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There is a guild invitation bot in Glenumbra

  • Monte_Cristo
    I think it must've gotten a temporary ban. There was a different one there for a week or two, with almost the same user name, just with a 2 at the end. The regular one's been back again for a week now.
  • TaSheen
    Nerouyn wrote: »
    LadyLavina wrote: »
    That is absolutely hysterical, as though any worthwhile hiring manager (or potential employer at all, for that matter) would take that into consideration.

    You never know your luck.

    I once saw someone appointed to a senior HR position who had literally no HR experience or training.

    They got the job because they needed HR experience to apply for more senior positions.

    First thing they did was screw up most of the casual staff's pay causing it to be delayed about 3 months.

    Um.... If that was in Nevada.... yeah. Dire.

    But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending.

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- three accounts, many alts....
  • N00BxV1
    You don't need a bot, macro or other software to automatically send guild invites. Because it's right there in the addon API, and is as simple as this:
    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AutoGuildInvite", EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED, function(eventCode)
        local unitTag = "reticleover"
        if IsUnitPlayer(unitTag) then
            local guildId = GetGuildId(1)
            local displayName = GetUnitDisplayName(unitTag)
            local inviteSent = GuildInvite(guildId, displayName)
            if inviteSent then
                d("Guild invite automatically sent to "..displayName)
    All someone has to do is walk by your reticle, and then you can get their name and automatically send an invite.

    Yay addons...
    Edited by N00BxV1 on 22 May 2024 06:41
  • barney2525
    getting one periodically in Vulkel guard

  • FlopsyPrince
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I was in 5 guilds, then left one so I could join a guild newly formed by player I'd friended. Ended up leaving that one when the guild chat eventually got to be nothing but US politics, so I had an empty guild slot.

    The bot invited me to the guild you're talking about. There are actually several versions of it, each devoted to a specific type of activity. And they all have requirements. I ended up leaving on my own after getting an automated reminder about meeting the requirements, which I was never going to be able to meet.

    The bot invited me again, but to a different version. Also, I didn't know it was a bot. I joined the mandatory Discord but ended up getting booted for non-participation.

    The bot invited me again, but to yet a different version-- the one for casual soloists. I still hadn't realized that it was a bot, so I thought they were trying to find the version that was the best fit for me. I got an automated warning that I hadn't joined the Discord and was going to get booted, so I pointed out in Discord tgat I had in fact joined the Siscord. Oh, okay then, you won't get booted. But there were still other requirements about mandatory participation, so I helped other members in the guild chat (in the game, not on Discord), crafted gear for free for a couple of members, contributed gold to the guild bank every week or two for lottery tickets even though I never won and never expected to. And then after a month or two they booted me again for non-participation!

    I joined a guild that was constantly posting ads in zone chat, just to fill up my 5th guild slot and keep the bot from being able to invite me again. And the new guild doesn't have three or four different types of mandatory requirements in order to qualify as an active participant to avoid getting booted.

    I mostly solo, but I do donate 10K or more to each guild I am in, so I suppose that is "helping the guild". Some guilds require this, but I do it even if not.
  • SeaGtGruff
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    I was in 5 guilds, then left one so I could join a guild newly formed by player I'd friended. Ended up leaving that one when the guild chat eventually got to be nothing but US politics, so I had an empty guild slot.

    The bot invited me to the guild you're talking about. There are actually several versions of it, each devoted to a specific type of activity. And they all have requirements. I ended up leaving on my own after getting an automated reminder about meeting the requirements, which I was never going to be able to meet.

    The bot invited me again, but to a different version. Also, I didn't know it was a bot. I joined the mandatory Discord but ended up getting booted for non-participation.

    The bot invited me again, but to yet a different version-- the one for casual soloists. I still hadn't realized that it was a bot, so I thought they were trying to find the version that was the best fit for me. I got an automated warning that I hadn't joined the Discord and was going to get booted, so I pointed out in Discord tgat I had in fact joined the Siscord. Oh, okay then, you won't get booted. But there were still other requirements about mandatory participation, so I helped other members in the guild chat (in the game, not on Discord), crafted gear for free for a couple of members, contributed gold to the guild bank every week or two for lottery tickets even though I never won and never expected to. And then after a month or two they booted me again for non-participation!

