Steam accaunt relink

Soul Shriven
Me and my husband want to change our steam accounts.
Initially, I bought TESO on a discount, but we didn't play it yet. Then, my husband wanted to try out the game, and registered a TESO account, and linked it to my steam account. He liked the game and kept playing it from my steam account. Then, I wanted to try out the game too, so we bought TESO on my husband's steam account, and it turned out that way so my TESO account is linked to my husband's steam account and my husband's TESO account is linked to my steam account.
We have played like this for a couple years now, but we want to switch the steam accounts, because its inconvenient for us.
We tried unlinking steam from both accounts, and then link the appropriate steam accounts, but we got an error saying "Error: There was a problem linking your account. Please try again later or contact support."
Also, when we was writing the support ticket we got warned that "all progress on your account will be halted". Does this mean all our in-game progress will reset? We want to keep all the in-game progress and virtual currency, and simply change the linked steam accounts.

Thank you!

our tickets
  • ZOS_CouchTato
    @Arisu_Kenshin As it is, once an account is linked, all progress and currency collected on that account will be tied to the platform account you were linked to at the time you played the game. Unlinking will cause loss of this information. If you have any more questions, please check out this article or follow up with the tickets you already have open and our Support agents will be able to assist you further.
    Staff Post
  • Arisu_Kenshin
    Soul Shriven
    I'm sorry, but the information provided is still unclear to me. Perhaps it's because I'm not a native speaker. Does this mean that if I link my ESO account to my Steam account, after disconnecting it from my husband's Steam account, I will lose all my game progress on the ESO account over all this time? I'm not talking about Steam achievements, subscriptions purchased through Steam, etc. So, if we link our ESO accounts to our respective Steam accounts, after disconnecting them from the "wrong" Steam accounts, will it be as if we deleted all our characters and never played ESO? A clean slate? I'm sorry, but this is the only issue that concerns me. Because the information in the article you provided can be interpreted in two ways: does the data loss concern the Steam account or the ESO account? In the second case, such an exchange would be pointless for people who have been playing for many years.
  • Arisu_Kenshin
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_Bill сan you help me clarify this issue? I’ve seen from your responses to similar user requests that you are knowledgeable on this matter.

    We read on the Elder Scrolls Online website that "you can link and unlink your ESO account to or from your Steam account at any time," but there was no clear information indicating that this secondary linking would result in the loss of all user data, including game progress and crowns, on the ESO account.
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