Lightning versus flame destruction staff

I run a non-pet magsorc And I am wondering with the current state of The passives for lightning industrial staves, I'm trying to determine which one is better for damage values that a stork may use in their core class skill arsenal. What did you choose? I mostly focus on PVP.
  • Necrotech_Master
    it kind of depends on what your going for

    lightning staves are easier to heavy attack, and increase direct dmg done
    fire staves apply a dot on heavy attack, and increase dmg of dots and status effects (ele sus)

    in your situation as a no-pet sorc, a lightning staff would be able to work as it would boost your direct dmg (curse, frags, overload, mages fury, streak, just to name the class skills you likely use for pvp)

    a fire staff for pvp boosts dots and status effects, which likely the only thing you would have with that is ele sus
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

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  • El_Borracho
    One thing to add to @Necrotech_Master post: non-lightning staff heavy attacks in PVP are highly telegraphed and easy to dodge. I would go lightning.
  • Dagoth_Rac
    I believe Lightning Staff buffs concussion and chill status effects on account of them being one-off direct damage, not a DoT. Inferno staff will buff burning, concussion, and chill, on account of them being status effects. But getting 2 of the 3 status effects of Elemental Susceptibility buffed by lightning staff ain't bad. I think any procs of overcharge, from magic damage like frags, curse, mines, etc., will also be buffed by lightning staff because overcharged is another one-off direct damage status effect.
  • FriedEggSandwich
    You could go lightning staff front bar, for the direct damage buff, and fire staff back bar for the occasional dot, if you can land the highly telegraphed heavy. This depends on your bar setup though; you do want to be buffing your direct damage primarily.
    PC | EU
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