Official Discussion Thread for "Introducing Craglorn"

  • crocigator_ESO
    I do not like the timed trials bit, nor the bonus rewards for the leader board. It simply caters to those without jobs or lives to play over and over, where the working class that actually earn their money to play this game gets the shaft.

    I would rather have a point system, where anyone that completes the area gets 100 points, anyone that completes it with a minimum of deaths gets 200 points, and anyone that completes it with a minimum of deaths in a certain time gets 300 points. And then you can use your points to save up and purchase items.

    Most raiders do not want to work on a system that just pushes time, as then you get sloppy people trying to shave a second off their times. Furthermore, you have developed a beautiful game in which you are pushing us to not enjoy the content that you created, by making us rush through it. Is there something you do not want us to see?

    I would like to see an option that is a 12 man raid type that is not a time trial. This would appeal to more of your game base.
  • Viverim
    Well, maybe other people have different experiences, and maybe in endgame the grouping is better, but out of three attempts at grouping with guildmates each time we have been out of phase with each other. Sure, you could probably run with a PuG group, but most PuG groups I have been in with other games are almost always sub-par and VERY touchy (usually with lots of blame and anger issues going around).

    I don't mind them adding group content, but to have the entire first add-on zone nothing but group content? I'm less than impressed with the idea.
  • Thepal
    Just giving my thoughts on a few things...

    I don't see this as "penalising" PVPers. Isn't this instead giving PVEers something to do? Not everyone wants to do PVP, so wouldn't PVP giving all the best stuff mean that PVEers are penalised? This seems more like it is spreading the love around a bit.

    I also don't see there being an issue with making it require 4 to 12 people. Again, not everyone wants to go solo. Not having content for those that prefer groups would mean solo players would have an advantage.

    Every time something comes out, instead of thinking "Is this something that I will enjoy, otherwise why are they doing it?", think more along the lines of "It is cool that they are creating content for everyone.".

    I'm a solo player generally, so this update doesn't really apply to me at this point in time, but I still see it for what it is... A cool update for many players. If I ever run out of solo content, and the devs aren't supplying me with more, then I might complain. But as long as they are sharing the love amongst everyone, all is good.

    As for those saying that they should fix the bugs before adding content, remember there are many different employees working on this game. The bug-fixing ones are almost certainly completely different people than the content-creating ones. The game should be departmentalised. I'm sure there are people working on the bugs, and throwing more people at bugs probably wouldn't help things (but make patching more complicated). We've already had a couple of patches within a week. That isn't bad considering they need to patch the problem, then test it thoroughly to make sure it doesn't break anything else.

    As for Craglorn itself... looks pretty cool. Hopefully this is just the start. I'm interested to see how quickly new content like this comes out.
  • Princess_Leia
    Are there going to be solo or duo adventure zones too? Sometimes its not easy finding a group of people to go with. So i was just wondering if there will be those as well that are dailies as such.

    Great game!!! I love ESO.
  • Otrovai
    What people seem to be forgetting about is that ultimately the "Best" gear will come from crafters, So it doesn't really matter what drops the best gear, becuase a crafter will either make it better, or a crafter will be able to offer something just plain better.

    A dropped green in my experience so far is on par with a crafted white in terms of damage, so a Dropped item increased to legendary might not do as much damage, have as much armor or what have you. The only real bonus to having a dropped item is that certain set bonuses can't be obtained any other way and some people might prefer those set bonuses.

    Just recall that crafting is the path to the best gear, not PVP, not PVE, it's crafting which can be done by both sides of the game easily.
  • Princess_Leia
    Salacious wrote: »
    This is going to hurt people more then it is going to help them - Why are you not allowing SOME solo content in this new ZONE? thats taking away from the rest of us who dont really like group content and come to the game for its solo aspects ....

