Is it worth redoing the passives of the races?

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My personal opinion is that the choice of a race should not depend heavily on its passive abilities, but solely on the visual preferences of the player. This can be solved by weakening racial passives, or leaving only those that have virtually no effect on the game, such as swimming speed, pickpocketing, accelerating skill learning, etc.

For example since the Dunmer meta has now developed, they receive a large number of bonuses that affect the game. A big boost to mana and stamina, both resources are applicable and useful regardless of stamina or magic build, good protection from fire (which works great in pvp) and a good boost to wpd spd, which has an even greater impact on % buffs with major and minor effects.

My opinion is that direct damage buffs wpd spd, crits, as well as a reduction in the cost of all skills like the Imperials (cause it work on ulti to) and etc should be completely removed from racial passives, leaving only an increase in maximum magic, stamina, health and protection from a certain type of damage, as well as passives that do not affect the combat game.
Edited by GrimStyx on 11 July 2024 02:42

Is it worth redoing the passives of the races? 54 votes

ValarMorghulis1896meekeyceemaster_vanargandxylena_lazarowAshrynMik195ESO_NightingaleMudcrabAttackTaggundLunaFloraReginald_leBlemTheist_VIIforum_gpt 13 votes
AD_TuggoSluggywenchmore420b14_ESOc4bloyb16_ESODjennkuSilverBrideBluestinRaddlemanNumber7SylosiVonnegut2506karthrag_inakcolossalvoidskatorgaMelivarAraneae6537haelgaanLalMirchigariondaveySonnirNecrotech_Master 28 votes
Partially agree
Evil_RurouniFroilStarOfElyonBXR_LonestarZodiarkslayerAmotticaSockermannenBasPKatzenzungeYudo 10 votes
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LalothenGrimStyxTinkerhorn 3 votes
  • GrimStyx
    View answer
    In general, as a consolation and for variety, it would be possible to add each race its own active ability
  • Araneae6537
    Those are two separate questions. Yes, racial passives affect the game. No, I don’t think they should be redone, except Redguard, and of course Bosmer should have stealth, but at least most of the passives they do have are useful.
  • StarOfElyon
    Partially agree
    GrimStyx wrote: »
    My personal opinion is that the choice of a race should not depend heavily on its passive abilities, but solely on the visual preferences of the player. This can be solved by weakening racial passives, or leaving only those that have virtually no effect on the game, such as swimming speed, pickpocketing, accelerating skill learning, etc.

    For example since the Dunmer meta has now developed, they receive a large number of bonuses that affect the game. A big boost to mana and stamina, both resources are applicable and useful regardless of stamina or magic build, good protection from fire (which works great in pvp) and a good boost to wpd spd, which has an even greater impact on % buffs with major and minor effects.

    My opinion is that direct damage buffs wpd spd, crits, as well as a reduction in the cost of all skills like the Imperials (cause it work on ulti to) and etc should be completely removed from racial passives, leaving only an increase in maximum magic, stamina, health and protection from a certain type of damage, as well as passives that do not affect the combat game.

    Yes and no. No because the races can equal each other depending on how you build. Yes because there's only so much you can do when a race (Reduards) have TERRIBLE passives. They're the Necromancer of races. You can make a good Redguard build but you'd be even better as any other race.
  • Soarora
    Yes, I feel some of my race's passives, no I don't think races should be completely equalized. Redguard and orc and bosmer can be buffed, sure, but races don't give obscene bonuses. Even among sweaty people, I've never seen anyone make a fuss about someone else's race.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
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    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 4/8 Tris
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    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Amottica
    Partially agree
    The poll asks two very different questions.

    1. The passives most certainly impact the game. They increase the character's performance in the aspects related to each passive. Some races will perform better in a given situation than a different race.

    2. It can make a nice little difference for someone who truly min/maxes and is competitive with what they do. It is not as important for most players since we are just here to enjoy the game and are not interested in refining our rotations and performance to the degree it will matter. So they are fine as they are.

    Edited by Amottica on 11 July 2024 01:40
  • Sluggy
    This is a loaded question.

    Anyway: Yes, they have a slight impact. Probably bigger in PvP than in PvE. And I like it that way. The only downside is that Redguards clearly are behind since they have a completely useless passive relating to snares.
  • GrimStyx
    View answer
    Changed the title so it doesn't ask two different questions
  • GrimStyx
    View answer
    Amottica wrote: »
    The poll asks two very different questions.

