Maintenance for the week of December 23:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – December 23, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EST (14:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – December 23, 9:00 UTC (4:00AM EST) - 14:00 UTC (9:00AM EST)

Queues are still broken

Another night of abysmal playing experience.

2 for 8 on BGs tonight. Started the night off with 3 failed 4's before we finally got 1 that was a blowout. Then a failed 8's before a failed 4's. Then got to play in an 8v8 that was alright, only to end on a failed 4s.

This is a pathetic experience. @ZOS_Kevin I thought this was fixed last Friday. Is the lobby issue still ongoing? Does the team have a time frame for when we won't be wasting 30 minutes in failed lobbies, plus the time spent waiting for a queue to pop?
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on 7 November 2024 12:37
  • moosegod
    I haven't had one fail since the patch. Some still take nearly 5min to fill, it feels like its going to fail again but it finds someone in the last minute.

    However I play mostly 8v8 since the 4v4 modes are kind of awful at the moment. Maybe there is actually just low pop in the 4v4 queue?
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Another night of abysmal playing experience.

    2 for 8 on BGs tonight. Started the night off with 3 failed 4's before we finally got 1 that was a blowout. Then a failed 8's before a failed 4's. Then got to play in an 8v8 that was alright, only to end on a failed 4s.

    This is a pathetic experience. @ZOS_Kevin I thought this was fixed last Friday. Is the lobby issue still ongoing? Does the team have a time frame for when we won't be wasting 30 minutes in failed lobbies, plus the time spent waiting for a queue to pop?

    This was fixed last Friday in our hotfix. However, we'll escalate this to the team just to make sure.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Aldoss
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Aldoss wrote: »
    Another night of abysmal playing experience.

    2 for 8 on BGs tonight. Started the night off with 3 failed 4's before we finally got 1 that was a blowout. Then a failed 8's before a failed 4's. Then got to play in an 8v8 that was alright, only to end on a failed 4s.

    This is a pathetic experience. @ZOS_Kevin I thought this was fixed last Friday. Is the lobby issue still ongoing? Does the team have a time frame for when we won't be wasting 30 minutes in failed lobbies, plus the time spent waiting for a queue to pop?

    This was fixed last Friday in our hotfix. However, we'll escalate this to the team just to make sure.

    Thanks Kevin.

    We didn't have an issue last night in the 8v8, but I asked in guild and had several immediate replies from guildies saying that they've had more issues in the 4v4 than the 8v8 queue.

    We are queuing into the group queue.

  • xylena_lazarow
    I haven't had any 8v8 solo queues fail since the fix, but wait times are long, often like 10 minutes.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Thumbless_Bot
    I haven't had any 8v8 solo queues fail since the fix, but wait times are long, often like 10 minutes.

    I had two not fill last night. 1 4v4 and 1 8v8. We were missing one person both times.
  • RomanRex
    I had a 4vs4 fail yesterday.
  • fizzylu
    The match not starting because one player didn't join still happens, just did it twice last night in 8v8s. Although the longer queue times are probably just because the hype has already died down and people who don't like the new modes are already playing other games.
  • Aldoss
    3rd BG of the night. 4v4 group queue. Queue time was 8 min. 5 min wasted in the lobby.

    This was immediately followed by a 5min queue and another 5 min wasted in the lobby. 4v4 group queue

    This was then immediately follow by a 7.5min queue and ANOTHER 5 min wasted in the lobby.

    @ZOS_Kevin this is unbelievable man. Please tell them this is broken. This is an absolutely absurd waste of time. My wife and I get 90 minutes a night to chill and play games together. We could play several other games, but we always would rather choose ESO. Instead, we've sat here doing nothing for 35+ minutes.

    Final queue of the night we get put up against a 4 stack of the top PvPers on PCNA not playing the Domination objective because they have no incentive to. We all went 0-16 trying to get the flags to at least make the game not go for 15 min.

    This is truly just profoundly stupid.

