Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Simple actions for a minimum competence (DPS) level for dungeon Endeavours?

So it looks like this September many high-token-value Endeavours will require engaging with the game’s dungeons and Undaunted Pledges, similar to the current month requiring clearing Oblivion portals ad nauseam.

Reading forumites’ opinions on the dungeon experience in ESO here over the past few years has not left me enthusiastic about engaging with dungeons, especially as someone whose interest in ESO lies with the exploration and the stories and the atmosphere, and not with optimising combat mechanics and damage numbers.

For reference, I can solo most public dungeon bosses including the group boss encounters, but I have no hope against overland world bosses. When there’s a larger group whaling on some boss and only the top ten or twenty(?) damage dealers get to loot the corpse, I’m rarely in that group. So I fully expect to be loudly complained at for unacceptably low DPS by the kind of dungeon participants typically described in these forums.

My question therefore, which presumably many others will share this coming month:
Could people point to some external guidance on simple actions to achieve a minimum level of competence (particularly sustained DPS presumably) necessary for September’s dungeon Endeavours?

For instance, I’m apparently at CP 1489, but have no real idea how to spend those points effectively.
  • fizl101
    Try looking at guides by skinnycheeks for the class you play
    Soupy twist
  • Djennku
    Hit stuff till it has zero hp left and don't die in the process?

    The endeavors for dungeons are often just "complete a dungeon" or "complete x dungeon 1 time", which you can always use the group finder or random dungeon queue to get a group together and get a dungeon done.

    Normal or vet it doesn't matter, and quite often no one is going to bother you about performance unless you decided to queue as a tank without a taunt or healer with no heals, etc.

    Also, I wouldn't worry about not being able to complete the endeavors, as you will have people there to help you, and can always get help if you need it. ^^

    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • Artim_X
    Movado – a word meaning “always in motion”

    Are you light attacking, heavy attacking, using a skill, etc. Do not be stationary in a dungeon.

    However, it is also important to not waste movement. Are you accidentally reapplying DoTs that are already ticking away? Are you doing your rotation without buffs/debuffs active? Did you forget to drop your AoE or apply DoTs before doing your rotation? Is your rotation consistent?

