2nd Skills bar.

I have a newbie question. I'm almost level 15 and will get a second action bar. With I level the skills on the second bar even if I am not currently using them. Thought in mind is me as a templar. Keeping my damage attacks on bar one. And my healing on bar two. Will my healing spells still level wile I'm attacking or only when I switch over to heal?
  • Inversus
    Things only level when the spells are on your current bar. Your 2nd bar will not level if you're not using it.
    Edited by Inversus on 3 April 2014 20:19
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Thralgaf
    Best practice: two different set ups for different situations. As a bow templar, hotbar 1 is bow/dawns wrath and one heal for dps. Second bar is resto staff heals with one dawns wrath for dps boost. I switch between the two constantly while questing so leveling skills is never an issue. Bow/dawns wrath is slightly higher than resto staff/dawns wrath for obvious reasons, but not by much. I can full heal or full dps in dungeons as needed.
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