Are Random Dungeons weighted against Undaunted Pledge dungeons?

I had the bright idea that I would double-dip and get random dungeon XP along with doing Undaunted Pledges, but often I find I'm in random dungeon queue for a long time then it nearly always puts me in a dungeon that has no pledge associated with it. Once I complete the random dungeon and queue for specific dungeons, the queue is often instant and I end up in an Undaunted Pledge dungeon. I'm wondering, is the game holding people in queue if they're set to random dungeon and deliberately trying to fit them into some random dungeon someone decided to queue for that no one wants to do?
  • Soarora
    As far as I understand it, kind of— its not on purpose. People want to do the pledge dungeon, so it’s more likely people will individually queue for it. If 4 people queue for the pledge dungeon around the same time, then they’re probably going to be put together. If someone queues for scalecaller peak or something, people don’t want to do that dungeon unless its pledge, so it’ll pull in people from the random queue when that person who wants scalecaller peak queues or else it won’t fill quickly. So basically, what might be happening is that people who queue for a dungeon get first dibs in the pool and people who do randoms just fill in. Just my guess though. It could also be a matter of chance with both groups getting the same chance of being pulled in for that dungeon but randoms are in every active pool while specific queues aren’t.
    Edited by Soarora on 21 June 2024 14:39
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
  • Necrotech_Master
    its kind of how BGs were when they had a separate deathmatch queue and random, and 99% of the random matches were deathmatch because it was the only selectable queue outside of random and shared the pools lol

    if someone queues specifically for say depths of malatar, 3 other people queue random, the selected dungeon will be depths of malatar because of the person who queued for a specific dungeon

    so randoms will skew more towards pledges because a lot of people queue specifically for the pledged dungeons instead of just random
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
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