Streaming Dragon Knight/ Templar Now!

Online streaming for your enjoyment. Hope to see you on.

Leader of Stand by Your Van

Find me online @Tawok
On steam at Apocky+Tawok
Streaming On Twitch
On the Tube

Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
  • tawok
    Online now, doing some quests with a buddy on my lvl 16 Dragon Knight. Jump on!
    Leader of Stand by Your Van

    Find me online @Tawok
    On steam at Apocky+Tawok
    Streaming On Twitch
    On the Tube

    Hayl: Sword & Board DragonKnight
    Tawok: 2h Aedric Templar
    Hyll: Summer Sorcerer Extraordinaire
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