    In normal dungeons you do not have to be death incarnate, but just be mindful of how you're using your character.
    (AD) Artim X/Xirtām/Måtrix |PC/NA| Casual staff wielding vampire sorcerer/templar/arcanist
    • Damage Dealing Build.
    • Gear: 5 Infallible Aether (All apparel light and Divines with Max Mag Enchants), 1 Slimecraw Guise for max spell critical (Divines, light, Max Mag Enchants), Maelstrom's Perfected Inferno/Lightning Staff (infused/shock enchant), and Rage of the Ursauk jewelry (bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant)/lightning staff (infused/flame/weapon damage enchant). 1 Mora's Whispers.
    • Ability-Bar 1: Critical Surge, Boundless Storm, Mages' Wrath, Lightning Flood, Twilight Tormentor (Twilight Matriarch for solo roleplay variant of build), and Power Overload.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Crushing Shock/Storm Pulsar, Streak, Flame/Shock Reach, Unstable Wall of Fire/Storms, Twilight Tormentor (Twilight Matriarch for solo roleplay variant of build) and Fiery/Thunderous Rage.
    • My Healer Build.
    • Gear: 5 Spell Power Cure (All apparel light and Divines with Max Mag Enchants), 1 Slimecraw Guise for max spell critical (Divines, light, Max Mag Enchants), Maelstrom's Perfected Lightning Staff (Charged/shock enchant), and Infallible Aether jewelry (arcane with spell damage enchant)/restoration staff (Powered with absorb magicka enchant). 1 Mora's Whispers.
    • Ability-Bar 1: Power Surge, Boundless Storm, Blessing of Restoration, Energy Orb, Twilight Matriarch, and Replenishing Barrier.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Dark Deal, Overflowing Altar, Elemental Drain, Blockade of Storms, Twilight Matriarch, and Aggressive Horn.
    • My Meme Tank Build that uses high resistance and variety of wards.
    • Gear: 5 Brands of Imperium (All body pieces except Head and Shoulders, with Divine trait, and with Prismatic Defense Enchants), full Mother Ciannait's (1 light and 1 medium. Divines and Max Mag Enchant), and Combat Physician jewelry (bloodthirsty with Prismatic Recovery Enchants), CP restoration staff (Infused with hardening enchant), and CP ice staff (Infused with crusher enchant).
    • Ability-Bar 1: Critical Surge, Bound Aegis, Deep Thoughts, Boundless Storm, Healing Ward, and Replenishing Barrier.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Silver Leash (Elemental Drain if healer isn't running it), Bound Aegis, Frost Clench, Blockade of Frost, Empowered Ward, and Temporal Guard.
    • Tanky stage 4 vampire utility focused PvP healer that can take down very inexperienced players but is primarily focused on working alongside others in an organized group, PUGs, or zergs.
    • Gear: 5 Torug's Pact for regular and NoCP build/Oblivion's Foe for dot build (medium chest and body pieces light. All Impenetrable. Max Mag Enchants). Gaze of Sithis and 1 light Mighty Chudan/Pirate Skeleton (light shoulders, and impenetrable with Max Mag Enchants). Knight Slayer/Pariah jewelry/Plaguebreak for dot build (bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant)/lightning staff (infused with oblivion enchant for regular and noCP build/absorb magicka enchant and Sharpened for dot build. Sharpened for dot build)/restoration staff (infused with oblivion enchant regular and noCP build/absorb magicka enchant and Sharpened for dot build).
    • Ability-Bar 1: Structured Entropy, Boundless Storm, Soul Splitting Trap, Radiating Regeneration, Healing Ward, and Life Giver.
    • Ability-Bar 2: Drain Vigor (Elemental Susceptibility), Race Against Time, Rune Cage, Radiant Magelight, Empowered Ward, and Shatter Soul.
    • My casual one bar heavy attack Templar build that only utilizes Aedric Spear abilities.
    • Gear: 5 Infallible Aether (Head or Shoulder and body pieces except Chest. All body pieces Divines with Max Mag Enchants), 1 Slimecraw Guise for max spell critical (Divines, light, Max Mag Enchant), Lightning Staff of the Sergeant (Infused/shock enchant), and Sergeant's Mail jewelry (One Ring and one Neck. Both bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant). 1 Oakensoul Ring (bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant).
    • Ability-Bar 1: Puncturing Sweep, Aurora Javelin, Toppling Charge, Blazing Spear, Radiant Ward, and Crescent Sweep.
    • Tanky stage 4 vampire utility focused PvP healer that can take down very inexperienced players but is primarily focused on working alongside others in an organized group, PUGs, or zergs.
    • Gear: 5 Torug's Pact (Heavy Chest with light Head, Waist, Hands, and Feet. All body pieces Impenetrable. Health enchant on head and everything else Magicka Enchants), 1 Medium Mighty Chudan/Pirate Skeleton Shoulder (Impenetrable, Max Health Enchant), Knight Slayer Restoration Staff (Infused/Decrease Health enchant/Stealth-Draining Poison IX), and Knight Slayer jewelry (One Ring and one Neck. Both bloodthirsty with spell damage enchant). 1 Oakensoul Ring (bloodthirsty with Spell Damage Enchant).
    • Ability-Bar 1:Radiant Oppression, Race Against Time, Aurora Javelin, Breath of Life, Resolving Vigor, and Life Giver (Shatter Soul).
    PvE Starter Gear
    • Gear: 5 Law of Julianos (heavy chest, gloves/belt light, and the rest can be light or 1 medium piece if you're not wearing medium anywhere else on your body. All in training if grinding for XP or divines), Armor of the Seducer or Magnus' Gift head, shoulder, and staves (light with 1 medium piece if you are not already wearing 1 medium Julianos piece. All in training or divines. The staves should be training or infused), and 3 purple Willpower Jewelry with Arcane trait (can be bought from trading guilds for relatively cheap.
