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Constant Crashes After New Update 1.0.2

I'm playing on a rMBP 2014 (on OSX Mavericks) and after the update today I can't play the game at all. The first 4 times I could play for several minutes before getting a client crash but now as soon as the game loads in (where it's playable) the client crashes.

Tried it on both of my toons with same result.
  • kevinthecyborg
    Here is my crash report, hope this helps.

    Note: I removed computer user and name for security reasons.

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Devoured
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-07T20:06:18.638Z
    client.time_since_load = 19
    client.uptime = 55.4 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24505
    loc.wloc = 235 266782 15322 261465 117.07 = Grahtwood
    loc.worldid = 235 = Grahtwood
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1171
    mem.peak = 1171
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
  • Moonraker
    I'm playing on a rMBP 2014 (on OSX Mavericks) and after the update today I can't play the game at all. The first 4 times I could play for several minutes before getting a client crash but now as soon as the game loads in (where it's playable) the client crashes.

    Tried it on both of my toons with same result.
    Were you in Cyrodiil when this happened? There are issue there which could cause crashes soon after logging in. Can you copy/ paste the next crash report that is generated after one of these, which will help
    confirm this.

    I have logged in and no crash yet so maybe it's location or something else. I don't believe that there was any technical changes in the update which was mostly quest fixes and in-game mechanics. I'll post if I get any.
  • kevinthecyborg
    Thanks for the reply @Moonraker‌.

    My main is logged in Grahtwood and my alt in Auridon.

    I tried doing a client repair from the launcher and that made no difference.

    Here is another crash report (there has been 1 since the initial one I posted).

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Devoured
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-07T20:20:29.064Z
    client.time_since_load = 18
    client.uptime = 150.5 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24502
    loc.wloc = 235 266782 15320 261463 117.07 = Grahtwood
    loc.worldid = 235 = Grahtwood
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1211
    mem.peak = 1211
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
  • Terminus
    The error report says he was in Grahtwood,
    so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

    I can guarantee you that Zenimax is looking into it because of the volume of people having this problem.
  • kevinthecyborg
    And here is a crash report from my Alt in Auridon.

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Witchery
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-07T20:27:00.559Z
    client.time_since_load = 18
    client.uptime = 51.6 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24507
    loc.wloc = 233 248538 10775 417849 117.07 = Auridon
    loc.worldid = 233 = Auridon
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1130
    mem.peak = 1130
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
  • kevinthecyborg
    Not sure if this matters or not but I just noticed that the crash report (and login screen in game) both say my client version is version, however I was under the impression it should be version 1.0.2?
  • Cudward
    I'm having the exact same issue, I've sent tons of bug reports to them and and initial and follow up email with my crash reports in them. We are getting the same client up time and client time since load. So as unfortunate as it is, im glad i'm not the only one having this isssue. Now lets get this thing fixed!

    *I logged in just to get a crash report, that was sad.*
    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = cudward45
    char.alliance = 2 = Khorbyn Lyten
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = inworld
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-07T20:36:44.975Z
    client.time_since_load = 20
    client.uptime = 53.8 = Jays-MacBook-Pro.local
    computer.user = Cudderr
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/ZeniMax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/game_mac/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24503
    loc.wloc = 208 135371 10036 282308 356.13 = Shadowfen
    loc.worldid = 208 = Shadowfen
    login.address =
    mem.current = 957
    mem.peak = 973
    mem.physical = 8192
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
  • Moonraker
    Not sure if this matters or not but I just noticed that the crash report (and login screen in game) both say my client version is version, however I was under the impression it should be version 1.0.2?
    The Version is the actual build version of the game which is correct for the latest update. Sometimes the crash reporter can get it wrong. Patch Notes 1.0.2 is just the way they write the notes and is misleading. They have the details of the version so just have to read latest PN for a new version.
  • Moonraker
    And here is a crash report from my Alt in Auridon.

    version = 0.01

    Please use the Spolier tags to post crash reports as they are quite long and save long posts (it's under Quote drop down menu at top of post editor looks like a backwards P)

    This is not the memory crash I read a lot of problems in Grahtwood mostly rollbacks over the last days. I might guess it's related to that and not any Mac problem. From what I see there is no changes to the Mac client.

    I suggest you make a ticket and send them a copy together with location and description is about what you can do for that until they sort out these problems which I think are server-side. If I see any suggestions I'll post here. I suggest to check Customer Service and PC Tech Support sections too for any posted workarounds or advice.

