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Companions - When is it enough?

  • Arizona_Steve
    I'd like to have ten companions trailing behind me. Just like I do in Skyrim. Would be interesting to do trials with myself and 11 companions.
    Wannabe Thalmor - Altmer MagSorc
  • Orbital78
    I was hoping for an evil argonian necro, but Sharp was good enough. I would like a bit more customization like helm or body markings etc
  • KaosWarMonk
    I disagree. The wider the selection the better. You're not forced to unlock them so why take issue with that?

    I'd also quite like if there were male and female versions of each companion. Everything the same, just a male/female version of the toon with necessary voice acting, minor script edits for things like pronouns etc. You decide which one you'd like when you start their quest line, have it bound to each character.

    And let them wear head gear.
  • Dahveed

    EDIT - I just realized how kind of off-track my comment is... but I guess my point would be, quality over quantity? I think they should refine the existing companions and give us better customization going forward, rather than just pumping out more and more generic followers with more generic appearances. I hope they keep making more content, but more quality content that we can customize and make our own.

    I haven't gotten around to my first companion yet (I'm way, way, WAY behind in my DLCs!), but one thing I notice is that the cosmetics seem to be rather limited.

    Aside from costumes, all players' companions look identical. Wouldn't it be better if you could apply some of your face cosmetics (tatoos, hairstyles, jewelry etc) to your companions? Then at least they wouldn't all look like clones of one another... and it wouldn't seem as awkward having "Bob's Companion" and "Sally's Companion" be identical twins in every group. It would be easier to roleplay it off as a totally different character if they looked different... or at the very least had different haircuts.

    One of the reasons I'm in no hurry to get a companion (other than the fact that I don't feel like I need one, and that I haven't gotten that far yet), is that they all look so generic and identical. The only difference so far is the Khajiit one, who looks perhaps slightly interesting. So far they all just look like generic NPCs you'd find on a farm in Deshaan or in a village in Stormhaven, i.e. a "farmer" who has no dialogue and is just there doing their NPC pathing. They look so dull and uninteresting to me.
    Edited by Dahveed on 16 July 2024 04:39
  • SilverBride
    Dahveed wrote: »
    Aside from costumes, all players' companions look identical. Wouldn't it be better if you could apply some of your face cosmetics (tatoos, hairstyles, jewelry etc) to your companions? Then at least they wouldn't all look like clones of one another...

    We can change their outfits, but otherwise they need to be readily identifiable as Companions and not other players. Some players don't show nameplates so they won't see "Joe's Companion", so they need to look like who they are.
    Edited by SilverBride on 16 July 2024 04:51
  • Dahveed
    Dahveed wrote: »
    Aside from costumes, all players' companions look identical. Wouldn't it be better if you could apply some of your face cosmetics (tatoos, hairstyles, jewelry etc) to your companions? Then at least they wouldn't all look like clones of one another...

    We can change their outfits, but otherwise they need to be readily identifiable as Companions and not other players. Some players don't show nameplates so they won't see "Joe's Companion", so their faces need to be visible and look like what they are.

    You make a point I suppose, so perhaps make it optional in my UI settings? We can already do this with other players' non-combat pets, if I'm not mistaken. Just add a UI toggle for companion cosmetics, should be easy enough.
  • FlopsyPrince
    The more, the merrier! Not every companion will be to everyone’s taste and I like to use different companions primarily with different characters. I don’t want the way they are unlocked or how rapport is per character to change.

    Just don’t unlock every companion on every character — why would you do that unless you really want to? And there is one or more companions that you want to unlock on most/all characters, I like to spread it out as that makes it more enjoyable for me. I unlock all companions with my main, then with additional characters as suits their stories, personalities, roles.

    Because some of us want flexibility to adapt.

    The grind is getting worse and worse as we go along. Mirri and Bastion were quite simple, 2 Isobel and Ember a bit more. With Azandar and Sharp being a pain in the rear length-wise.

    Allowing the option to follow the "unlock quest chain" on an alt would like all those who love that to have that, but allow others to skip it (permanently as needed) to simplify things.

    Yes, I don't need them on everyone, but the right one can be handy. 6 is plenty for me, but I would at least unlock any future ones, assuming I was still playing. Unlocking the full set of 6 now on both PC and PS5 has burned me out on them a bit, but I would prefer to have specific ones on more characters without the grind.