    I joined a guild that was constantly posting ads in zone chat, just to fill up my 5th guild slot and keep the bot from being able to invite me again. And the new guild doesn't have three or four different types of mandatory requirements in order to qualify as an active participant to avoid getting booted.

    I mostly solo, but I do donate 10K or more to each guild I am in, so I suppose that is "helping the guild". Some guilds require this, but I do it even if not.

    Well, in this case donating gold wasn't enough to qualify as being active in the guild, because there were a number of other qualifying conditions, and I think at least two or three of them had to be satisfied. Apparently I was able to pass the test for a couple of months, then suddenly I no longer passed the test even though I hadn't made any changes in my activities on my end. So that's when I decided-- after having been through the "Now you're invited, now you're kicked" cycle with that guild a number of times-- that enough was enough and if all I needed to do to stop the invites was to join a different fifth guild, then that was what I was going to do.

    Which is not to say that I have any problems with that guild; it was (apparently) more a case of them having a problem with me and my lack of enthusiastic jumping through multiple hoops to satisfy their stringent requirements. No thanks, I'm much too casual about gaming to care about belonging to a guild enough to bend over backwards three different ways to meet their demands. More power to them and to any players who do want to belong and participate, but I guess I just wasn't a good fit for their guild, and I'm okay with that.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • barney2525
    I still don't get advertising a Dues of 150,000 gold per week.

    No mention of it being Sales.

    Who gets all that gold?

  • averyfarmanb14_ESO
    Tandor wrote: »
    Even if ZOS don't want to deal with the individual player, I do wish they'd have an option in settings for the automatic decline of guild invites - why do we have such automatic declines for duels and ToT, but not for guilds? It beats me why anyone would even consider joining a guild based solely on a stranger's random invite.

    Seriously, it gets annoying after a while - I'd love to see the "Automatically decline guild invitations" setting make it into game...
    Edited by averyfarmanb14_ESO on 22 May 2024 13:22
  • Sepultura_13
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    No thanks, I'm much too casual about gaming to care about belonging to a guild enough to bend over backwards three different ways to meet their demands. More power to them and to any players who do want to belong and participate, but I guess I just wasn't a good fit for their guild, and I'm okay with that.

    This is why I left guilds which claimed to do AvA and/or trading. I met their requirements, joined their Discord (TeamSpeak first), participated in guild events and was active in chat. For some reason, I was constantly ignored, insulted, degraded, and generally disrespected. When I'd ask about fair listing prices for the guild store, I was told to get 10 different add-ons. If I listed things based on how other guildies listed them, I would immediately get undercut and was unable to sell even basic items.

    Same with AvA - I'd get in a guild-run group and hope that there was a scroll run, keep capture, or bridge battle going on, and even offered to share quests if needed. People would literally stand at one of the "home" wayshrines for an hour or more, doing nothing but jumping around, emoting, or spamming various abilities.

    In short, some guilds seem to do nothing but recruit people for abuse. I've been with my 5 guilds since 2017 and will never leave them. Avoiding the spam-bots in this way is a bonus.
  • furiouslog
    barney2525 wrote: »
    I still don't get advertising a Dues of 150,000 gold per week.

    No mention of it being Sales.

    Who gets all that gold?


    I was in that 150K dues guild as well. It's a trading guild. They recently moved over from PS to PCNA, and started with a minimum requirement of 40K in sales, which I thought was low because they had a Grahtwood trader. Then they increased the requirement to 100K a week in sales. Then two weeks later they removed the sales requirement and asked for 150K a week in straight dues. I opined in guild chat that those requirements were not sustainable, a position with which the guild management and a couple of white knights did not agree. I left for another much less expensive guild with a trader in Craglorn (50K/week in sales), and I still see their leader spamming that invite with the 150K per week and their trader is still jumping around Grahtwood, so they must be doing okay.
    Edited by furiouslog on 22 May 2024 16:05
  • virtus753
    N00BxV1 wrote: »
    You don't need a bot, macro or other software to automatically send guild invites. Because it's right there in the addon API, and is as simple as this:
    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AutoGuildInvite", EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED, function(eventCode)
        local unitTag = "reticleover"
        if IsUnitPlayer(unitTag) then
            local guildId = GetGuildId(1)
            local displayName = GetUnitDisplayName(unitTag)
            local inviteSent = GuildInvite(guildId, displayName)
            if inviteSent then
                d("Guild invite automatically sent to "..displayName)
    All someone has to do is walk by your reticle, and then you can get their name and automatically send an invite.