    Teams like this WANT to deathmatch. Flag games have no place here. Get rid of this asap and switch it to 4v4 Deathmatch, best of 3 rounds, every player gets one life per round. There is 0 fun to be had when we're that out built by a coordinated, optimized group of 4 and we have to waste another 10 min just to get the game to end or take the penalty. I have no issues what so ever getting paired against a team like that. Let them annihilate us in 10 seconds, have the 1 min intermission, then they annihilate us again, and we get essentially 0 MMR lost, they get essentially 0 MMR gained, and we all would have wasted less than 90 seconds, plus the queue time to do it.

    I'll reiterate that in the year before U35, my wife and I spent well over $500 on this game. I know that's nothing close to the whales that help you keep the payroll going, but it adds up. Since U35, we've spent exactly $0 and it's because of mismanagement like this. This patch is such an absolute mess and I have no faith that you'll do anything to fix it until U45, because that's what ZOS does.

    Maybe management realizes that ESO is in the end game, so they're really only focused on chasing the whales that are left. I hope that's not the case. We're ready to open the wallet again whenever ZOS starts showing some sort of action deserving of our money.
    Edited by Aldoss on 8 November 2024 04:31
  • xylena_lazarow
    8v8 solo queue right before it popped...
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Major_Mangle
    I haven't had any 8v8 solo queues fail since the fix, but wait times are long, often like 10 minutes.

    There are still issues with the broken mmr model zos refuse to adjust/fix properly (which is the main reason to the long queues, even before the reworked BG's).Your characters mmr still severally limit who you can be paired against, which to me is completely pointless since the new BG's aren't even competitive to begin with.

    All the problems people complain about with the new bg format would've been solved if zos actually decided to fix the underlying issue that BG's have had since it was added to the game:

    A proper and visual mmr system.

    It's still baffles me how zos went back on the decision on pts to not show us our mmr and make it a part of the new bg format. I'd still like to see a decent reasoning to why they did that
    Edited by Major_Mangle on 9 November 2024 16:53
    Ps4 EU 2016-2020
    PC/EU: 2020 -
  • i11ionward
    PC EU 8v8
    Failed BGs still happen after hotfix, about 2-3 of 10 BGs are failed.
  • xylena_lazarow
    Okay just had an 8v8 queue fail, green got stuck on 7 players.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • Thumbless_Bot
    I am seeing people join then drop. This causes some of my bgs to fail. This never happened before u44.

    I can't say for certain why this is happening but I think it might be that they see someone on their team and/or the other team that makes them leave. This was far less common in 4v4v4 and is less common in 8v8 vs 4v4. If I walk I to a bg and see three healers on the other team I just shake my head... others might just drop.


    Queue times are now as long. If not longer, than they were before u44 during peak times. This is my personal experience a s anecdotal evidence but it would be nice if zos confirmed one way or the other but it appears they managed to make bgs less popular than they already were. I hope I am wrong about this but I don't think I am. I am a die hard bg player and now I do the requirements to get the daily reward and that's usually it.
  • fizzylu
    I am a die hard bg player and now I do the requirements to get the daily reward and that's usually it.
    Same, except I'm not even doing that now....
  • xylena_lazarow
    Queue times are now as long. If not longer, than they were before u44 during peak times
    It's like 8 minutes on average for me getting into an 8v8. Splitting into 4 queues is probably too many.
    PC/NA || CP/Cyro || RIP soft caps
  • i11ionward
    Queue times are now as long. If not longer, than they were before u44 during peak times
    It's like 8 minutes on average for me getting into an 8v8. Splitting into 4 queues is probably too many.

    I'm using Better Scoreboard and today apparently I got thrown into a group queue where our team was facing a premade group. I managed to kill one player a couple of times, most likely he was not part of the premade group, but against the other players our team couldn't do anything. This game felt much worse than a game against a strong not premade team.
    BGs are already broken, merging queues will make it even worse.
    Edited by i11ionward on 9 November 2024 22:09
  • IncultaWolf
    Aldoss wrote: »
    3rd BG of the night. 4v4 group queue. Queue time was 8 min. 5 min wasted in the lobby.

    This was immediately followed by a 5min queue and another 5 min wasted in the lobby. 4v4 group queue

    This was then immediately follow by a 7.5min queue and ANOTHER 5 min wasted in the lobby.

    @ZOS_Kevin this is unbelievable man. Please tell them this is broken. This is an absolutely absurd waste of time. My wife and I get 90 minutes a night to chill and play games together. We could play several other games, but we always would rather choose ESO. Instead, we've sat here doing nothing for 35+ minutes.