    Having several companions on each character is plenty to adapt — you don’t need every companion for that. I didn’t like Isobel and Ember’s intro quests while I quite enjoy Sharp and Azandar’s. You can unlock whichever companions as many or few times as you like, no reason to limit options for those of us who enjoy having them.

    Why do you have the authority to decide that?
  • vsrs_au
    I think it would be great if companions could wear head gear, then we wouldn't be playing an Attack of the Clones simulation.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Remathilis
    Fata1moose wrote: »
    When every race, class is represented and when Naryu, Razum-Dar and Darien are companions. I’d like to see them expand on existing companions too. Expand their story arcs and relationships.

    Don't do that. Don't give me hope.
  • agelonestar
    I would seriously like a Dremora companion. I really want a Dwemer Arquebus companion.

    Or, and hear me out here, a beautiful companion named Lydia...... ;)
    GM of Sunfire's Sect trading guild on PC/EU. All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost...... some of us are just looking for trouble.
    GM of Sunfire's Sect (Open) & Dark Star Rising (Priv) | Retired GM of several trade guilds | Trader | Here since the beta
  • derkaiserliche
    When i have my big male khajiit or big male nord then it can stop

    But yea i think everyone has the right to have his/her wished for class/race so its hard to just stop at one point before all kinds are out
  • moderatelyfatman
    I have found the Companions useful and feel the newer ones have gotten much more likable than the previous. But when is it enough?

    I would be happy if we stop getting new Companions after the next set are released. But if we are going to continue to keep getting more Compaions with every new chapter, PLEASE at the very least give us the option to skip unlocking once we have done it once.

    The Companion system was a good idea but never fully developed. It would be nice to be able to do dungeons with a story option where you can go in with 3 companions of your choice, much like they do in FF14.

    ZOS should have fully gone into the companion system in Blackwood and made them a significant part of the story, much like Razum Dar in Summerset or Josajeh and the Augur in Psijic order questline.
  • Araneae6537
    The more, the merrier! Not every companion will be to everyone’s taste and I like to use different companions primarily with different characters. I don’t want the way they are unlocked or how rapport is per character to change.

    Just don’t unlock every companion on every character — why would you do that unless you really want to? And there is one or more companions that you want to unlock on most/all characters, I like to spread it out as that makes it more enjoyable for me. I unlock all companions with my main, then with additional characters as suits their stories, personalities, roles.

    Because some of us want flexibility to adapt.

    The grind is getting worse and worse as we go along. Mirri and Bastion were quite simple, 2 Isobel and Ember a bit more. With Azandar and Sharp being a pain in the rear length-wise.

    Allowing the option to follow the "unlock quest chain" on an alt would like all those who love that to have that, but allow others to skip it (permanently as needed) to simplify things.

    Yes, I don't need them on everyone, but the right one can be handy. 6 is plenty for me, but I would at least unlock any future ones, assuming I was still playing. Unlocking the full set of 6 now on both PC and PS5 has burned me out on them a bit, but I would prefer to have specific ones on more characters without the grind.

    Having several companions on each character is plenty to adapt — you don’t need every companion for that. I didn’t like Isobel and Ember’s intro quests while I quite enjoy Sharp and Azandar’s. You can unlock whichever companions as many or few times as you like, no reason to limit options for those of us who enjoy having them.

    Why do you have the authority to decide that?

    Lol, see the previous quotes. You said that six is enough for you. Therefore, you shouldn’t feel you have to unlock future companions on all characters.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on 16 July 2024 14:00
  • SilverBride
    ...you shouldn’t feel you have to unlock future companions on all characters.

    There is no should or shouldn't when it comes to how we feel. For many of us completing objectives is very important and we do feel that unlocking all the Companions on all of our Characters is something we should do.

    But that isn't the topic being discussed. The question presented in this thread is when is it enough? When we have 8, or 20, or will they just keep coming indefinitely?
    Edited by SilverBride on 16 July 2024 14:51
  • Elsonso
    But that isn't the topic being discussed. The question presented in this thread is when is it enough? When we have 8, or 20, or will they just keep coming indefinitely?

