It's days like this where I love logging into ESO

Went to go buy a car today and was denied. Had a credit union set up and they rejected it. They tried to finance me through banks and the banks rejected me. I have the full funds in the bank account but will not spend it because it's far more advantageous for me to hold the money for an emergency fund and take a loan out and pay it over time. If something happens, I pay the remaining balance in full. That full amount won't be touched until I pay the loan off. However, at 35 I have ZERO credit. I never used it at all. So, I will shop at a different dealership and see if they accept the credit union loan. Otherwise, it's more of walking 2 miles per day in the rain, cold, heat, etc. and riding public transportation wasting 4 hours total round trip. Then walking another 5 to 10 miles at work patrolling the area. Luckily the job I go to I let's me get up every day knowing I am doing something and not wasting my time.

It's my off day, I thought I'd be driving around for the first time at 35 in my own car learning everything about it. Now I have 6 hours and I do NOT want to EVER turn on the TV. ESO is perfect for a time like this. It's a game that I can use when I need to pass a good amount of time spinning my wheels testing builds in pve and pvp but never quite getting that perfect combination. Then doing some of the story. All while churning some ideas to use in the real world to get me out of my rut.

I can't think of ANY MMO that gives out loans. My spending habits have been exactly like in MMOs. I save the money up...then usually buy the item...however a car isn't 2k here or 3k there....That money can really be used elsewhere. (By no means am I saying I got 2k or 3k to toss around like paper tissue lol)

Here's how I play ESO when it comes to money. I wait until the prices come down or something I can get can generate money. Work/grind for a while. Save up a good chunk and then spend about half of it upgrading my stuff. Then I wait for the next price drops. I've been doing this well in IRL.

The dilemma comes when it will take me a year to get 2X the car amount. To spend half. If I have the car now, I can work OT and pay it off in 4 months. The reason being I live in my parents' basement. I'd rather live there and pay to upkeep the house than to spend more on rent than their Mortgage is. I think you guessed it. I am waiting for the home prices to drop. At this time, the prices are so high 5 full years of non-OT work won't buy the House. 10 years time my parents would be dead....Strangely I would have enough saved to buy the house...

I wanted to start a family, let my parents enjoy them before they pass, and then provide a safe haven for my children. If I live to 100, I will be working every day. I DO NOT BELIEVE IN RETIREMENT!

I am changing for the better. I went back recently and started reading my math and science books. I also started reading software books. At 35 I feel like I am the most intelligent I've ever been. I realized I lived through one cycle of life. I have either 1 or 2 more left (66 or 99 lol) Somehow, I know ESO has been a part of changing my perspective. It shows me I can be effective even when things around me I can't control get out of hand.
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