    • Check tamrieltradecentre.com for the best deals if you're not using a price checking addon).
    • High elf, since you will not have issues with sustain, but other mag based races are also fine so this is more of a personal choice.
    Mundus Stones
    • PvP: The Lover for penetration when playing a sorc or temp.
    • PvE Healing/Damage: The Thief for decent crit rate.
    • PvE Tanking: The Lady to get close to resistance cap.
    Current Champion Points
    • DPS Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Exploiter, Weapons Expert, Biting Aura, Thaumaturge, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • Healer Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Enlivening Overflow, Hope Infusion, Weapon's Expert, Arcane Supremacy, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • Tanky Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Ironclad, Enduring Resolve, Reinforced, Duelist's Rebuff, Bastion, Ward Master, Rejuvenation, Fortified.
    • PvP Sorc: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Enlivening Overflow, Weapon's Expert, Occult Overload, Arcane Supremacy, Bastion, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • PvE Temp: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Fighting Finesse, Master-at-Arms, Weapons Expert, Biting Aura, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    • PvP Temp: Shadowstrike/ Master Gatherer, Meticulous Disassembly/Plentiful Harvest, Steed's Blessing, Sustaining Shadows, Enlivening Overflow, Weapon's Expert, From the Brink, Arcane Supremacy, Celerity, Rejuvenation, Fortified, Boundless Vitality.
    Favorite Foods and Potions
    • Parse Food for PvE:(DPS) Ghastly Eye Bowl (increases Max Magicka by 4592 and Magicka Recovery by 459 for 2 hours).
    • Gold/Purple Food for Sorc PvP and Meme Tanking:(PvP) Clockwork Citrus Filet (increases Max Health by 3326, Health Recovery by 406 [useful if stage 1 vampire], Max Magicka by 3080, and Magicka Recovery by 338 for 2 hours). Witchmother's Potent Brew (Increase Max Magicka by 2856, Max Health by 3094, and Magicka Recovery by 315 for 2 hours.
    • Trash Potions when feeling cheap: Regular CP150 Essence of Magicka pots that I obtain frequently from playing the game or Crown Tri-Restoration Potion obtained from dailies.
    • Crafted Potions: Essence of Spell Critical (Bugloss, Lady's Smock, and Water Hyacinth). Without magelight this is my primary means of obtaining Major Prophecy on my Sorc, which increases my Spell Critical Rating. This also heals and restores magicka. Essence of Immovability (Columbine, Corn Flower, and Wormwood). I use this in PvP, since this gives me stealth detection, knockback immunity, and restores magicka (better to use it when competent allies are nearby, since it might reveal that you are surrounded by multiple players in stealth and you will not have an emergency pot available after use). Essence of Invisibility with only 2 ingredients (Blue Entoloma, Namira's Rot, Nirnroot, or Spider Egg). I use this in PvE content that requires stealth and if I need more speed I'll use Rapid Maneuver before using the potion. Essence of Invisibility with 3 ingredients (Blessed Thistle, Blue Entoloma, and Namira's Rot). Very useful in PvP alongside the vampire Dark Stalker passive, since you'll be invisible, ignore movement speed penalty while in Crouch, and you'll have a 30% movement speed boost from Major Expedition (I always have this slotted when riding from point A to B in PvP land, since gankers are always lurking). My templar will mostly use Essence of Health (Tri-Stat Potion) Ingredients: (Mountain Flower, Columbine, and Bugloss).
  • Anifaas
    My brother felt the same way. So I helped him grind for the Oakensoul ring (antiquity), crafted him a set of Order's Wrath and bought him the Deadly Strike set from the guild stores. It's not optimum, but heavy attacks with a skill weaved in between lets him better focus on the mechanics and gets him through all normal dungeons, non-DLC vets and world bosses while feeling confident and useful.
  • cyberjanet
    Let me start by saying I am exceptionally allergic to pickup groups and would rather not play than engage with one. I want to open chests and heavy sacks, and read the books, and look at the scenery, and talk to the NPCs I've spoken to 1000 times before.
    If you can solo public dungeon bosses, you can probably solo certain dungeons, certainly in normal. As you get more used to them, you will probably even manage in vet eventually.
    The dungeons do have stories, which you will never get with a pickup group that is dashing through to get whatever final loot the final boss has.
    They also need mechanics more than firepower. You don't need to be able to one-shot anything. If you read the mechanics guides, which are usually for veteran hard mode dungeons, you will get a good idea of what to expect and I am sure you will manage just fine.
    Fungal Grotto is probably the best one to start with. There is nothing overly complicated there. Wayrest Sewers has a tricky mechanic at a boss called Garron, where you get chased by a circle that you have to avoid. Also the final boss has surprise attacks that can one-shot you, but if you're solo, hey, just try again until you get it. Banished Cells 1 is not overly complicated either, but the final boss puts down a lot of blue fire you have to avoid, and you have to kill the balls that heal him before they reach him.
    If you are on PC, I would be happy to show you mechanics as long as you don't mind me running off to look for chests and books and heavy sacks. I usually play on EU, and I play in EU times, but I do have a boy on NA. I am @cyberjanet in game as well.