    Yay addons...

    Just because an add-on can do it doesn't mean it's allowed, though. An add-on can also allow one player to control another player's character in terms of abilities, as we saw with Hodor, but doing so is against ToS. That functionality was removed very soon after it was brought to ZOS' attention.

    Spam is spam full stop. Automated spam that uses the API just makes it an abuse of the API.
  • Tallon_IV
    Same with AvA - I'd get in a guild-run group and hope that there was a scroll run, keep capture, or bridge battle going on, and even offered to share quests if needed. People would literally stand at one of the "home" wayshrines for an hour or more, doing nothing but jumping around, emoting, or spamming various abilities.

    I see this so much at the gates and never understood it.
    furiouslog wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    I still don't get advertising a Dues of 150,000 gold per week.

    No mention of it being Sales.

    Who gets all that gold?


    I was in that 150K dues guild as well. It's a trading guild. They recently moved over from PS to PCNA, and started with a minimum requirement of 40K in sales, which I thought was low because they had a Grahtwood trader. Then they increased the requirement to 100K a week in sales. Then two weeks later they removed the sales requirement and asked for 150K a week in straight dues. I opined in guild chat that those requirements were not sustainable, a position with which the guild management and a couple of white knights did not agree. I left for another much less expensive guild with a trader in Craglorn (50K/week in sales), and I still see their leader spamming that invite with the 150K per week and their trader is still jumping around Grahtwood, so they must be doing okay.

    I think I was in that guild when the requirements changed over. There was a mass purge and I was one of a bunch of people who got kicked right because they never told anybody the requirements had changed (not that I would have paid 150k/week anyway). I'm not sure what it is they think they offer that other trade guilds don't...
  • N00BxV1
    virtus753 wrote: »
    N00BxV1 wrote: »
    You don't need a bot, macro or other software to automatically send guild invites. Because it's right there in the addon API, and is as simple as this:
    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AutoGuildInvite", EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED, function(eventCode)
        local unitTag = "reticleover"
        if IsUnitPlayer(unitTag) then
            local guildId = GetGuildId(1)
            local displayName = GetUnitDisplayName(unitTag)
            local inviteSent = GuildInvite(guildId, displayName)
            if inviteSent then
                d("Guild invite automatically sent to "..displayName)
    All someone has to do is walk by your reticle, and then you can get their name and automatically send an invite.

    Yay addons...

    Just because an add-on can do it doesn't mean it's allowed, though. An add-on can also allow one player to control another player's character in terms of abilities, as we saw with Hodor, but doing so is against ToS. That functionality was removed very soon after it was brought to ZOS' attention.

    Spam is spam full stop. Automated spam that uses the API just makes it an abuse of the API.

    I never said it was okay... I was simply pointing out that ZOS has made that publicly available in their API, and maybe they shouldn't allow things like that in the first place. I don't feel it's necessary to have it, and I can't think of a single reason why we'd need it, other than to spam people just like those Guild advertisements in zone chat...

    If you want to invite someone to your guild, then there are ways for you to do it without having to spam people. And if someone wants to join your guild, then there are ways for them to do it without you having to spam your guild advertisements in zone chat.
    Edited by N00BxV1 on 22 May 2024 17:18
  • N00BxV1
    Automatically Reject Friend Invites:
    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AutoRejectFriendInvite", EVENT_INCOMING_FRIEND_INVITE_ADDED, function(eventCode, displayName)
        d("Friend invite automatically rejected: "..displayName)

    Automatically Reject Guild Invites:
    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("AutoRejectGuildInvite", EVENT_GUILD_INVITE_ADDED, function(eventCode, guildId, guildName, guildAlliance, inviterDisplayName)
        d("Guild invite automatically rejected: "..guildName)

    Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
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