    They definitely need to do something with same-account access to Companions. If they can do that, then as a player I see no reason for them to not introduce an entire herd of Companions. (Is "herd" the right term? Mob? Brood? Throng?)

    I suspect that they are just expecting that players will unlock the one or two that they want and leave the rest of them until some Streamer posts a "must have" build for them. Leveling all of them to 20 is rather a chore and I don't see everyone doing that.

    Edited by Elsonso on 16 July 2024 15:11
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    I don't want them to stop creating new companions at all. I want to see more companions, with a greater variety of races (even some unplayable races)

    I love companions as an extension of rolaplay and would like even longer, more detailed unlock stories for them in addition to having even more quests as you gain their trust.

    I have no desire at all to skip doing the unlock quests, but if they made it optional like the Scolarium quests, then it's no big deal to me if others can skip. I just don't want my own account and gameplay affected because role-playing the quests is important to me.
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • JemadarofCaerSalis
    Syldras wrote: »
    Fata1moose wrote: »
    I’d like to see them expand on existing companions too. Expand their story arcs and relationships.

    They've already confirmed that earlier this year.
    I haven't unlocked either of the two necrom companions yet, but from what I can tell, their personalities aren't going to be to my tastes. I don't mind dark companions, but I prefer ones like Bastion.

    It's your choice, of course, but I just want to say: Azandar turned out completely different than I expected from his class and from the way ZOS had announced it during the reveal stream. He's not dark, unless you consider a slightly grumpy old man dark ;) Not a creepy cultist either, just a curious and slightly quirky person (but, luckily, not quirky in an exaggerated way - that was what made me wary during the announcement).

    AH, thanks, I do plan to unlock him (not quite ready to go through Necrom public dungeons. I don't think I am powerful enough yet, though close!) and looking at his likes and dislikes, I may like him better than I thought from various comments I saw on the forums (he dislikes coffee! anyone who dislikes coffee can't be bad :P)

    Returning to the main topic, yeah, it would be nice if there were ways to easily/quickly unlock them on all characters once you do it on one.

    Also, I don't really see why companions have to be easily identifiable as companions? I could see in the case of resurrecting, you might not want to waste a soul gem on a companion (though with how many soul gems I accumulate, I don't have any issue doing that), but otherwise, just running around?

    So, I definitely would like a way to customize the companions further, even if there were things that were locked (race/sex). Changing hairstyle, tattoos, etc... would be great.

    I also would like to have both quality and quantity. Sure, having quality companions might mean slower release of companions, but I don't think that just giving them interesting backstories/quests would slow down the release of them too much (a general companion overhaul might, but that would also hopefully be a 'one and done' type deal where, they only have to do it once, and not keep doing it)
    Edited by JemadarofCaerSalis on 16 July 2024 15:14
  • Ezhh
    OsUfi wrote: »
    I enjoy them. I like their little stories. I wouldn't want to see them automatically unlocked, but I do feel for people with alts. I use one character for everything. The intro quests should be as short as Mirris, which I reckon you could sprint through in 5 minutes. Then maybe have longer quests for the rest of their story.

    Why wouldn't you want to see them auto unlocked on alts when you only play one character yourself, meaning it wouldn't change anything for you? I am just asking because I've seen this view a few times now, and I really don't understand.

    I also enjoy their quests.... the first time I play them. But I have around 20 characters between EU/NA. Even if I only want to unlock companions on half of them, those 5 minutes are adding up to a huge amount of repeated content that isn't enjoyable.
  • EdjeSwift

    AH, thanks, I do plan to unlock him (not quite ready to go through Necrom public dungeons. I don't think I am powerful enough yet, though close!) and looking at his likes and dislikes, I may like him better than I thought from various comments I saw on the forums (he dislikes coffee! anyone who dislikes coffee can't be bad :P)

    Returning to the main topic, yeah, it would be nice if there were ways to easily/quickly unlock them on all characters once you do it on one.

    You don't actually have to do much inside the dungeon to unlock the companions. People keep bringing up Public Dungeons like they're this massive impediment, you can literally ghost run if you want to the place for both Garrus and Azandar and do what's necessary inside for both. There are no bosses blocking your path if you sneak/know the map. Don't let people's fear of Public Dungeons be a speedbump for recruiting them.
    Antiquities Addict
  • JemadarofCaerSalis
    Ezhh wrote: »
    OsUfi wrote: »
    I enjoy them. I like their little stories. I wouldn't want to see them automatically unlocked, but I do feel for people with alts. I use one character for everything. The intro quests should be as short as Mirris, which I reckon you could sprint through in 5 minutes. Then maybe have longer quests for the rest of their story.