    I totally agree with you. I much prefer soloing or maybe a duo adventure with my husband. I've played quite a few MMOs and i know by experience that sometimes questing with some people turns out to be more of a chore than actually fun. Especially those who skip through things and try to rush you along. I really hope they are going to have lvl 50 content for us SOLO/DUO gamers too. I like grouping but hey, i also like my own space sometimes.
  • CASP3R421
    Csection wrote: »
    Can we enter the craglorn if we haven't completed the main story quest? The quest "Messages across Tamriel" is still bugged. I guess a good reason to quit this game is because people who actually got to veteran rank can not play vet content because Zenimax's game doesn't work and have no intention on fixing it.

    another reason to quit is that tamriel is no place for whiney whelps and milkdrinkers.


    My Alt is a Mer

    Due to the excessive amount of bait that we had to remove, this thread will remain closed
  • thebestpotatona
    I don't know if this question has already been asked or not but i was wondering if there will be a grouping tool for people that don't have 4 friends. I have run into this problem with dungeons in the game where i would have to wait outside the dungeon for a good 30-60 mins just to find 4 people and even then we would be missing a healer or have like 3 tanks. I think a grouping tool would help better then spamming the zone asking for a healer.
  • Marpat_Ninja
    Hopefully, we will have the option to at least try to go it alone. Or maybe an auto-group function. Some of us don't have large groups of friends who play the game, so auto-grouping would be VERY helpful.
  • ChickenPotDie
    Wow already 4 days into release (9 if you count early access) and you guys are already announcing your first expansion. This is going to be 1 hell of an MMO. Cant wait!
  • Tr1n1ty
    Soul Shriven
    Hopefully, we will have the option to at least try to go it alone. Or maybe an auto-group function. Some of us don't have large groups of friends who play the game, so auto-grouping would be VERY helpful.

    Get friends then, MMOs w/o friends is like sex w/o a gf/bf :smile:
    But anyway, i'm pretty sure u can use the grouping tool to find a group

  • Nataruma
    Get friends then, MMOs w/o friends is like sex w/o a gf/bf :smile:
    But anyway, i'm pretty sure u can use the grouping tool to find a group

    Sex can be quite pleasurable, even more so, without a gf/bf lots cleaner too ;)

    That analogy aside, I can understand people who would like to have some solo content. Group drama has always been the bane of cooperative play, and yes you might have a good time with friends, but people can't always be online at the same time, especially if you're in the older age bracket. So a bit more balance between group-only content and some solo content would be better imho.
  • Jerezad
    Soul Shriven
    I hope, for the sake of the subscribers that don't wish to be a part of the "Craglorn leaderboard" pack, that content will be offered that is equivalent and equally rewarding, especially for players that absorb more of the lore and exploration opportunities of the game.

    I think it's incredibly strategic to offer this type of content for those that enjoy this type of gameplay, but I concur with others that have expressed the opinion that they don't like to be rushed through content via 'Speed Trials'.

    I could see this sort of content bringing out the worst in people, and that's pretty much why I abandoned another "AAA" MMORPG that I won't mention by name; I was in a guild in that MMO for over 6 years, but our long-standing, fun-spirited raid group became fractured and eventually dissolved over similar content when it was implemented. Bickering and back-biting became the rule of the day, and idiotic 'elitism' over virtual content became more important than the tenuous friendships that had developed in that time.

    I understand the need for content that caters to those with more of a competitive spirit, but there are also those of us that want to be richly rewarded for the time spent doing the things we love as well, be it crafters, explorers, or monster hunters and dungeon crawlers.