    1. The passives most certainly impact the game. They increase the character's performance in the aspects related to each passive. Some races will perform better in a given situation than a different race.

    2. It can make a nice little difference for someone who truly min/maxes and is competitive with what they do. It is not as important for most players since we are just here to enjoy the game and are not interested in refining our rotations and performance to the degree it will matter. So they are fine as they are.

    in fact, damage and sustain passives actually have a much stronger impact than many people think, especially on sustain. I certainly don't mind if the Bretons have sustain and the High Elves have good damage, in any case this could be compensated for by either mundus or enchantment, but the values ​​of some racial passives exceed the potential of others, even when trying to balance this out with food, mundus or enchantment . For example, the Bretons have a huge sustain, too much that you can get the same +- 258 spd from other sources, and your sustain will still be better than the High Elf, who balanced these values ​​according to the same scheme, but ok, it's not that scary.
    And there are races with virtually no damage at all and with extremely dubious sustain, for example Argonians, the bonus to sustain that they receive for drinking potions has a worse effect than reducing the cost of spells, or regenerating mana or stamina, since the latter has the potential for a % acceleration from major and minor buffs. And accordingly, it will not be possible to achieve the same balance of damage and sustain with them. I actually find it harder to kill an enemy or maintain sustain while playing Argonian than when I played High Elf. Yes, they have a bonus to healing, but wpd/spd gives it the same way as damage and can scale from % major and minor. In short, from my point of view, the only normal option to balance all races is to make their passives nominal. Or, if without radicalism, simply improve the passives of more lagging races. Or reduce bonuses from wpd spd and sustain for others
    Edited by GrimStyx on 11 July 2024 03:21
  • SilverBride
    Not if I have to redo all my builds.
  • Charlesce
    I voted No because I think the variety between the racial passives is on-point, and well thought out in terms of race identity. (wood elves are stamina, High elves magicka, Khajiit are crit, etc.). Knowledge of your race then slightly rewards the keen and the astute who equip themselves with gear and a playstyle that plays to their racial strengths, for a very tiny dmg boost or what have you. (E.g. a Wood Elf will get more value out of a stam-based build than a magicka based build).

    I'd even double down (even though most might disagree) that the "highest of either mag/stam resource determines effective dmg" be undone, and it be reverted back to "mag pool affects mag abilities only, and, stam pool effects stam abilities only", to add even more race identity to the mix.

    I'm firmly on the side of keeping identity, doubling down on identity, and adjusting everything else around that to make the playing field level (since doubling down on identity can potentially make the playing field not level), and I'm so glad that for the most part this has been the case for Classes, despite how controversial it has been in the 42 major updates to obtain said level playing field with identities in tact
  • Lalothen
    View answer
    Just let players pick their character's passives from a set of logically categorised pools created using the racial passives we currently have (e.g. offensive pool, defensive pool, sustain pool, flavour pool).

    If, for example, I want a stocky little Dunmer who happens to be a swimming champ that can keep up with the Argonians in the annual Vvardenfell swimathon, then I should be allowed to pick bonus swimspeed as one of his passives.
  • katorga
    Whatever passives exist there will be best and worst. And the the argument over "balancing" will continue.

    Personally, I'd like to choose my race then choose my passives, just to I can have the look I want, example, I want an Argonian with Khajiit passives.....
  • Wereswan
    It'll just cause a tremendous amount of unnecessary drama, of which there's a regrettable surplus lately.
  • GrimStyx
    View answer
    I see from the voting that the majority does not want racial rebalance. Then the question arises, perhaps the Zos just need to be buffed or the lagging races, such as the Argonians and Bosmers, need to be slightly reworked. Give the Argonians, for example, a buff on the received healing and damage of 3-6% of the total, and also make them more universal, so that in total they can receive 1000 stat units for magic, stamina and health. And for the Bosmers, give an additional buff to the chance of critical damage in Hunter's Eye passive.
    I absolutely don’t understand why the Argonians, who in addition to the Hist also pray to Sithis, among whom there are a lot of warriors, and killers, do not have any buff on damage at all, as well as a buff on all 3 stats.
    Edited by GrimStyx on 11 July 2024 19:26
  • Kappachi
    This is an Elder Scrolls game. Races are supposed to be impactful, it shouldn't turn cookie cutter like every other MMO where races are homogenized and give like single digit stat differences that don't matter. The race affecting you so much is part of what sets ESO apart, as well as the gear variety/spellcrafting now/etc. we need MORE variation, not less.
  • GrimStyx
    View answer
    Kappachi wrote: »
    This is an Elder Scrolls game. Races are supposed to be impactful, it shouldn't turn cookie cutter like every other MMO where races are homogenized and give like single digit stat differences that don't matter. The race affecting you so much is part of what sets ESO apart, as well as the gear variety/spellcrafting now/etc. we need MORE variation, not less.