    Edit: if you are not on PC, we could probably do a discord chat where I have a live screen so I can show you what to expect where. We would have to arrange a specific time for that.
    Edited by cyberjanet on 30 August 2024 13:51
    Favourite NPC: Wine-For-All
    Mostly PC-EU , with a lonely little guy on NA.
  • DenverRalphy
    The Endeavors will be for 2 different DLC Dungeons which are Fang Lair and Scalecaller Peak.

    Watch a YouTube video guide/walkthrough for each of those Dungeons. They'll break down the mechanics for you so you don't go in blind. This will be a HUGE help for you. An added benefit is that those videos are always in Veteran difficulty dungeons, so you'll know the mechanics be prepared for it, then pleasantly surprised how much easier it is when you run it on Normal difficulty. Though to be honest, at your CP there's no reason to sweat Vet difficulty. [edited to add] When searching for videos, I recommend the videos from Xynode Gaming.

    Search for some builds for your main attribute, class, and role (ie, Magicka Sorcerer DPS) and look at how they've allocated their CP points. At your CP level, you'll have maxed out the important CP passives/slottables, and have extras filled in for situational needs.

    Because you asked about Sustain.. Eat the right food for your main attribute and role. Unless you're a Tank, resist the urge to eat a food that has the biggest boost to Max Health and Health Recovery (ie.. Sugar Skulls/Orzoga's) even if it also boosts your primary stat. If you're not a Tank, go instead for foods that boosts the Max Primary Stat (stam or mag), and Primary Stat Recovery. They'll have some boost to max health too, but the primary focus is on the stat recovery. Typically Artaeum Takeaway Broth for Stam, or Clockwork Citrus for Mag (though the weaker Purple/Epic alternatives should suffice).

    Other than that, just have fun. Even if you stumble across some rather unpleasant groupmates. :smiley:

    Edited by DenverRalphy on 30 August 2024 14:54
  • Aurielle
    skinnycheeks.gg for builds.
  • Estin
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.
  • JeroenB
    Lots of useful responses -- thanks all!
    I'll start with the guides mentioned:
    • guides for builds and dps (e.g. skinnycheeks.gg and Ninja Pulls);
    • video guides for specific dungeon mechanics (e.g. Xynode Gaming).
    Djennku wrote:
    Hit stuff till it has zero hp left and don't die in the process?
    That seems like sound advice ;)
    cyberjanet wrote:
    I want to open chests and heavy sacks, and read the books, and look at the scenery, and talk to the NPCs I've spoken to 1000 times before. [...] If you are on PC, I would be happy to show you mechanics as long as you don't mind me running off to look for chests and books and heavy sacks.
    I think that would be my preferred dungeoneering approach as well...
    Thanks for the offer, I may contact you after going through all the guides.
  • kargen27
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.

    ArzyeLBuilds is also a decent site for a variety of builds from beginners to vet trial builds.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Kisakee
    kargen27 wrote: »
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.

    ArzyeLBuilds is also a decent site for a variety of builds from beginners to vet trial builds.

    I'd advise to stay away from those builds, they aren't very good.

    I'm but a sarcastic beef jerky. Irony and cynicism are my parents. You've been warned.
  • ssewallb14_ESO
    I'll be honest, and maybe a bit cynical.

    If you queue for a normal dungeon, you have a very high chance of being paired with 1-3 high level players that are just there to earn rewards as quickly as possible. They're just gonna run past everything and nuke all the bosses in a few seconds, then leave. They don't care at all what the low level or inexperienced randoms are doing, they'll likely totally ignore you even if you aren't doing anything.