    Why wouldn't you want to see them auto unlocked on alts when you only play one character yourself, meaning it wouldn't change anything for you? I am just asking because I've seen this view a few times now, and I really don't understand.

    I also enjoy their quests.... the first time I play them. But I have around 20 characters between EU/NA. Even if I only want to unlock companions on half of them, those 5 minutes are adding up to a huge amount of repeated content that isn't enjoyable.

    As someone who only uses one character myself, mainly *because* I don't want to pay crowns to unlock everything on alts/do various quests over again, I would also like to know why they shouldn't be autounlocked, or have that option in the crown store like a lot of other things.
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    EdjeSwift wrote: »

    AH, thanks, I do plan to unlock him (not quite ready to go through Necrom public dungeons. I don't think I am powerful enough yet, though close!) and looking at his likes and dislikes, I may like him better than I thought from various comments I saw on the forums (he dislikes coffee! anyone who dislikes coffee can't be bad :P)

    Returning to the main topic, yeah, it would be nice if there were ways to easily/quickly unlock them on all characters once you do it on one.

    You don't actually have to do much inside the dungeon to unlock the companions. People keep bringing up Public Dungeons like they're this massive impediment, you can literally ghost run if you want to the place for both Garrus and Azandar and do what's necessary inside for both. There are no bosses blocking your path if you sneak/know the map. Don't let people's fear of Public Dungeons be a speedbump for recruiting them.

    This ^ Seriously. Public dungeons are not that terrible. My Arcanist was level 5 when I took her in to unlock her companions, wearing gear off the floor and no CP applied.
    Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on 16 July 2024 15:22
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • JemadarofCaerSalis
    EdjeSwift wrote: »

    AH, thanks, I do plan to unlock him (not quite ready to go through Necrom public dungeons. I don't think I am powerful enough yet, though close!) and looking at his likes and dislikes, I may like him better than I thought from various comments I saw on the forums (he dislikes coffee! anyone who dislikes coffee can't be bad :P)

    Returning to the main topic, yeah, it would be nice if there were ways to easily/quickly unlock them on all characters once you do it on one.

    You don't actually have to do much inside the dungeon to unlock the companions. People keep bringing up Public Dungeons like they're this massive impediment, you can literally ghost run if you want to the place for both Garrus and Azandar and do what's necessary inside for both. There are no bosses blocking your path if you sneak/know the map. Don't let people's fear of Public Dungeons be a speedbump for recruiting them.

    For me, it isn't so much a fear of the dungon, but rather the idea that I am using the dungeons to gauge my strength and growth. When I first started, I naturally was slaughtered in the first dungeon I went into (didn't realize it was meant for grouping), but now I have done all the dungeons solo except for the ones in Necrom and the previously released area (which I cannot think of which one, want to say High Isle? but I thought I did at least one dungeon there...)

    So it is more that when I go into the dungeon, I *want* to complete it, but just don't think I am quite ready to do so.

    But thanks for the encouragement!
  • Elsonso
    AH, thanks, I do plan to unlock him (not quite ready to go through Necrom public dungeons. I don't think I am powerful enough yet, though close!) and looking at his likes and dislikes, I may like him better than I thought from various comments I saw on the forums (he dislikes coffee! anyone who dislikes coffee can't be bad :P)

    I can ignore his dislike of food stuff fairly easily. I rarely encounter the situation. However, the disapproval of the Psijic Order requires caution if doing the Summerset main quest, or anything involving Artaeum. Not only is there a rapport drop but he whines about it a lot. I was swapping him out with Mirri while I was on Artaeum, when I had to interact with a quest NPC but there was a butterfly in the way. Apparently, butterflies are more important than the quest NPC. :disappointed:

    As an aside, has anyone ever seen a "tea shop" anywhere on Nirn? Or a "pawn shop"? Asking for a companion. :smile:
    Ezhh wrote: »
    Why wouldn't you want to see them auto unlocked on alts when you only play one character yourself, meaning it wouldn't change anything for you? I am just asking because I've seen this view a few times now, and I really don't understand.