    Final queue of the night we get put up against a 4 stack of the top PvPers on PCNA not playing the Domination objective because they have no incentive to. We all went 0-16 trying to get the flags to at least make the game not go for 15 min.

    This is truly just profoundly stupid.

    Teams like this WANT to deathmatch. Flag games have no place here. Get rid of this asap and switch it to 4v4 Deathmatch, best of 3 rounds, every player gets one life per round. There is 0 fun to be had when we're that out built by a coordinated, optimized group of 4 and we have to waste another 10 min just to get the game to end or take the penalty. I have no issues what so ever getting paired against a team like that. Let them annihilate us in 10 seconds, have the 1 min intermission, then they annihilate us again, and we get essentially 0 MMR lost, they get essentially 0 MMR gained, and we all would have wasted less than 90 seconds, plus the queue time to do it.

    I'll reiterate that in the year before U35, my wife and I spent well over $500 on this game. I know that's nothing close to the whales that help you keep the payroll going, but it adds up. Since U35, we've spent exactly $0 and it's because of mismanagement like this. This patch is such an absolute mess and I have no faith that you'll do anything to fix it until U45, because that's what ZOS does.

    Maybe management realizes that ESO is in the end game, so they're really only focused on chasing the whales that are left. I hope that's not the case. We're ready to open the wallet again whenever ZOS starts showing some sort of action deserving of our money.

    I agree that competitive 4 v 4 should be deathmatch only.
  • Thumbless_Bot
    death match still bugged. 8v8 still death match still doesn't add kills. @ZOS_Kevin

    so you either have to suffer through the 1-29 KDR or the 29-1 KDR for 15 minutes or quit and get a penalty because the game doesn't work right.

    I dont think this is intended but likely wasn't tested...
    Edited by Thumbless_Bot on 10 November 2024 00:19
  • Aldoss
    i11ionward wrote: »
    Queue times are now as long. If not longer, than they were before u44 during peak times
    It's like 8 minutes on average for me getting into an 8v8. Splitting into 4 queues is probably too many.

    I'm using Better Scoreboard and today apparently I got thrown into a group queue where our team was facing a premade group. I managed to kill one player a couple of times, most likely he was not part of the premade group, but against the other players our team couldn't do anything. This game felt much worse than a game against a strong not premade team.
    BGs are already broken, merging queues will make it even worse.

    I will reiterate what I've been saying since week 2 of PTS - the group queue is 99% casual duos. If ZOS were to allow duos into the 8v8, you would immediately have faster queue times, faster filled lobbies, and barely no noticable difference in power dynamics because there isn't that much that a duo can do to "coordinate" like a 4-stack can.

    The moment a 4-stack enters the 8v8 queue, it dies in the exact same way the group queue died pre-U44. 4 people are able to coordinate in an exponentially more oppressive way than duos can.

    Give them the deathmatch arena. They want to fight for clout. Make the 8v8 solos and duo only and you'll see a whole lot more being done to help grow the BG community, maybe even enough that it makes sense to fracture the queues again.
  • Thumbless_Bot
    Just want to add that unblinking eye can be cast at the spawn point. Spawning without any buffs into a giant green beam killing me and everyone around me is pretty funny. I got a good laugh out of it.

    But seriously, this is either intended or it wasn't tested...wasn't tested... wasn't tested... either way it's another nail in the coffin of the new bgs.
  • Thumbless_Bot

    I've been dumped into at least 2 or 3 battleground with the other team ahead by a basically insurmountable amount in chaos ball, death match, domination and king. This discourages queueing as I have little to no control over the outcome yet my mmr still goes down. This is either intended or it wasn't tested... wasn't tested... wasn't tested. Not sure but it makes me cautious about queueing and I can't leave without getting a penalty.
  • IncultaWolf
    death match still bugged. 8v8 still death match still doesn't add kills. @ZOS_Kevin

    so you either have to suffer through the 1-29 KDR or the 29-1 KDR for 15 minutes or quit and get a penalty because the game doesn't work right.

    I dont think this is intended but likely wasn't tested...

