(Gamepad) How do people keep running past and encircling me?

If they maintain a certain distance, it'd be understandable. But they are melee class within 3 meters, and they can keep hitting while I cannot turn fast enough.

Is this solvable without using a mouse? (Not that i'm good with that) My gamepad sensitivity is set to max.

EDIT: it's not a speed problem - I'm simply trying to do what they do. Also this tactic seems only used by DW and previously jabbing templars, but it's very effective.
Edited by moo_2021 on 18 February 2024 20:52
  • Aces-High-82
    There is an addon turning up gamepad sensivity by a good amount.
  • React
    If you're on PC, you can uncap your gamepad camera speed, and disable your aim assist to prevent your camera from slowing.

    To uncap camera speed
    1. Go to documents -> elderscrollsonline-> live -> usersettings.txt
    2. In usersettings.txt, there is a line of text called something like "gamepad sensitivity 3rd person" with a value in quotations next to it. This value will be 1.00 if you have it all the way up ingame.
    3. Change the value in the quotations to any multiple you want. 1.5 = 50% more camera speed, 2.0 = double, etc.
    4. Save the file, close it, launch eso.

    To disable aim assist
    1. Ingame, go to the accessibility settings.
    2. Find "gamepad aim assist", and turn the slider all the way down, or almost all the way down.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
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