    If all you want are the endeavors, you could probably just follow them and do whatever. You're unlikely to get called out for low dps in a normal as it only takes one decent experienced player to make the content trivial.
  • Orbital78
    This is my go to bookmark for optimizing my build: https://www.skinnycheeks.gg/crit-damage-and-penetration
    Though in a random group, optimization isn't always going to work. If you're new to dungeons and want to focus on learning mechs, just throw together a heavy attack build or arcanist build (imo easier than a heavy attack build but kind of boring after awhile).

    Heavy attack (for me) I use max mag, Weapon's Expert, Deadly Aim, Master at Arms, Fighting Finess. Blue Max HP/Mag food, but you can use regen foods too. Sets the main is Sergeant's Mail, the rest is flexible depending on what you're doing. I even throw in Spell Power Cure on a hybrid build at times. My favorites are Mora Scribe's Thesis, Grave Inevitability, Deadly Strike, or Noble Duelist (other heavy buffing sets work too but I prefer these after the Storm Master nerf :'( ). Bar setup is going to vary on class, I usually have at least one heal. My sorc w/ matriarch can almost act as a off healer with heal weaving in dungeons/trials. All are viable in all vet content except maybe some of the harder DLC HM/Trifectas.

    Arcanist is arcanist, look up any meta stamarc build which are mostly the same. Low effort, big aoe cleave, but quite a bit more squishy to me than most of my heavy builds. I consider myself mid-tier dps and I can get in a decent ranking in most logs, unless it is an end game top tier open guild run filled with high end players. Then I'm humbled towards the bottom. :D
  • kargen27
    Kisakee wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.

    ArzyeLBuilds is also a decent site for a variety of builds from beginners to vet trial builds.

    I'd advise to stay away from those builds, they aren't very good.

    @Kisakee how do you feel about Hack the Minotaur?
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Orbital78
    Everything is god mode. :D build videos get outdated quickly.
  • DenverRalphy
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Everything is god mode. :D build videos get outdated quickly.

    I still don't understand why anybody would watch a Build video anyway. It boggles the mind. You have to literally sit there and watch a long drawn out explanation just for a few seconds of what part of the build you're lookin for. Sometimes a plain 'ol article of written words gets the job done much faster.
  • Kisakee
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.

    ArzyeLBuilds is also a decent site for a variety of builds from beginners to vet trial builds.

    I'd advise to stay away from those builds, they aren't very good.

    @Kisakee how do you feel about Hack the Minotaur?

    His builds are a bit unusual most of the time. They're mostly for Overworld or Solo content as they get the job done but aren't really end game for the most part. Those builds are far from being bad, he actually has some knowledge. I like to watch them to get ideas for my own builds.
    I'm but a sarcastic beef jerky. Irony and cynicism are my parents. You've been warned.
  • Kisakee
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Everything is god mode. :D build videos get outdated quickly.

    I still don't understand why anybody would watch a Build video anyway. It boggles the mind. You have to literally sit there and watch a long drawn out explanation just for a few seconds of what part of the build you're lookin for. Sometimes a plain 'ol article of written words gets the job done much faster.

    If you're a veteran who has a lot of game knowledge that's absolutely true. I find myself skipping to the gear section most of the time to see what the build is all about as i do know the class mechanics for the most part but that's not true for everyone. When i started watching build videos i was always grateful for detailed explanations as i had no idea how everything works together. Gotta start somewhere.
    I'm but a sarcastic beef jerky. Irony and cynicism are my parents. You've been warned.
  • Orbital78
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Everything is god mode. :D build videos get outdated quickly.

    I still don't understand why anybody would watch a Build video anyway. It boggles the mind. You have to literally sit there and watch a long drawn out explanation just for a few seconds of what part of the build you're lookin for. Sometimes a plain 'ol article of written words gets the job done much faster.