    Yeah this happens everytime on the Huntsman's Fortress map.
  • weights44
    I would like to report that the "fix" with the failed bg's is not a "fix". Currently this morning I have had 2 failed bg ques and then over the last hour and a half I have had a total of 5. Que times are taking 3-6 mins followed by a 8v8 bg with 15 players and it kicks after a 5 min que time or so. This is getting to be so annoying. Especially since I have a 30+ person que to get back into cyro. I am literally spending my entire night waiting in que for nothing to happen.
  • Aldoss
    Group queue. First BG of the night. 6.5min queue, 5 min wasted in lobby. Fails to start.

    2nd queue was 10 seconds long, 4:54 wasted in lobby. We had 8, they had 7. Someone on our team leaves, other team gets a fill with 5 seconds left on the counter, match start timer begins. Then another player leaves, likely because they didn't know the match was about to start. Match starts, we have 6, they have 8. It's a DM, so the score is bugged. After 15 seconds, we're down to 3 players. We had to leave the match, lest we be forced to play through 15min of that and we get a desserter penalty for it.

    Not a great start to a Saturday night.

    3rd BG after desserter wore off. 5.5 min queue, 5min wasted in an empty 4v4 lobby.

    4th BG was an 8v8. 4min queue, 3.5min wait in lobby, then the match started. Lovely game. Lasted nearly the whole 15min.

    5th BG was a 4v4. 6min queue, 5min wasted in lobby. No green team.

    We just passed an hour in game for 1 BG to actually work.

    Last BG of the night. 12min queue. 4v4 domination. 90 seconds wait in lobby. Steamrolled them in 2min.

    Just under 90min for tonight and spent ~15min in an actual match.
    Edited by Aldoss on 10 November 2024 03:58
  • weights44
    oh hour waiting for cyro que to pop and I am still stuck at number 1 in the que system. this bug has been ongoing for at least a year and nothing has been done about it either
  • Thumbless_Bot

    I joined a 4v4 dm where the other team had one person leave after both teams had 4 people. The match started 4v3. That match went as most of the others in this format. This happened A LOT less in 4v4v4 match ups AND the impact of one team being down a person was much less... impactful. Everyone still had fun.

    I am not sure if this was intended or if it wasn't tested... wasn't tested... wasn't tested, but I feel like the death match mode wasn't very well thought out.
  • Thumbless_Bot

    how is it that when a death match is tied the winner is the team that healed the most? That seems off. If all everyone did was heal the outcome of the games would always be a tie. The point of DM is to cause the death of your opponent. You don't do that by healing. It would seem only reasonable that the team that did the most damage would win on a tie break. If nothing else, medal score should be the same for every point of damage as it is for every point of healing?

    Medal score didn't matter when ties didn't matter. Now ties matter so medal score matters. Don't think this was well thought out either as it really just seems backwards.
  • fizzylu

    how is it that when a death match is tied the winner is the team that healed the most? That seems off. If all everyone did was heal the outcome of the games would always be a tie. The point of DM is to cause the death of your opponent. You don't do that by healing. It would seem only reasonable that the team that did the most damage would win on a tie break. If nothing else, medal score should be the same for every point of damage as it is for every point of healing?
    If I had to guess, my first one would be because one of the main people behind the BG rework mains a healer.
  • Thumbless_Bot
    fizzylu wrote: »

    how is it that when a death match is tied the winner is the team that healed the most? That seems off. If all everyone did was heal the outcome of the games would always be a tie. The point of DM is to cause the death of your opponent. You don't do that by healing. It would seem only reasonable that the team that did the most damage would win on a tie break. If nothing else, medal score should be the same for every point of damage as it is for every point of healing?
    If I had to guess, my first one would be because one of the main people behind the BG rework mains a healer.

    If you take this to its natural terminus you could imagine a battleground with 4 heals and 4 damage dealers. Imagine it's a death match. The healers do absolutely nothing but heal and the damage dealers do nothing but do damage. The healers would win... they would win the DEATH match by only healing. if that isn't completely backwards I don't know what is.
    Edited by Thumbless_Bot on 10 November 2024 04:22
  • IndigoDreams
    Glad i read this thread.

    If only in hope to see the demise of a horrible game mode.

    keep up the great posting folks
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