back on march 1st i took a screencap of the available daily rewards for my friends to show them whats available this month. on day 2 it said my reward would be 2 scalecaller crates, i thought it made sense to give players like me who already own the orsinium dlc something else as a reward since they would otherwise get nothing
thats the screencap i took for my friends, you can see it says 2 scalecaller crates on day 2
heres a screencap from today showing my claimed day 2 reward which is now shown to be the orsinium dlc
did the crates i was promised get removed bc of the issue with some players being unable to claim their day 2 reward? why wouldnt that have been announced? what happened to the crates the game promised me? did the game just dangle a carrot in my face just to tease me?
Edited by ZOS_Bill on March 6, 2024 5:35PM