  • Moonraker
    Terminus wrote: »
    The error report says he was in Grahtwood,
    so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

    I can guarantee you that Zenimax is looking into it because of the volume of people having this problem.
    Yep @Terminus I agree. Not the memory crash anyhow. There has been frequent crashes when logging in Cyrodiil. I hope it is not spreading out. I do know there has been real problems with rollbacks in Grahtwood and some other regions the last days. I suspect it is also worse on the NA server as it appears busier especially at this time.

  • kevinthecyborg
    I just made a new toon and discovered that the client instantly crashes when loading into Auridon (skipping the tutorial), however I tried making another one and did the tutorial and it is working fine so far.
  • kevinthecyborg
    @Moonraker‌ Thanks for the spoiler tip, I'l do that from now on.

    I'll also send a ticket and watch the PC forums.

    Thanks again for being of help, truly appreciated.
  • Moonraker
    I just made a new toon and discovered that the client instantly crashes when loading into Auridon (skipping the tutorial), however I tried making another one and did the tutorial and it is working fine so far.
    Yes that seems to indicate the world server is having the problem. Coldharbour is a separate instance server. Useful info.
  • Moonraker
    @Moonraker‌ Thanks for the spoiler tip, I'l do that from now on.

    I'll also send a ticket and watch the PC forums.

    Thanks again for being of help, truly appreciated.
    No problem. I wish I had all the answers ;) But if we work together and be a bit patient I'm sure we'll get it all sorted. The thing I learnt over the years as a Mac gamer, you often have to rely on your fellow Mac gamers
    to help work things out. Luckily we also have good development help with ESO too.
  • kevinthecyborg

    On the newly created Cold Harbour toon, I'm still getting crashes but it usually takes around 5-10 minutes of gameplay to initiate a crash.

    @Moonraker‌ yeah I'm a new Mac gamer and it seems you're absolutely right on that. I was thinking of installing the game on my Windows partition but it seems that wouldn't be of any help.
  • Moonraker

    On the newly created Cold Harbour toon, I'm still getting crashes but it usually takes around 5-10 minutes of gameplay to initiate a crash.

    @Moonraker‌ yeah I'm a new Mac gamer and it seems you're absolutely right on that. I was thinking of installing the game on my Windows partition but it seems that wouldn't be of any help.
    It can help for the memory issue for now but for these other issues generally it wont I think. And once we get it sorted the Mac client will rock any Windows booting :)

    I do use Bootcamp 5 and it works fine for games like Skyrim and also I use it to test the PC client too. But I always get the Mac version (well Steam now you get both mostly) to help support the efforts. Doesn't mean I will put up with really unsupported Mac ports though. If companies release it then ignore the Mac customers even with some efforts by the community to try and resolve things, Then I'll walk away. Usually though we can work most things out and I'm hopeful for the future more and more.
  • GreySix
    Latest bug report:
    version = 0.01
    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = ______
    char.alliance = 2 = _____________
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = inworld
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-08T01:28:24.370Z
    client.time_since_load = 30
    client.uptime = 5278.9 = ____________________
    computer.user = _______________
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/ZeniMax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/game_mac/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24501
    loc.wloc = 198 365842 4375 161331 310.68 = Stonefalls
    loc.worldid = 198 = Stonefalls
    login.address =
    mem.current = 801
    mem.peak = 1627
    mem.physical = 4096
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
    Edited by GreySix on 8 April 2014 02:59
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Moonraker
    GreySix wrote: »
    Latest bug report:

    version = 0.01
    Please use the Spoiler tags please and not the yellow code ones ;)

    This is not the memory crash. I'm guessing it remains a crash when transitioning or a consequence of the rollbacks. I saw similar reports elsewhere here from Stonefall like this. I can see it's the NA server too which seems more heavily hit by these issues.
  • kevinthecyborg
    Crashes still happening today. Not sure why I paid for a game that I can't even play.
    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Devoured
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-08T18:20:10.459Z
    client.time_since_load = 18
    client.uptime = 201.8 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24503
    loc.wloc = 235 249728 17339 276083 0.00 = Grahtwood
    loc.worldid = 235 = Grahtwood
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1163
    mem.peak = 1163
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
  • Moonraker
    Crashes still happening today. Not sure why I paid for a game that I can't even play.
    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Devoured
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-08T18:20:10.459Z
    client.time_since_load = 18
    client.uptime = 201.8 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24503
    loc.wloc = 235 249728 17339 276083 0.00 = Grahtwood
    loc.worldid = 235 = Grahtwood
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1163
    mem.peak = 1163
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
    Not the memory crash from the report. Can you give some more detail of exactly what is happening when you get these crashes?

    Have you tried on an alt to see if it is happening with a different character?
    Have you teleported to another zone and see if that is the same or it is more location issue?