    I also enjoy their quests.... the first time I play them. But I have around 20 characters between EU/NA. Even if I only want to unlock companions on half of them, those 5 minutes are adding up to a huge amount of repeated content that isn't enjoyable.

    I have no issue with building rapport or even completing the quest line, but there is only one of each Companion per account. It seems silly to have to redo the start of their quest to rescue/unlock them each time so that the character is 'rewarded' with a Companion that has been built and leveled already. The Companion may actually be higher level than the character that unlocks them. :unamused:

    Once unlocked, just have them available and start the rapport when the character meets them. The personal quest can pick up as if the character unlocked them by using a short back story that covers the unlocking quest. I mean, it's not like the unlock quest starts without a backstory. Just enter at a different point.

    This would certainly be a friendly QoL improvement for the pile of Companions we already have access to, plus any more that they want to add before they can no longer afford to do it.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Necrotech_Master
    Dahveed wrote: »
    EDIT - I just realized how kind of off-track my comment is... but I guess my point would be, quality over quantity? I think they should refine the existing companions and give us better customization going forward, rather than just pumping out more and more generic followers with more generic appearances. I hope they keep making more content, but more quality content that we can customize and make our own.

    I haven't gotten around to my first companion yet (I'm way, way, WAY behind in my DLCs!), but one thing I notice is that the cosmetics seem to be rather limited.

    Aside from costumes, all players' companions look identical. Wouldn't it be better if you could apply some of your face cosmetics (tatoos, hairstyles, jewelry etc) to your companions? Then at least they wouldn't all look like clones of one another... and it wouldn't seem as awkward having "Bob's Companion" and "Sally's Companion" be identical twins in every group. It would be easier to roleplay it off as a totally different character if they looked different... or at the very least had different haircuts.

    One of the reasons I'm in no hurry to get a companion (other than the fact that I don't feel like I need one, and that I haven't gotten that far yet), is that they all look so generic and identical. The only difference so far is the Khajiit one, who looks perhaps slightly interesting. So far they all just look like generic NPCs you'd find on a farm in Deshaan or in a village in Stormhaven, i.e. a "farmer" who has no dialogue and is just there doing their NPC pathing. They look so dull and uninteresting to me.

    i would agree with this that companions are way too limited cosmetically

    at a bare minimium we should be able to put hats/helmets on them but apparently the devs want us to wade through a sea of clones that devalue their presence as true companions

    part of the reason i basically keep their chatter to a bare minimum (because we cant turn that off entirely either), and i just treat them as a "pet" akin to the sorc pets or warden bear that i can use on any character without taking up a skill slot lol
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
  • SilverBride
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    People keep bringing up Public Dungeons like they're this massive impediment, you can literally ghost run if you want to the place for both Garrus and Azandar and do what's necessary inside for both. There are no bosses blocking your path if you sneak/know the map. Don't let people's fear of Public Dungeons be a speedbump for recruiting them.

    I brought up Public Dungeons because they are time consuming. And the Public Dungeons in the Necrom chapter were the most frustrating and irritating I've ever experienced. I normally love Public Dungeons, but Gorne in particular was such a maze that I found myself having to backtrack over and over to find the right path, and I never want to step foot in there again.

    The unlocking quests have gotten way longer too, and having them include Public Dungeons is a trend I hope doesn't continue. What will be next? Will we have to go with them into the Infinite Archive, or a 4 man dungeon or even a trial?

    Leveling Companions is account wide so why not unlocking them? I understand why rapport is character specific but we need an option to skip the unlocking quests.
  • Elsonso
    The unlocking quests have gotten way longer too, and having them include Public Dungeons is a trend I hope doesn't continue. What will be next? Will we have to go with them into the Infinite Archive, or a 4 man dungeon or even a trial?

    I agree. Ember, Mirri, and Bastian were nice location quests. Isobel was a lot of running around, and Azandar was that on steroids. If I ever unlocked Sharp, I have forgotten his quest.

    I also share the fear that ZOS is just going to keep ramping it up until only a few players unlock them. :neutral:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • EdjeSwift
    Elsonso wrote: »
    The unlocking quests have gotten way longer too, and having them include Public Dungeons is a trend I hope doesn't continue. What will be next? Will we have to go with them into the Infinite Archive, or a 4 man dungeon or even a trial?