    Don't get me wrong, I AM impressed with the ambitious scope of what Craglorn has to offer, but there are a variety of MMO play styles that I hope Zenimax will take into account when developing the "Veteran" content.
  • Leijona
    Csection wrote: »
    Why place craglorn, a veteran rank 10 zone, when a main quest at 43 that leads to veteran rank 1 zones does not work? Prioritize. Whats the point of that zone if you cant even get into the first vet zone!
    1. Do you really think the same developers who are responsible for Craglorn are also doing the bug fixes?
    2. Craglorn has been finished more or less during the beta, as it has allready been tested then. If they are still working on it, then only for polishing.
    3. The zone will not be published before May. They still have time to fix that quest and for you to become veteran rank 10. As fast as you have leveld up to now, this shouldn't be a problem for you.
    Edited by Leijona on 8 April 2014 08:23
  • Anastasia
    Fresh is fresh! Huge kudo's Zeni for creating something that is familiar for our mmo'ing players yet provides an edgy new way of 'raiding' for PvE. I am psyched for the AV's. There is something there for the competitors, there is seriously a lot there for smaller groups/guild families who want to just tighten up and practice through/learn content together too! Very, very cool.

    Please note - your group/s do/does not HAVE to be concerned with the timed trial as you go along at all. I'm sure the people putting together groups for that content will specifically provide info in their group searches about which they plan to do. There will be practice groups, there will be done-with-practice groups etc. You do not have to be 'pressured' unless that is your groups goal. If it isn't then the timer won't concern you. I don't think there is going to be some 9-inch flashing neon timer in the center top of our screen from the second you start a trial.

    The timer there for those who either 1) want to work toward it and know that from the get-go and 2) later for those who master the trials through maybe helping friends etc and would like to reach for the timed trial prize as extra incentive. Nowhere in the explanation did it say there was no loot, nor that there was not some sort of dungeon loot. It is equitable and fair and motivating if there is additional prizes to be earned for working harder, longer, organizing group composition, maintaining scheduling needed to practice the trial etc.

    There is additional loot for the folks who get it done and get it done in a certain time! That is motivating! At the veteran ranks there is alllll kinds of content; not being able to 'solo' in AZ's which are designed and created specifically for group content is not something to be haggling about. Anyone who has ever played an mmo knows there are raid zones - raid zones are understood not to be solo-friendly, period. In some games you can possibly farm in some little isolated, or outdated content raid zones, but current content is not for the single player in any mmo I've ever played >>>and that is a long list btw.

    We have a :D - fabulous amount of solo content available to us as we explore throughout Tamriel, grouping fun and crafting relevancy. By the time we 'get' to the proverbial endgame for those who focus on that, we will definitely have had enough practice to be up for these new adventure zones! But, if we don't want to do group content in the AZ - there are other alternatives as there always are for capped players in an mmo. Personally I will be enjoying all this deliciousness for a long while before I even begin to 'worry' about what is at endgame, I have a life to 'pretend' live in Tamriel and am having such a blast doing so and hanging with friends. But now, LOOK what I and others have to look forward to in these AZ in addition to other endgame activities!

    Choice is a beautiful thing. When the hinges are made of creativity, and the door knob has a bright, shiny star emblazoned on it, I'd say its one I want to enter and pass through again, and again and again.

    Woo-hoooo! Yes Zenimax!
    Edited by Anastasia on 8 April 2014 09:48
  • ItsAra
    This looks awesome, cannot wait to ding 50! Although I have encountered a few frustrating bugs myself, it does not take away how brilliant this game is! The bugs, hopefully, will be fixed by day 7. Upon launch and early access, this has been the most smooth operation I've experienced in an MMO. From the music of the bards to the lore of the elder scrolls universe, this game has me addicted!! Keep up the amazing job please Zenimax :)
    Max CP
    Dunmer Dk - Healer
    Redguard Nb - Dd
    Breton Temp - Healer
    High Elf Sorc - Tank
    High Elf Warden - Healer
  • Cogo
    This looks awesome!

    Please do not listen to the whiners and keep up adding new content like this!
    This is THE reason why I only play games with a monthly fee, so they can afford to work on the game.

    Looks and sounds amazing! I have no rush to level 50, but I am pretty sure the game will keep evolving like it does.

    Bugs can be fixed easily. Bad games are not so easy to fix.

