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Remove the ability to kick people from dungeons

On PlayStation lately it is a trend that people are getting carried by people like myself to the last boss then people will kick the person and invite there friends to get drops from the last boss. Its a waste of time and frustrating. Literally just happened to me again 5 mins ago.
  • nb_rich
    nb_rich wrote: »
    On PlayStation lately it is a trend that people are getting carried by people like myself to the last boss then people will kick the person and invite there friends to get drops from the last boss. Its a waste of time and frustrating. Literally just happened to me again 5 mins ago.

    This sucks when trying to get a achievements, also allows people who were never in the dungeon that join for only the last boss to earn achievements which is crazy cause those people didnt earn them.
  • Soarora
    If you’re “carrying” them to the last boss, why would they kick you to do the last boss? Surely, if they need carried the whole time, they’d need carried on the final boss too. Not to say I don’t believe you, but I know its a strategy that people will wait until the last boss to kick people they don’t like to waste their time. By “carrying”, are you running ahead of the group? Are you being nice to them? Are you just doing most of the group’s damage but otherwise being a team player? Are you queueing as a fake role? There’s two sides to every story…
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
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    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

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  • nb_rich
    Soarora wrote: »
    If you’re “carrying” them to the last boss, why would they kick you to do the last boss? Surely, if they need carried the whole time, they’d need carried on the final boss too. Not to say I don’t believe you, but I know its a strategy that people will wait until the last boss to kick people they don’t like to waste their time. By “carrying”, are you running ahead of the group? Are you being nice to them? Are you just doing most of the group’s damage but otherwise being a team player? Are you queueing as a fake role? There’s two sides to every story…

    Nope, qued up as a dps, was moving as a group. Even if someone is qued up differently or not moving in the group, you would think that individual would of been kicked in the beginning. People just want weapons and jewelry so they que up as 3 run into the dungeon and kick the random person at the last boss to invite there friend. By carrying I mean im doing the most damage. Its normal randoms this happens to me in so people can complete it without me, but if f they are farming weapons/jewelry, its way longer for them that barley do damage compared to others like myself that clear enemies very quickly.
  • jaws343
    3 votes to kick is a necessary safeguard to prevent extremely toxic players from ruining dungeon experiences for the rest of the group. I've been in plenty of groups where the only option to finish the dungeon, involved removing a player who was posing a problem to the group. Whether the problem was behavior or skill. In either case, removing the player solved the problem. And frankly, I don't think a lot of people are going to join random groups if they can't have an option of kicking out the player slinging slurs or insults at them throughout the run. Or the player that just cannot handle tanking the dungeon. If it is up between 3 players kicking 1 to get a better experience or that 1 player holding those 3 players hostage, I'll side with the 3 players every time. Even if that could lead to the occasional "bad" kick from group.
  • nb_rich
    I hear you, but that means anytime 3 friends run in a dungeon they can control when they want to kick the random person that has done nothing wrong, like myself.

    If someone is saying stuff to someone they dont like its a simple mute. If the person is standing still doing nothing, the game should automatically kick them out the group after a short period of time.

    The option to leave group should always be available without having to wait the time to be able to re-que. Kicking someone is pointless because you don’t know what other random person your going to get. You might kick your real tank, que up and end up with a dps after waiting or even might get someone more toxic then the person you just kicked.

    Another issue would be that people that que for random dungeons get matched up with people that are doing random dungeons only. If im not mistaken, if I que for a random dungeon, I may be in a group with people that actually selected that specific dungeon which is toxic. Someone that ques for a random usually just wants transmutes, but people queing for specific dungeons actually want to accomplish something and the two can’t mix lol. For example if i que for a random daily and get vet fang lair, im going in there thinking i just need transmutes. I dont care if I die or move slow as long as it gets done while others that qued up may be looking to get the personality.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    3 votes to kick is a necessary safeguard to prevent extremely toxic players from ruining dungeon experiences for the rest of the group. I've been in plenty of groups where the only option to finish the dungeon, involved removing a player who was posing a problem to the group. Whether the problem was behavior or skill. In either case, removing the player solved the problem. And frankly, I don't think a lot of people are going to join random groups if they can't have an option of kicking out the player slinging slurs or insults at them throughout the run. Or the player that just cannot handle tanking the dungeon. If it is up between 3 players kicking 1 to get a better experience or that 1 player holding those 3 players hostage, I'll side with the 3 players every time. Even if that could lead to the occasional "bad" kick from group.
  • jaws343
    nb_rich wrote: »
    I hear you, but that means anytime 3 friends run in a dungeon they can control when they want to kick the random person that has done nothing wrong, like myself.

    If someone is saying stuff to someone they dont like its a simple mute. If the person is standing still doing nothing, the game should automatically kick them out the group after a short period of time.

    The option to leave group should always be available without having to wait the time to be able to re-que. Kicking someone is pointless because you don’t know what other random person your going to get. You might kick your real tank, que up and end up with a dps after waiting or even might get someone more toxic then the person you just kicked.

