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The Tale of Zenithar's Maraud..

The Tale of Zenithar's Maraud is a tale of divine inspiration and my magnum opus of ESO concept creations..

The story is of a lowly merchant, turned guildmaster, after putting in an honest effort to acquire funding to create a sustainable system of profit. Though his dream was a success, it was not as expected. Soon the guild would be filled in with con-men and the like. Gold was being made through devious effort whilst using the guild as its source of credibility. The guild was being actively destroyed, and its stores of gold gradually dwindled. One day, when the guildmasters most loyal colleagues came to him suggesting intervention, he was nowhere to be found. Most had given up and decided saving the guilds stores of gold would be preserved, at the behest of newer or learning merchants. It was one colleague who thought of and may even have sought help to track down their guildmaster who'd vanished. They searched and searched as clues led them down an obscure golden trail through the mud. The journey wasn't SUPER imposing, but hard work indeed, and really showed the colleague the quality of handling things correctly. One day, they managed to lock down on the guildmaster. They showed themselves to a mediocre shop in a marketplace that didnt sell anything of actual use.. This couldn't be where the guildmaster had gone.. What about his grand design?? It was there they found him, in the back of the shop writing down something in a book. "guildmaster?" The colleague's surprise was just barely more than one might expect to hear. It turned out that the guildmaster had already found the answer to their problem, but hadn't thought of a way to fix the guild with it. "The art of trade is about more than trading itself. It is about the value of all things changing with the added weight of their need. The only things with true value are the things people didn't know they wanted." The guildmaster explained that that is why he chose to spend his days making gold trading things that people might find personal value in. "But what about your guild?" said the colleague. "If it has value to you, then i give it only for your word that you will make it your own and value it." And with that, they bid the guildmaster farewell, stating them welcome always in the guild halls, and went back to the guild with the guildmaster's boon as proof of trade. Through good and honest work, the loyal colleagues designed the guild to be more of a traders college, where they worked to provide the world with useful and honest workers. The guild had managed to create regular games, events and even a yearly lottery across tamriel. (one ticket entry per individual) It was years later, after the former guildmaster had seen a Caravan from the guild handling bets for a local Tales of Tribute tournament, that he decided to visit the guild. It was more than he had ever dreamed it could be, and he knew he made the right choice. The former and current guildmaster went inside to enjoy a cup of black tea and talk about things. Zenithar's Reposit was born!
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