    I agree. Ember, Mirri, and Bastian were nice location quests. Isobel was a lot of running around, and Azandar was that on steroids. If I ever unlocked Sharp, I have forgotten his quest.

    I also share the fear that ZOS is just going to keep ramping it up until only a few players unlock them. :neutral:

    Garrus' Quest is:
    Go Outside Necrom Outlaw Refuge
    Talk to NPC
    Skip Task with like 7 points in Alchemy
    Go to House in Necrom
    Talk to Sharp
    Go to place near Fungal Lowlands Wayshrine
    Sneak to see tracks, go to top of hill
    Read something
    Go to Ald Isra
    Talk to Someone
    Go to Gorne
    Run to Bottom Left of Map of Gorne
    Kill folk
    Talk to NPCs

    That's all from memory, might have missed something but efficiency wise with Wayshrines maybe 10-20 minutes.
    Edited by EdjeSwift on 16 July 2024 15:59
    Antiquities Addict
  • DinoZavr
    I have found the Companions useful and feel the newer ones have gotten much more likable than the previous. But when is it enough?

    in my opinion - it is ALREADY ENOUGH.

    well, RP players might ask for more and more Companions, but technically we already have:
    one quickened tank: Isobel, one bolstered tank: Bastian
    one quick healer: Azandar, one soothing healer: Mirri
    one magic DD: Ember, one ranged/melee DD: Sharp

    it is hardly newer Companions gain some game-changing perks,
    so technically, we have enough Companions, and considering the amounts of time to fully level them - why should we need more?
    of course, i realize RP players do not bother levelling up and gearing them Companions, so theirs point of view might differ.

    what would i prefer: is better Companions.
    i player Fallout 4 quite a lot. and i really liked Nick Valentine as Companion, as he had a lot of witty remarks and comments,
    ESO Companions have noticeably less dialogue lines and "This is a great area for harvesting" and (sorry, Mirri) "Nice hole" are quite the memes. well, i like Cortney Love too. B)

    maybe instead of new Companions - improve existing ones, add more dialogue lines about certain locations, quests progress, facts about bosses. Once Rich Lambert said romancing Companions could also be a possibility (when? @ZOS), but the Zenimax' style - not to return to already implemented features upsets. I mean not only Companions - it is quite logical to evolve existing zones adding more content and making the game better and nicer as a whole (thank you, Mirri), not to just concentrate on a new Chapter/DLC, though it requires more way labour.
    PC EU
  • SilverBride
    EdjeSwift wrote: »

    Garrus' Quest is:

    ...That's all from memory, might have missed something but efficiency wise with Wayshrines maybe 10-20 minutes.

    Who is Garrus?

    And these quest chains took way longer than 10-20 minutes.
  • Necrotech_Master
    EdjeSwift wrote: »
    People keep bringing up Public Dungeons like they're this massive impediment, you can literally ghost run if you want to the place for both Garrus and Azandar and do what's necessary inside for both. There are no bosses blocking your path if you sneak/know the map. Don't let people's fear of Public Dungeons be a speedbump for recruiting them.

    I brought up Public Dungeons because they are time consuming. And the Public Dungeons in the Necrom chapter were the most frustrating and irritating I've ever experienced. I normally love Public Dungeons, but Gorne in particular was such a maze that I found myself having to backtrack over and over to find the right path, and I never want to step foot in there again.

    The unlocking quests have gotten way longer too, and having them include Public Dungeons is a trend I hope doesn't continue. What will be next? Will we have to go with them into the Infinite Archive, or a 4 man dungeon or even a trial?

    Leveling Companions is account wide so why not unlocking them? I understand why rapport is character specific but we need an option to skip the unlocking quests.

    while i didnt particularly find the public dungeons too difficult, i do agree that they significantly slow down the quest line unless you straight stealth through everything, and make me want to repeat the unlock quests even less

    mirri, bastion, and ember i could finish their entire questline in under 10 min

    isobel, azander, and sharp usually take about 10 min if you stealth and have high move speed, but on avg take about 15-25 min depending on how slow your move speed and how low your dmg is
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
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