends, joining a guild, or creating a static. Then, voila, as if by magic you have no issues in dungeons.
  • SuperScrubby
    I haven't had too much grief with chests. I've had some in a dungeon once, also in open world someone dragged a mob to me to knock me off of it. Pretty annoying/dirty. Sad really since these are the people in your own alliance. Wish the game had an easy way to put someone on your *** list for doing *** like that. I guess pen and pad works too.
  • BrassRazoo
    I like the way it is going at the moment.
    As for the comment about "everything being half broken" I think that is a exaggeration.
  • Left_Hand
    No exp from dungeons, no rolling for chests, no significant loot from bosses, amongst dungeon quests often being broken... doesnt make me want to repeat a dungeon more than once, and only for the skill point.

    If Zenimax does not provide incentive to do dungeons, then people wont, because you will have an easier time just crafting your buying loot from the guild store.
  • Zordrage
    Xariann wrote: »
    This video does a great job at showing all the issues with the dungeon system. It's greatly putting me off the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLBHjwCw088

    did not played yet still downloading but


    this is just ***

    i might just skip the dungeons........
  • Zordrage
    They don't need to change a thing. You people crying do. Try, making some friends, joining a guild, or creating a static. Then, voila, as if by magic you have no issues in dungeons.

    soooo what abbout new players that come here alone or with max 1 friend ? you know the majority ? that not decided a guild yet ? or the casuals who just want to jump in a few dungeon and do some story everyday bicous they dont have enough time ?

    yeah LETS PUNISH THEM to oblivion so they won't resub again after the broken Dungeons.................

    i bet your one of those dungeon trolls.........
    Edited by Zordrage on 9 April 2014 10:08
  • Glithanes
    Xariann wrote: »
    This video does a great job at showing all the issues with the dungeon system. It's greatly putting me off the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLBHjwCw088

    I totally agree with your video. and the issues.

    they need to make it so the chests when open roll on the screen so all in group can need or greed on the items.

  • aeroch
    Most players I've run dungeons with (pickup groups) largely ignore chests. Forcing a random roll or stopping players (me) from looting these chests because of a round-robin style or roll system would be annoying and leave loot needlessly lying around. Set up your own rotation with your group and deal with it yourself, or find an alternative to PUGs.

    And dislike the roll on chest loot idea. If I unlock it, it's my loot. I'm more than happy to share when someone sees something they'd like, but if players don't make the effort to find and unlock chests then there's no reason for them to benefit from another player's efforts.
    Edited by aeroch on 9 April 2014 15:36
  • mark2472
    There's no reason to need to open chests while you fight through the dungeon. Every dungeon run I've done there was plenty of opportunity to go back through the dungeon and loot everything after all the mobs were dead...

    I agree with people above, there needs to be a way to kick people (and remove them from instance) that will just get the chests and not help the group. If they want the chests, they can fight through like everyone else and loot after the dungeon is cleared.

    I don't really see a need for rolling on chests or round-robin style, either.
    Edited by mark2472 on 9 April 2014 15:40
  • Shaun98ca2
    Xariann wrote: »
    This video does a great job at showing all the issues with the dungeon system. It's greatly putting me off the game

    If its not stuff like your video its going to be the amazing attitude from this community that you have seen alone in this thread.

    Most them cant see past the nose on their face and don't give a damn about somebody else's problem. You will see it a LOT in these forums driving this game rapidly into the ground. It its not the game its the community. This game is sadly heading towards F2P.
  • SuperScrubby
    I wouldn't say the community drives the game to F2P. There are P2P games out there with terrible communities too. It's just sadly the evolution of gaming with more solo friendly content and anonymity you have more people that act like *** because they won't build a reputation. It protects them from having to follow "social etiquette" because there are no repercussions. They won't get pked, they'll just blend in with the thousands of people with the megaserver and can go back to soloing content.

    Only games that really do force you to group for everything as well as having a smaller population on each server self enforced themselves. You wouldn't get group invites or be able to clear content until your attitude improved and you stopped trolling. People actually had reputations good or bad which allowed them to get invited over someone or ignored completely.

    I like this game, but it does lack the ability to self enforce. While that may be vigilante justice, it also reinforces that by acting like a *** there are consequences in game just like there are in real life. Personally I would like the ability to PK fellow players if they act like a ***.
    Edited by SuperScrubby on 9 April 2014 18:09
  • mark2472
    Haha, yea, the ability to PK players that are out of hand would be nice. And I agree that sadly, in this game, PUGs can be a nightmare due to the megaserver because of what @SuperScrubby explained above.
  • Ahnuk
    Hi all,

    We are experiencing various major issues here that really need to be addressed quickly.

    To point some:
    1. The loot system.
    2. The XP ratio compared to outside world.
    3. The ability to remake the group inside a group-dungeon.
    4. The group-dungeon's replayability.
    My thoughts on some of the points:

    I think the chests should be completely removed from the group-dungeons. The chests contents could be added to the already in place system as drops from mobs (bosses, trash, etc...) and, by this way, giving better drops without using a roll system. This would improve the dungeon's immersion without the delays for unlocking/looting chests.

    The XP given in a group-dungeon should be ramped up a bit. The actual setting is really unbalanced if you compare it to the XP earned by questing and mob killing in the outside world which, in my opinion, hurts the dungeon's replayability.
  • Arato
    Ahnuk wrote: »
    Hi all,

    We are experiencing various major issues here that really need to be addressed quickly.

    To point some:
    1. The loot system.
    2. The XP ratio compared to outside world.
    3. The ability to remake the group inside a group-dungeon.
    4. The group-dungeon's replayability.
    My thoughts on some of the points:

    I think the chests should be completely removed from the group-dungeons. The chests contents could be added to the already in place system as drops from mobs (bosses, trash, etc...) and, by this way, giving better drops without using a roll system. This would improve the dungeon's immersion without the delays for unlocking/looting chests.

    The XP given in a group-dungeon should be ramped up a bit. The actual setting is really unbalanced if you compare it to the XP earned by questing and mob killing in the outside world which, in my opinion, hurts the dungeon's replayability.

    or at least make the locked chests pickable/lootable by all members of the dungeon party not just 1 person. I don't mind pace being slowed down by finding treasure, I just hate that Zenimax eliminated one source of in group fighting over loot rolls by making everyone get their own loot from corpses.. and then added locked chests to replace it as a source of in group fighting. Two steps forward, one step back.
  • MinotaurXXX
    STOP CRYING! Its been out what? Two weeks? I mean really, anyone on here trolling has never played an mmo at release. They will evolve and fix most issues. Give it some bleeping time!
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