What could possibly be the reason to buff the Tutorial Tale of Tribute NPCs?

That is something i cannot grasp.
For some reason they made the NPCs you need to beat to finish the tutorial of ToT so you can accept dailies extremely strong. They used to be just for practice, extremely fast matches you'd always win, they are there to teach new players to play.
Now you have to tryhard like crazy. They use patrons non stop, have optimal play, know exactly how to use every single deck. It's ridiculous, IT'S THE TUTORIAL NPC it should be fast so you can actually accept the daily quest after unlocking ToT.
  • Poss
    I’ve had the starter quest for ToT in my quest log for years. Could never beat those NPCs even after watching YouTube tutorials. Such a confusing game

    Don’t care for this game one bit though
  • Hapexamendios
    Worst addition ever
  • spartaxoxo
    They were annoyed that ToT was actually a fun alternative to farming, and that skilled players could beat the npcs rather quickly. So, they nerfed the rewards they were getting to the ground AND made the npcs significantly harder, so that these fast matches weren't possible anymore. As a result, they completely killed the reward structure of ToT and made all new players miserable, leading it a huge drop in popularity of the mode. At least, that's how it appears to me.

    It used to be that I found ToT both fun and rewarding. Now I only play it when I don't feel like closing app but don't particularly want to farm anything either. The rewards suck and there's less people interested in playing, meaning I get longer queue times and npc matches feel like a waste of time.

    It's a shame because it's a fun game when it does work. They badly need to fix the tutorial npc difficulty and how it teaches people to play.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on 30 October 2024 02:45
  • fall0athboy
    Wait, did they adjust the difficulty again or is this in relation to the prior change from a few patches ago?
  • Thoriorz
    I do the ToT daily quest (3 wins vs NPCs), I fight vs novice NPCs and in the beginning things were miserable. I've lost a lot of games and having to win 3 times = an awful lot of time burned and then when you open the coffers it makes you sick.
    I have unlock two decks (Rajhin and Ansei) which has helped me with wins but the games are just long.
    I've been thinking about how to win as quickly as possible, and what I'm probably most comfortable with is just playing the basic 4 patrons and either winning quickly through power stacking (Pelin deck) or trying to spam the Hlaalu patron. That way my games are only 8-10 min long and I usually win.
    But still, just 20-30 mins on daily tasks seems really *** to me.
    I'm trying to get a Lead for a music box that can be in coffers, I've done around 25 of these dailies and unfortunately no Lead so far.
    I'm really looking forward to the day when I have a 3/3 codex and no longer have to play ToT because of that Leads..
  • spartaxoxo
    Wait, did they adjust the difficulty again or is this in relation to the prior change from a few patches ago?

    Patches ago afaik. I don't think this is recent.
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