    EsO is a GREAT game! Sod the bugs! Keep it up!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • EliteZ
    To everybody moaning about new content while we still have bugs: not every developer is working on this patch. There will be a single team of developers making this content in the background while other developers work on other new features and others working on bug fixes. Therefore, even if they wasn't working on this new content, the current bugs still would not get fixed any sooner.

    Now to those moaning its for group content. Every zone from lvl 1 to v10 is solo so whats wrong with having one area that isn't. Those of us who prefer the more challenging group content need something for us to do at end game. Im not a big pvp fan and rely on good group pve content for my end game, if a game does not have this pve content for me I wont play the game. Stop expecting everything to suit you. We have good pvp content for pvpers, we have plenty of solo content for those who prefer to solo, a great crafting system for crafters and now we have good group pve content

    I can't wait for this update I love the idea of a whole zone designed for group content, as I've already said i'm not a big pvp fan so having this content will actually give me a reason to continue playing the game as a high lvl pve player.
  • RingobloodtheOld
    tokyov wrote: »
    Fix your game before adding new content. Thanks.

    Dude this is the best launch for an MMO since DAoC, even WoW was worse so plz shutup and let the Devs fix what needs to be fix and add content for those of us who will be paying our $15 a month.

    Server: NA/PC
    Holyringoblood (Altmer) Templer
    Torgrimmer (Breton) Templer
    Ringoblood (Nord) Dragonknight
    Ringobloodtheold (Dummer) Nightblade
  • Csection
    tokyov wrote: »
    Fix your game before adding new content. Thanks.

    Dude this is the best launch for an MMO since DAoC, even WoW was worse so plz shutup and let the Devs fix what needs to be fix and add content for those of us who will be paying our $15 a month.

    Because something was crap over 10 years ago, its okay for it to be crap today? Cool logic

  • MorHawk
    Talk about Craglorn? HOW ABOUT YOU FIX THE MAIN STORY QUEST - Messages Across Tamriel so we can actually ENTER veteran maps. GET YOUR PRIORITIES FIXED ZENIMAX This quest has been broken since early Access and you fix the Frog race first?! No one gives two about the frogs...
    Calm your grits dude. They didn't fix the frog race, they removed it, thus proving that they are, in fact, prioritizing the more important fixes. I have it on pretty good authority that the code monkeys at ZOS are currently putting in 13-14 hour days right now.
    Csection wrote: »
    Because something was crap over 10 years ago, its okay for it to be crap today? Cool logic
    I think you may be confused. ESO has not had 10 years to polish its product. WoW has. Doesn't matter how advanced tech gets, debugging code takes time.
    Edited by MorHawk on 8 April 2014 14:00
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • Viverim
    EliteZ wrote: »
    Now to those moaning its for group content. Every zone from lvl 1 to v10 is solo so whats wrong with having one area that isn't. Those of us who prefer the more challenging group content need something for us to do at end game. Im not a big pvp fan and rely on good group pve content for my end game, if a game does not have this pve content for me I wont play the game. Stop expecting everything to suit you. We have good pvp content for pvpers, we have plenty of solo content for those who prefer to solo, a great crafting system for crafters and now we have good group pve content

    Your logic is flawed. In every zone I have encountered there is a group only dungeon. Thus there is group content below V10. And my main concern isn't that Craglorn is a group zone. It's that with the introduction of a group only zone as their very first add-on content what's to say the next and the next content patch won't be more of the same? I mean, there is, from what has been said, no solo content in Craglorn AT ALL. Who cares how good it looks or what mechanics it involves if it is completely unfriendly to my play-style? I have to group up with 3 other people just to enter the zone to look around. They couldn't have made the instances group only while making the outer overland zone more friendly to the individual?

    And there is nothing in the world preventing a group play style from traveling in the lower zones. Yes, you would blow through most things fairly easily, but you aren't prevented from grouping in the 1-v10 zones. This, however, DOES prevent a single or dual team from playing in the area at all.

    I am just disappointed with the restrictive nature of this add-on content and I am hoping for something more balanced in any future expansions. (and this thread IS a feedback thread, so if I and others who hold a similar opinion are not allowed to give our views then what's the point of asking for feedback?)