    If you need more variations, you may can asking zos to add an active ability to each race in the racial branch :D
    and it is advisable to allocate another slot for race abilities on the panel for this, and not as a replacement class or weapons abil
    Edited by GrimStyx on 11 July 2024 22:04
  • Kappachi
    GrimStyx wrote: »

    If you need more variations, you may can asking zos to add an active ability to each race in the racial branch :D
    and it is advisable to allocate another slot for race abilities on the panel for this, and not as a replacement class or weapons abil

    The passives are fine as is. we don't need "power" style stuff, each race is made different through their various passives with decently meaningful number changes.
  • GrimStyx
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    Kappachi wrote: »

    The passives are fine as is. we don't need "power" style stuff, each race is made different through their various passives with decently meaningful number changes.

    the problem is that priority will always be given to those races that are superior to others, and they will be superior in any equal battle, A good balance with unequal opportunities is when a knife cuts paper but breaks on a stone, but in eso this is very difficult to encounter, and this also applies to races. because everything rests on 3 components, these are sustain, wpd/spd and survivability, when a race something is not getting enough from that components, for example the Argonians, and others receive more than necessary, I’m talking about Dunmer, so those who do not receive enought these bonuses to balance thats 3 components will begin to suffer because bringing these three components into balance becomes a big problem.
    Edited by GrimStyx on 12 July 2024 03:09
  • GrimStyx
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    Kappachi wrote: »

    The passives are fine as is. we don't need "power" style stuff, each race is made different through their various passives with decently meaningful number changes.

    For example, it’s very easy to bring them to the Breton, just take the apprentice’s mundus instead of the atronarch’s mundus, and now you have a bonus to damage almost equivalent to races that already have wpd/spd in the passive, while the sustain even remains at a higher level than the races without sustain but with damage, at the same time you still have good protection against magical attacks.
    Races don't really give any real identity, their liabilities are just a set of values ​​that need to be equalized for serious play, and they all work on a similar principle, it's just that some have the deficit to equalize those values, and others don't.
  • GrimStyx
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    With universal races, everything is a little more complicated, their balancing should be done in such a way that a universal race could not have such an abundance of bonuses, since any class uses both resources, especially with the advent of universality in the game for abilities, while when balancing, try not to greatly affect the balance of damage , vitality and sustain. It’s not normal for the Dunmer to have 258 wpd/spd and 1950 stamina and magic, which in total according to stats is 3900 units, and also to be able to choose any stronger morph without losing its damage no matter stam or mag (not all races have this opportunity), as well good protection from fire. No wonder why this race is meta
    Edited by GrimStyx on 12 July 2024 03:12
  • Evil_Rurouni
    Partially agree
    The weakest and worst designed passives should be reworked to make those races less severe of a self-nerf, but I'd avoid trying to redo everything and/or nerfing the more meta choices.
    Having to race change half the toons on the servers would result in a LOT of players quitting.

    Redguards need a full redo of pretty much everything.
    Argonian healing done passive is both underpowered and role limits them excessively. Redo it.
    Khajiit crit dam passive should have been redone the same time as the crit dam cap was introduced, its a dead passive in organised groups that stack buffs and debuffs.
    Bosmer should get their awful stealth detection passive removed and replaced with something that has less of a feelbad element while we're altering stuff.
    Edited by Evil_Rurouni on 12 July 2024 03:16
  • GrimStyx
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    The weakest and worst designed passives should be reworked to make those races less severe of a self-nerf, but I'd avoid trying to redo everything and/or nerfing the more meta choices.
    Having to race change half the toons on the servers would result in a LOT of players quitting.

