I have been trying this for fun - because it give so much pen (+all divines The Lover_ and 2H Mace) But my health is pretty low 30K.
It gives great pen, a bit of crit and that 687 weapon and spell damage. I usually run around solo (and still die horribly 1v1). And yeah, ball groups - quick death.
Thoughts on other sets that give decent pen crit damage like this set?
Anyone ever use it in pvp...results?
@evLRise cool set up!
I recently switched out to 10pc shatfat, took the loss of crit and replaced with Nibenay. I get the shield to help with pull-boom, and a bit of crit resist. Still testing.
Oakfather seems good for NB, but 5 light for a none hiding Templar I think would be death.
But Love hearing how others master their set ups! COOL!