    Many have a written guide in the comments, that is generally what I use too if it looks interesting. I already know about most sets prior. I end up tweaking skills anyway to my play style.
  • coop500
    As someone who sucks at DPS.... Make a healer or tank character/build. Slot a taunt, some defensive abilities, and such for tank, or heals/buffs/debuffs for healer, and you'll be alright for most normal dungeon runs, especially if you don't have ESO+ sub (and thus won't be thrown in DLC dungeons.)
    Wishing for Lilmothiit race still! Or maybe Lilmothiit companion?
  • MidniteOwl1913
    For normal dungeons, even the slightly harder ones like Fang Lair and Scale Caller Peak most players just ignore the mechanics and power thru. If you watch vet run throughs they will do those mechanics. It's good to know them but just don't be surprised if you are the only one bothering.

    When in doubt pick one other player and just keep an eye on what they are doing. If you are lucky enough not to get a speed runner you should be able to just follow along. Relax, mostly they are fun. Dungeons are my favorite content They are short, rewarding and even if I've done some of them millions of times I still enjoy them.

  • katanagirl1
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Everything is god mode. :D build videos get outdated quickly.

    I still don't understand why anybody would watch a Build video anyway. It boggles the mind. You have to literally sit there and watch a long drawn out explanation just for a few seconds of what part of the build you're lookin for. Sometimes a plain 'ol article of written words gets the job done much faster.

    If you're a veteran who has a lot of game knowledge that's absolutely true. I find myself skipping to the gear section most of the time to see what the build is all about as i do know the class mechanics for the most part but that's not true for everyone. When i started watching build videos i was always grateful for detailed explanations as i had no idea how everything works together. Gotta start somewhere.

    I prefer written guides too but sometimes there is only a video. Those are terrible for using as reference material, trying to scroll to just the right spot and it’s like an hour long
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • kargen27
    Kisakee wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.

    ArzyeLBuilds is also a decent site for a variety of builds from beginners to vet trial builds.

    I'd advise to stay away from those builds, they aren't very good.

    @Kisakee how do you feel about Hack the Minotaur?

    His builds are a bit unusual most of the time. They're mostly for Overworld or Solo content as they get the job done but aren't really end game for the most part. Those builds are far from being bad, he actually has some knowledge. I like to watch them to get ideas for my own builds.

    I usually just read the guides for builds instead of watching videos then kind of treat that as a starting point and see where I end up. Sometimes it works and sometimes it is decon and start over time. If I can solo most the world bosses I'm happy. With trials I usually listen to what our group leader suggests and work with that. I've never been real serious about ending up with the absolute best build but do like playing around with different things.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Kisakee
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Orbital78 wrote: »
    Everything is god mode. :D build videos get outdated quickly.

    I still don't understand why anybody would watch a Build video anyway. It boggles the mind. You have to literally sit there and watch a long drawn out explanation just for a few seconds of what part of the build you're lookin for. Sometimes a plain 'ol article of written words gets the job done much faster.

    If you're a veteran who has a lot of game knowledge that's absolutely true. I find myself skipping to the gear section most of the time to see what the build is all about as i do know the class mechanics for the most part but that's not true for everyone. When i started watching build videos i was always grateful for detailed explanations as i had no idea how everything works together. Gotta start somewhere.

    I prefer written guides too but sometimes there is only a video. Those are terrible for using as reference material, trying to scroll to just the right spot and it’s like an hour long

    There's a YT feature where the creator can segment the video into parts and name each individually, it's used a lot nowadays. They sometimes even write down timestamps in the videos description or the comments.
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Kisakee wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    sh4d0wh4z3 wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend skinnycheeks for a new player. He's a great resource, but I feel that he's too confusing for a brand new player looking to do reasonable damage since a lot of his guides do require you to already have knowledge about the game. I will recommend Ninja Pulls recent guide on how to do DPS if you're looking to start dealing damage because it's very new player friendly and will show you that things are easier than they seem. He also has static rotation videos for each class so you would only have to remember which buttons to press in order instead of trying to come up with a dynamic rotation of your own.

    ArzyeLBuilds is also a decent site for a variety of builds from beginners to vet trial builds.

    I'd advise to stay away from those builds, they aren't very good.

    @Kisakee how do you feel about Hack the Minotaur?

    His builds are a bit unusual most of the time. They're mostly for Overworld or Solo content as they get the job done but aren't really end game for the most part. Those builds are far from being bad, he actually has some knowledge. I like to watch them to get ideas for my own builds.