    Redguards need a full redo of pretty much everything.
    Argonian healing done passive is both underpowered and role limits them excessively. Redo it.
    Khajiit crit dam passive should have been redone the same time as the crit dam cap was introduced, its a dead passive in organised groups that stack buffs and debuffs.
    Bosmer should get their awful stealth detection passive removed and replaced with something that has less of a feelbad element while we're altering stuff.

    I agree
    Regarding the Khajiit and Argonians
    it would be possible to leave the Khajiit passive on the condition that the critical damage threshold would be changed to such a value that the Khajiit, provided that they do not wear sets that give even more critical damage, could implement their passive in large groups, respectively, instead of critical damage could wear sets that give something different, unlike other races, who would need to get critical damage with these same sets. Moreover, this passive works well in pvp, zos just need to adjust pve to it

    For argonians i think just need to add damage to the passive in addition to the received healing, like 6/6%, non-crit alternative to the Khajiit passive, in this case, only the Argonian receives treatment; the Khajiit’s passive also works on allies, and as an option, add an additional 1000 stamina, to make the race completely universal, since on argonians is very often played as tanks

    Edited by GrimStyx on 12 July 2024 04:41
  • xylena_lazarow
    Buff Redguard. Or better yet, decouple character model from stats, it's obsolete game design, it goes against the whole "play how you want" philosophy, I see no lore reason my Wood Orc should have a Wrothgar background over a Valenwood background, Nords obviously aren't "bad" at magic when Shalidor and Ulfsild are prominent mages, etc...

    You could have like a cultural blessing, similar to mundus stones, where you get the passive set from whichever race, independent of character model.
    PC/NA || Cyro/BGs || RIP ground oils
  • Lalothen
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    Kappachi wrote: »
    This is an Elder Scrolls game. Races are supposed to be impactful, it shouldn't turn cookie cutter like every other MMO where races are homogenized and give like single digit stat differences that don't matter. The race affecting you so much is part of what sets ESO apart, as well as the gear variety/spellcrafting now/etc. we need MORE variation, not less.

    I don't see how you can cite homogenisation as an issue you oppose whilst advocating for a system that is already fundamentally homogenised. The fact that some races have objectively better passives for particular roles - coupled with the fact that since hybridisation certain racial passives have ended up falling further behind whilst others have been boosted by it (exacerbating a divide that already existed) - means that there is already a lot of homogenisation with regard to race choice when creating a character with a particular role in mind. If you want a less homogenised character experience, then race-specific passives shouldn't be a factor in character creation at all; race should be a roleplay & aesthetic choice, not a combat efficacy choice.

    People being able to pick their passives during character creation ultimately means less homogenisation both aesthetically and in the combination of passives that they choose. Sure, there will still be a passive meta for specific roles & game modes, but people will be free to mix things up and go varying degrees of off-meta as they choose - even creating their own niche combinations that suit them and their gameplay goals best - whilst aesthetically we'll see far more race variation based on the personal preferences of players.

    I want a Dunmer who can swim faster (currently limited to Argonians)
    I want an Argonian who's resistant to lava (currently limited to Dunmer)
    I want an Altmer with enhanced pickpocket skills (currently limited to Khajiit)
    I want a Breton whose drink buffs last longer (currently limited to Nord)
    I want a Khajiit who gets extra resources when quaffing potions (currently limited to Argonian)
    I want a Bosmer who's mastered magic and gets cost reduction on magicka abilities (currently limited to Breton)
    I want an Orsimer with enhanced physical and spell resistances (currently limited to Nord)
    I want a Redguard with a cost reduction for all abilities (currently limited to Imperial)

    ...and the list goes on.
  • GrimStyx
    View answer
    Lalothen wrote: »

    I don't see how you can cite homogenisation as an issue you oppose whilst advocating for a system that is already fundamentally homogenised. The fact that some races have objectively better passives for particular roles - coupled with the fact that since hybridisation certain racial passives have ended up falling further behind whilst others have been boosted by it (exacerbating a divide that already existed) - means that there is already a lot of homogenisation with regard to race choice when creating a character with a particular role in mind. If you want a less homogenised character experience, then race-specific passives shouldn't be a factor in character creation at all; race should be a roleplay & aesthetic choice, not a combat efficacy choice.

