Looking for a Guild

Hello, I am looking to join a guild but I'm not sure which one would be a good fit for me. I am a casual player due to my job in the medical field so I can't play often or for long periods. I am just starting out so I am only level 17 right now but I do like the crafting aspect of this game so would like to join a guild that helps me with focusing on crafting. My class is arcanist so I guess that would make me a healer/DPS. My character name is Kitsae, I'm part of the Ebonhart Pact and my race is Imperial.
  • freespirit
    To help out we need your Platform and Server, such as PC-EU for example. <3
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Seiki
    PS5 EU
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