    I usually just read the guides for builds instead of watching videos then kind of treat that as a starting point and see where I end up. Sometimes it works and sometimes it is decon and start over time. If I can solo most the world bosses I'm happy. With trials I usually listen to what our group leader suggests and work with that. I've never been real serious about ending up with the absolute best build but do like playing around with different things.

    I love theorycrafting and wasted countless materials while trying new things. Getting inspiration and becoming creative with builds is the most fun for me in the whole game, if they actually work out to be pretty good it's even better!
    I'm but a sarcastic beef jerky. Irony and cynicism are my parents. You've been warned.
  • mdjessup4906
    If you can solo a pub dungeon you can dps a normal dungeon. And as others said, there will be lots of speed runners grinding rewards so just ride along and enjoy the carry.
  • mdjessup4906
    Also, If you want the dungeon story, especially if you don't have other playable characters , I'd suggest not taking the quest because a rnd will not let you hear it. Do it with other lore minded people later.
    Edited by mdjessup4906 on 1 September 2024 10:34
  • mdjessup4906
    Build advice, lookup Nightharrow and/or ninjapulls youtubes for your class and copy/paste their suggested beginner gear, skills and cp. You'll be doing more dps than 80% of reg players.

    They base their builds on meta but simplify the presentation for beginners.
  • cyberjanet
    Today we have a daily endeavour of one dungeon for only ten endeavour credits, and a weekly of six for 230. I suppose you could go for the 30 world bosses for the weekly.

    However, it is any dungeon of your choice, so maybe a good excuse to learn Fungal Grotto? Spindleclutch and City of Ash 1 are also good options.

    Alas, there is a big part of the Spindleclutch story they cut out, well maybe not so big but it is important of making sense of the story. I won't spoil it here, but let me know if you want the missing piece.
    Edited by cyberjanet on 2 September 2024 20:19
    Favourite NPC: Wine-For-All
    Mostly PC-EU , with a lonely little guy on NA.
  • Blood_again
    There are a few directions worth to move towards.

    Your character.
    Min: Get any DD build from any person who provides a build guide. Make the gear at least blue (better purple), the weapon - purple (better gold). Run with this build solo in public dungeons to get used to it a bit. No joking, literally ANY build will make your character ready for dpsing in normal 4-player dungeons.
    Max: Try Maelstrom arena with this build, if you have time and access. Alternate some skills for better sustain, healing, protection. It will teach you about moving, target priority, importance of mechanics and knowing your character limits. Have made the normal? Outstanding! Try vMA and also visit a training dummy in someone's house. You'll master your character class through it.

    Dungeon knowledge.
    Min: just google "ESO dungeon name guide" before running it and have a brief 5-7 minutes look at it (mostly bosses). Deep studying is not necessary, because guides are about vet. 80% of it is skippable in normal. But you won't be surprised when you meet the mechanics.
    Max: Get some friends/guildmates and run the dungeon together. One person who is ready to describe the mechanics is a huge plus. Also it is a great fun to play and learn dungeon this way. Join a social guild today if you haven't yet.

    You and others.
    Min: Don't expect much. Random people will do strange and dumb things. They'll ignore the things you evaluate as important and they'll shout about things that are totally unimportant or unclear. If you played overland or pvp only, dungeoning is another world with it's own priorities and curiosities. Multiply its madness to 5 during the dungeon events, and divide on 5 everything that random people want from you. Just get used to it a bit.
    Max: Try to check what another DD does, especially if they do great. Learn their sequence and movement. Ask their build after the run and screen the chat, if you like it. Watch where different role take their positions. Ask if something is unclear or goes wrong. Speak to people and learn things. That's how you can join the dungeoneers community and feel all the best in it.

    And the main thing: don't be sad if the group was broken and the run failed. That's how players learn the ropes. Just try it one more time.
  • notyuu
    Get the UR amulet mythic
    Get a set of deadly strike
    Get a lighting staff
    Use the destro staff scribing skill outfitted with all status effects and major brute/sorc
    Spam skill at groups of enemies

    Is it amazing DPS? No
    Is it functional DPS? Yes
    Can it explode entire groups of mobs in 1 or 2 hits? Yes
    Is it easy to do? Yes
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