    People being able to pick their passives during character creation ultimately means less homogenisation both aesthetically and in the combination of passives that they choose. Sure, there will still be a passive meta for specific roles & game modes, but people will be free to mix things up and go varying degrees of off-meta as they choose - even creating their own niche combinations that suit them and their gameplay goals best - whilst aesthetically we'll see far more race variation based on the personal preferences of players.

    I want a Dunmer who can swim faster (currently limited to Argonians)
    I want an Argonian who's resistant to lava (currently limited to Dunmer)
    I want an Altmer with enhanced pickpocket skills (currently limited to Khajiit)
    I want a Breton whose drink buffs last longer (currently limited to Nord)
    I want a Khajiit who gets extra resources when quaffing potions (currently limited to Argonian)
    I want a Bosmer who's mastered magic and gets cost reduction on magicka abilities (currently limited to Breton)
    I want an Orsimer with enhanced physical and spell resistances (currently limited to Nord)
    I want a Redguard with a cost reduction for all abilities (currently limited to Imperial)

    ...and the list goes on.

    Do you know what came to my mind? This is a kind of backstory for your character, each race will have its own, and this backstory could be the choice of those passive abilities that you get.

    for example, an Argonian who was an orphan and was further raised by the cult of Argonians who worship Sithis would accordingly develop as an assassin, with endurance, critical damage in the passive, etc. Or an Argonian who grew up in a family of Hist priests would develop as a healer. An Argonian who was born outside of Black Marsh, say in an imperial city, and entered the Mages Guild would be a good magician, and so on for other races. What prevents you from making a Breton with the background of a knight, and directing his Breton origin to protection from magic like for all breton race, but his occupation would have determined how he developed, physically or magically, and there are many such moments that zos could come up with. But most likely they won’t bother so much, so let them at least bring the races to a more or less normal balance
    Edited by GrimStyx on 12 July 2024 09:34
  • BXR_Lonestar
    Partially agree
    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. I think they just need to take a look at a few races and give them some buffs to make them functional, because in the current state of the game, sustain races seem to be very lackluster. IMO, these races should be in line for a buff:

    1. Red Guard. I think they should get an increase in damage while using martial weapons (including bows), OR alternatively a health buff to make it clear they are a preferred tank race based on their passives.

    2. Wood Elves. Again, IMO, their passives are really weak compared to a Khajit and it'd be nice to see them get a buff. Perhaps a percentage base increase in crit chance when using a bow, increased weapon damage when using a bow, or increased penetration while using a bow. The passive to get more pen after a dodge roll is too niche to be useful in most combat situations.

    3. Argonians. They've been nerfed and whittled down, and I think they could use a little help. Either give them back their increased healing received again, or alternatively buff their potion passive back to the 4-5k range.
  • StarOfElyon
    Partially agree
    GrimStyx wrote: »
    My personal opinion is that the choice of a race should not depend heavily on its passive abilities, but solely on the visual preferences of the player. This can be solved by weakening racial passives, or leaving only those that have virtually no effect on the game, such as swimming speed, pickpocketing, accelerating skill learning, etc.

    For example since the Dunmer meta has now developed, they receive a large number of bonuses that affect the game. A big boost to mana and stamina, both resources are applicable and useful regardless of stamina or magic build, good protection from fire (which works great in pvp) and a good boost to wpd spd, which has an even greater impact on % buffs with major and minor effects.

    My opinion is that direct damage buffs wpd spd, crits, as well as a reduction in the cost of all skills like the Imperials (cause it work on ulti to) and etc should be completely removed from racial passives, leaving only an increase in maximum magic, stamina, health and protection from a certain type of damage, as well as passives that do not affect the combat game.

    Only one race needs a rework
    These are some tweaks I would like to see made to the Redguards's passives. Hopefully, they will be seen as reasonable among the devs. They keep in mind the Redguards's reputation for endurance (stamina return) and discipline (reduced ability cost).
    "The Redguards of Hammerfell are talented and athletic warriors, born to battle. A desert people, their ancestors migrated to Tamriel from the lost continent of Yokuda. Their culture is based on preserving ancient traditions and defying their harsh environment. They prize honor and dignity above all else, combining a deep reverence for the divine with a suspicion of all things magical. Their capital is the merchant port of Sentinel, but their roots are deep in the sands of the Alik'r Desert. In their youth, Redguards endure a rite of passage in the desolate wastes of Alik'r as a test of endurance and discipline. Only the strongest survive."