    Another issue would be that people that que for random dungeons get matched up with people that are doing random dungeons only. If im not mistaken, if I que for a random dungeon, I may be in a group with people that actually selected that specific dungeon which is toxic. Someone that ques for a random usually just wants transmutes, but people queing for specific dungeons actually want to accomplish something and the two can’t mix lol. For example if i que for a random daily and get vet fang lair, im going in there thinking i just need transmutes. I dont care if I die or move slow as long as it gets done while others that qued up may be looking to get the personality.
    jaws343 wrote: »
    3 votes to kick is a necessary safeguard to prevent extremely toxic players from ruining dungeon experiences for the rest of the group. I've been in plenty of groups where the only option to finish the dungeon, involved removing a player who was posing a problem to the group. Whether the problem was behavior or skill. In either case, removing the player solved the problem. And frankly, I don't think a lot of people are going to join random groups if they can't have an option of kicking out the player slinging slurs or insults at them throughout the run. Or the player that just cannot handle tanking the dungeon. If it is up between 3 players kicking 1 to get a better experience or that 1 player holding those 3 players hostage, I'll side with the 3 players every time. Even if that could lead to the occasional "bad" kick from group.

    Muting people is not an option. Especially when talking about dungeons that require communication for the group to complete. But also, there are so many avenues for players to harass other players if you are just muting them. Especially on console. Muting still leaves you in the group with them, and honestly, why do they deserve to complete the dungeon with 3 other players who are not harassing each other. It's just rewarding awful behavior.

    It also isn't that people are standing still. Which is the case at times. But really, the true problem is a tank just unable to complete their role for a boss. I'm sorry, but if after 8 attempts it does not look like that player is EVER going to be able to handle the boss, I am voting to kick and bringing in someone who can actually complete the content. Not wasting my time to make someone feel better about a dungeon they have no business being in. Sometimes that means bringing in someone from a guild, or a friend I know can complete the content, so the other 2 players can complete the dungeon as well and aren't being held back from 1 player who shouldn't be there.

    And yes, that means that 3 friends can kick someone. Oh well. Technically, it is their group that they have brought you along for the ride in. Should they kick you? No, probably not. But that doesn't mean the system should be upended to account for a few rare occurrences. Or just form your own group and do content if it bothers you that much.
  • jlats
    nb_rich wrote: »
    I hear you, but that means anytime 3 friends run in a dungeon they can control when they want to kick the random person that has done nothing wrong, like myself.

    If someone is saying stuff to someone they dont like its a simple mute. If the person is standing still doing nothing, the game should automatically kick them out the group after a short period of time.

    The option to leave group should always be available without having to wait the time to be able to re-que. Kicking someone is pointless because you don’t know what other random person your going to get. You might kick your real tank, que up and end up with a dps after waiting or even might get someone more toxic then the person you just kicked.

    Another issue would be that people that que for random dungeons get matched up with people that are doing random dungeons only. If im not mistaken, if I que for a random dungeon, I may be in a group with people that actually selected that specific dungeon which is toxic. Someone that ques for a random usually just wants transmutes, but people queing for specific dungeons actually want to accomplish something and the two can’t mix lol. For example if i que for a random daily and get vet fang lair, im going in there thinking i just need transmutes. I dont care if I die or move slow as long as it gets done while others that qued up may be looking to get the personality.

    Why would you queue a random veteran if you just want transmutes though?
    Also you said earlier this happened to you in normal dungeons, it is unlikely people are kicking you to bring in a friend on a normal level dungeon.
    Have you been speaking to people in these dungeons?
  • Soarora
    jlats wrote: »
    nb_rich wrote: »
    I hear you, but that means anytime 3 friends run in a dungeon they can control when they want to kick the random person that has done nothing wrong, like myself.

    If someone is saying stuff to someone they dont like its a simple mute. If the person is standing still doing nothing, the game should automatically kick them out the group after a short period of time.

    The option to leave group should always be available without having to wait the time to be able to re-que. Kicking someone is pointless because you don’t know what other random person your going to get. You might kick your real tank, que up and end up with a dps after waiting or even might get someone more toxic then the person you just kicked.

    Another issue would be that people that que for random dungeons get matched up with people that are doing random dungeons only. If im not mistaken, if I que for a random dungeon, I may be in a group with people that actually selected that specific dungeon which is toxic. Someone that ques for a random usually just wants transmutes, but people queing for specific dungeons actually want to accomplish something and the two can’t mix lol. For example if i que for a random daily and get vet fang lair, im going in there thinking i just need transmutes. I dont care if I die or move slow as long as it gets done while others that qued up may be looking to get the personality.

    Why would you queue a random veteran if you just want transmutes though?
    Also you said earlier this happened to you in normal dungeons, it is unlikely people are kicking you to bring in a friend on a normal level dungeon.
    Have you been speaking to people in these dungeons?

    Hey I queue vet if I want transmute haha. But on that point, the only thing that gets the transmute is finishing the dungeon in one go. If someone asks for HM or speedrun or ND then I don’t see why someone who queued random can’t accommodate that.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

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  • El_Borracho
    Removing this function would enable trolls. The guy who hits hard mode every time in a DLC dungeon despite the group not wanting to do HM or can't do HM. The speed runner. The loot and read everything guy. The PVPer who pulls aggro from boss guy. The AFK guy. The side boss fanatic. The wet noodle DD. The wet noodle DD who queued as a tank.

    I'm sorry this happened to you, but a game where the group can not kick a menace is not one I want to play.
  • Oblivion_Protocol
    SWTOR got rid of vote to kick in their PvP modes, and the toxicity skyrocketed. I have no doubt that the same thing would happen in your proposed scenario. That system is in place for a reason. Can it be abused? Yes, but that doesn’t negate the reason for the system.
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