I tried installing the windows version of eso in the latest Crossover release, and performance is substantially better than the native mac client. The installation process went without a hitch, and after switching Graphics to use DXMT and Synchronization to use MSync, I've been getting 60-100 fps pretty much everywhere, and way less random stuttering than I was getting with the official Mac Client.
This is on an M3 Max 14" MacBook Pro with the 40 core gpu.
My settings are basically Ultra but with screen space reflections on low, and planar reflection off. Things like FSR and Multi-threaded rendering are available in the Windows client only and can give a big boost. Only issues are if I ran in fullscreen instead of fullscreen(windowed), I would lose keyboard and mouse focus after command-tabbing out of the game, and walking out of range with my AirPods on causes the audio to stop working. I think it would be great if ZoS created their own Wrapper/Installer like Swtor did, if and when they discontinued support for the current Mac client, which seems to be languishing a bit.