(PC-NA) Sanguine's Gift PvE - nTrials - vTrials - Challenger/Trifecas - Social - Casual's Welcomed

Soul Shriven
If you are new to trials and your anxiety is getting the best of you, look no further! Sanguine's Gift is a social/trials guild where you can come hang out with us and do normal trials Mondays through Thursdays. We usually run a vet trial of the guild's choosing on Saturday's. Awesome trial leads will explain mechanics for each boss and will also explain how the vet version of each fight is handled to prepare you for vet if you decide to go down that route. Very knowledgable leaders and helpful guild mates. GM has a Tavern as their primary residence so you can RP your heart out if that's your thing. Come on in and have a drink or two.

If trials aren't really your thing or you want more than just the daily trial runs, may I interest you Challenger/Trifecta vet dungeon achievement runs? I personally enjoy running these between guild trials to get those sweet dungeon skins, personailities, etc. There's a little something for everyone that joins Sanguine's Gift! If you're interested then go ahead and shoot me a message here, on Discord Jade#6070, or in game @Jadeazu. I'll introduce you to the guild and we can go from there! Cya soon! <3
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