@VisitHammerfell Was this from today? And are you on PS NA or PS EU in this clip?
Necrotech_Master wrote: »did the boss teleport as he died? thats a good way for enemies to desync their body positions lol
using a knockback to kill a target (non boss enemies), or boss enemies that die while teleporting can position desync between where they are on the server and where your client is showing the body
sometimes to get it to resync you would have to relog, which i know is not really doable while soloing the dungeon instance, but if your in a group and they dont mind waiting a moment, you could relog and that resyncs the boss body position usually
to be honest, if your doing the side bosses too, it only takes a few runs to get all of the armor pieces so i would not worry about it too much (if you were able to loot all side and main bosses that is 5 armor drops and 1 weapon/jewelry drop, so doing that you would finish all armor drops on your 4th run)