    Try to use the Repair to see if anything got corrupted on the install. Set all graphics to Lowest just to try and login at least to see if that is effecting it.

    The more information the better chance to find the problem. Definitely bug it and submit a Ticket and follow it up with more details or links to posts etc.

    Personally I have not seen this at all but I am low level and also EU server not NA.
  • kevinthecyborg
    @Moonraker‌, I've left most of that info you've requested in the thread (see above).

    The first time I loaded the game today I was able to get about 8 minutes of playtime in before the crash. Now it is back to doing what it was doing yesterday -- which is crashing as soon as the playable game loads in.

    As stated above, I get these crashes right when the game loads, unless it's a new character in Sunken Harbor. But even then I can only get about a max of 10 minutes of gameplay until it crashes. As soon as the character progresses to Auridon I'm back to the same instant crash.

    I've tried the repair multiple times. Doesn't fix anything. I can't teleport because the game crashes as soon as (or right before) the playable game loads in. I'm not even sure how to submit a ticket if the game crashes before I can even do anything.

    This is beyond frustrating -- I can understand a memory leak and the game crashing every 1-2 hours (which it has been for me), but now that it's crashing before I can even do anything makes me pretty irritated.
    Edited by kevinthecyborg on 8 April 2014 19:08
  • kevinthecyborg
    @Moonraker‌, tried setting the graphics settings to the lowest (minimum I think it was) and still got the instant game crash.
    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Devoured
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-08T19:10:20.914Z
    client.time_since_load = 17
    client.uptime = 110.6 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24502
    loc.wloc = 235 249728 17339 276083 0.00 = Grahtwood
    loc.worldid = 235 = Grahtwood
    login.address =
    mem.current = 913
    mem.peak = 913
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
  • Moonraker
    @Moonraker‌, tried setting the graphics settings to the lowest (minimum I think it was) and still got the instant game crash.
    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = kevinthecyborg
    char.alliance = 1 = Devoured
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-08T19:10:20.914Z
    client.time_since_load = 17
    client.uptime = 110.6 =
    computer.user =
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/Zenimax Online/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24502
    loc.wloc = 235 249728 17339 276083 0.00 = Grahtwood
    loc.worldid = 235 = Grahtwood
    login.address =
    mem.current = 913
    mem.peak = 913
    mem.physical = 16384
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
    Thanks for trying that. Confirms it's not the memory or anything on graphics. if you get a chance to try the other things to see if it is only this character or location and the server. Or something to do with the install. Crash at login did seem quite widespread yesterday on NA but Im not sure why other than some server problems in some regions.
  • Yshaar
    Just one advice: Please disable all add ons (maybe even delete the add-on folder (under documents/elderscrollsonline/live(eu) ). There are some that lead to this instant crashes.
  • Moonraker
    Yshaar wrote: »
    Just one advice: Please disable all add ons (maybe even delete the add-on folder (under documents/elderscrollsonline/live(eu) ). There are some that lead to this instant crashes.
    Good point @Yshaar. The spam bot one did cause this though I think it was fixed. But still early days for add-ons and there are updates quite often.
  • kevinthecyborg
    @Yshaar‌ you're a savior!!!

    I pinpointed it to being the "Spam Filter" addon that I downloaded from

    I have had no crashes of the same type since, but did receive "An Unknown Error Has Occurred" crash for the first time.

    Thanks again for recommending that!

  • Moonraker
    @Yshaar‌ you're a savior!!!

    I pinpointed it to being the "Spam Filter" addon that I downloaded from

    I have had no crashes of the same type since, but did receive "An Unknown Error Has Occurred" crash for the first time.

    Thanks again for recommending that!
    Glad you got it sorted. I just posted a new thread to reinforce the message I said before to only use them when you know the game is running well and add one at a time. Also, disable after each update to check and enable one at a time. I always did that in WoW to avoid issues.
  • kevinthecyborg
    @Moonraker‌, thanks for being a tremendous help. I'll be sure to take your advice about the addon thing to avoid future frustration!

    Much love.
  • Moonraker
    @Moonraker‌, thanks for being a tremendous help. I'll be sure to take your advice about the addon thing to avoid future frustration!

    Much love.
    Happy to help the community.
  • mekemeke

    not install addon
    delete Documents.

    my mbp 2012 too
    same crashed

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = startup
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-04-11T11:54:26.969Z
    client.time_since_load = 0
    client.uptime = 2.0 = xemacs.local
    computer.user = xemacs
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Users/xemacs/Applications/ESO/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 964485
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.24.9 310.40.25f01
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    mem.current = 194
    mem.peak = 196
    mem.physical = 8192
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13C64
    reportfield.ver = 3

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