Lazy_Voyager wrote: »As a healer, if I see a dps casting vigor ...I feel slightly insulted, but I get it. Padding helps in pugs especially in vet DLC stuff. Still would rather you just slot a DoT or something, but you do you.
If the dps whips out a resto and casts regen, I ask 'what is this dumb expletive doing' and either kick or bail. I'm usually pulling 30-35k on healer; in groups where I'm doing 40%+ group dps because someone's back-barring resto while their buddy spams bow light attacks, that gets *painfully* slow.
Araneae6537 wrote: »That’s my job! Of course, there are mechanics that DPS need to mind as there are many things that can’t be healed through, but so long as they’re where they need to be (not in stupid but also not far far away), I’ve got them covered! Rather, I expect DPS to not have a self-heal unless they need to do an independent mechanic (shelve books in Scriveners’ Hall, portals in trials, etc.), although I certainly don’t fault PUGs for slotting a heal just in case.