    Wayfarer - Increases your experience gain with the One Hand and Shield skill line by 15%. Increases the duration of any eaten food by 15 minutes.

    *Martial Training - Reduces the stamina cost of your abilities by 6%. Reduces the effectiveness of snares applied to you by 15%.
    Redguards need help as a stamina sustain race. Reduced stamina cost across the board seems fitting.

    Conditioning - Increases your Max Stamina by 2000.

    *Adrenaline Rush - Increases your stamina recovery by 130. When you deal or take damage, you restore 248 Stamina. This effect can occur once every 3 seconds.
    A big problem with the old version of this passive is that it was way too active, requiring you to spend resources to get resources back. It causes problems when you're not in a position to deal damage. No damage; no sustain. This change makes the "adrenaline rush" passive more "passive" and is still tied to being in combat. This also reinforces their reputation for endurance, "the ability to withstand hardship or adversity."

    I'd also like them to have the mini heartland conquerer passive.
  • BasP
    Partially agree
    Lalothen wrote: »
    Just let players pick their character's passives from a set of logically categorised pools created using the racial passives we currently have (e.g. offensive pool, defensive pool, sustain pool, flavour pool).

    If, for example, I want a stocky little Dunmer who happens to be a swimming champ that can keep up with the Argonians in the annual Vvardenfell swimathon, then I should be allowed to pick bonus swimspeed as one of his passives.

    If the races ever receive a large overhaul, something like that would definitely have my preference too.

    ... but if ZOS doesn't intend to redo the racial passives on a large scale, at least Redguards should receive a small buff.
    Edited by BasP on 12 July 2024 17:42
  • Amottica
    Partially agree
    GrimStyx wrote: »

    in fact, damage and sustain passives actually have a much stronger impact than many people think, especially on sustain.
    I certainly don't mind if the Bretons have sustain and the High Elves have good damage, in any case this could be compensated for by either mundus or enchantment, but the values ​​of some racial passives exceed the potential of others, even when trying to balance this out with food, mundus or enchantment . For example, the Bretons have a huge sustain, too much that you can get the same +- 258 spd from other sources, and your sustain will still be better than the High Elf, who balanced these values ​​according to the same scheme, but ok, it's not that scary.
    And there are races with virtually no damage at all and with extremely dubious sustain, for example Argonians, the bonus to sustain that they receive for drinking potions has a worse effect than reducing the cost of spells, or regenerating mana or stamina, since the latter has the potential for a % acceleration from major and minor buffs. And accordingly, it will not be possible to achieve the same balance of damage and sustain with them. I actually find it harder to kill an enemy or maintain sustain while playing Argonian than when I played High Elf. Yes, they have a bonus to healing, but wpd/spd gives it the same way as damage and can scale from % major and minor. In short, from my point of view, the only normal option to balance all races is to make their passives nominal. Or, if without radicalism, simply improve the passives of more lagging races. Or reduce bonuses from wpd spd and sustain for others

    I expect most of those who care will take the time to look at it and probably have a good idea about which passives work best for their goals

    The previous well-thought-out rework for the passives decreased their benefit. The former % increase to sustain and max stats was notably more significant than what we have now. Zenimax wanted to reduce the combat power the passives provided, and they reduced that significantly.

    It does not matter what they are changed to. Some people will think some passives are too powerful because they are more beneficial than the passives for the race they chose. That is life in a game that has racial passives, and no amount of adjusting them outside of removing them will change that.

  • Sockermannen
    Partially agree
    I don’t think so.

    Racials are not impactful to the point where they make or break a character outside of very high tier PvE which most people won’t get close to participating in. Something like a dark elf tank is just as functional as a nord tank, same as breton stam DPS builds are still very workable compared to dark elves. Sure if you want to get every single % out of your characters you’ll need to optimize race but a vast majority of players will never truly benefit from said bonuses.

    If anything i could get on board with replacing racials with sort of like a background or life history feature where you get to pick your bonuses. There will still be clear meta choices for different builds, we’ll never be able to get rid of that, but it will sever the connection between racials and appearence.
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