I opened a ticket on April 30 (Ticket Number: 240430-005062 ) and have only received an automated response, which I have responded to multiple times so far and not received a real response. I have been unable to log into the game all this time.
That was actually the third ticket I opened, the first ticket was opened on April 29th (240429-000045 ) and then suddenly I get a 404 page not found error and the ticket disappeared.
The second ticket I opened referred to the first ticket that was opened and disappeared and was automatically closed as a duplicate ticket (240430-004018).
The problem has changed since April 29.
Currently, I am unable to link my account to Epic. I have unlinked on Epic side and on Elder Scrolls site multiple times.
The game prompts me to link with a code which never works.
From the Linked Accounts page, I try to link my Epic account and I get this error: "Error: There was a problem linking your account. Please try again later or contact support."
When I launch the game and get prompted to link using
https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/link, I input the provided activation code and get the same error. "Error: There was a problem linking your account. Please try again later or contact support."
I would appreciate any help so I can finally log into the game.