  • MorHawk
    Viverim wrote: »
    I am just disappointed with the restrictive nature of this add-on content and I am hoping for something more balanced in any future expansions. (and this thread IS a feedback thread, so if I and others who hold a similar opinion are not allowed to give our views then what's the point of asking for feedback?)

    You're certainly entitled to your opinions, you just have to forgive peoples' understandable incredulity that you're apparently so fixated on single-player gameplay in an MMO.
    Edited by MorHawk on 8 April 2014 14:13
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • Melian
    "Celestials"? You mean like in Mists of Pandaria?

  • Melian
    What I don't like is the limit on the revives. Maybe a limit while in combat or a limit on boss fights, or maybe a limit to qualify for the trials. It seem that if i have a slightly less able group we wont be able to experience the content. Or did I misunderstand this completely?

    I thought this meant within the trial, which basically means in combat and in a boss fight. A less able group won't be able to finish the encounter, but that's how it should always be, right? Otherwise people would just corpse-flop through it like that dino world boss in WoW.
  • MartinXKid
    This looks to be so awesome! I hope I'll have time to make new friends before I get the chance to play it.
    So far, I'm having a good time playing it it was meant to be played. End level doesn't need to be achievement before the next content comes out. We've got plenty of stuff to do anyway.
    I still trust Zenimax on making a fun content to play and to test our skills in large scale combat scenarios. Just don't just concentrate on PvE and future PvP content. Most MMO's focuses just on those two and this doesn't make a lot of new stuff to do. It just raises the question to all players: "PvE dungeon/raid or PvP today?" As long as questing, exploration (the world is seriously beautiful), skyshard/Lorebook/World boss hunting and crafting are developed just as much then you've got everyone hooked for anything anyone would want to enjoy!
    Edited by MartinXKid on 8 April 2014 15:23
    "War ..... War never changes"
  • Csection
  • Csection
    CASP3R421 wrote: »
    Csection wrote: »
    Can we enter the craglorn if we haven't completed the main story quest? The quest "Messages across Tamriel" is still bugged. I guess a good reason to quit this game is because people who actually got to veteran rank can not play vet content because Zenimax's game doesn't work and have no intention on fixing it.

    another reason to quit is that tamriel is no place for whiney whelps and milkdrinkers.


    so its a place for tamriel fanboys where they love games that are just broken. good to know. don't want to be dumb like that

  • MorHawk
    Csection wrote: »
    so its a place for tamriel fanboys where they love games that are just broken. good to know. don't want to be dumb like that
    Then as we said to the Capaldi whiners...

    Edited by MorHawk on 8 April 2014 16:27
    Observant wrote: »
    I can count to potato.
    another topic that cant see past its own farts.
  • Viverim
    MorHawk wrote: »
    You're certainly entitled to your opinions, you just have to forgive peoples' understandable incredulity that you're apparently so fixated on single-player gameplay in an MMO.

    MMO means more than one person playing the game at the same time. It in no way requires that you team up with others. This argument has always left me particularly unmoved and isn't terribly logical. And I'm not fixated on it. I am simply pointing out that one aspect of the upgrade is lacking. Why do I need to make comment on group play when group play is what the add-on is obviously all about? Or are you someone who thinks Forum threads should only be loaded with fanboy jubilation?

    On the whole I enjoy ESO. The game is quite superior. But there are elements which I think can be improved, and if asked then I will put my own thoughts forward so that, should these comments be read by anyone taking feedback, they might be considered in the future.

    As for the new content, which is the actual focus of the thread, while it has nice visuals I don't expect I will ever get to enjoy much of it for, as was pointed out earlier, joining a group necessitates moving at the group speed. No time to sit and look around. Probably no time to collect material nodes. No option to take off in a random direction and simply see what's over the next hill. To me, this is highly limiting, and therefore I remain underwhelmed by what has been revealed so far.

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