Title. Blastbones, Armor, Skeleton, or Ghost cast while in combat can no longer be consumed once combat ends. The corpse is created, and remains visible once combat ends, but cannot be consumed.
This is a nerf to Necros trying to regain their ultimate after a trash pack or ult dump. This nerf was not listed in the notes, as it was only stated that these abilities wouldn't be able to create a corpse outside of combat, not that you wouldn't be able to consume Necro corpses at all.
You can still consume corpses of mobs and dead enemies outside of combat. EDIT: Mob corpses are actually back to being inconsistent. Sometimes they can be consumed OOC, sometimes they can't. Necro ability corpses cannot be consumed once combat ends.
Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on 20 August 2024 17:33