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Not impress by this game that cost 60$ + 15 every month


I tried Neverwinter Online, that is free by the way, and compared it with ESO ...

Seriously I don't think ESO is a better game and don't worth 60$

We are far from Skyrim.

  • blahgameblahb14_ESO
    Oddly I love it. Give me more. Take my money!
  • KidKablam
    Then go play Neverwinter Online. =) I'll be here.
  • S1D3FX
    They have forums in other languages. You sure you picked the right one?
  • Palmate
    Soul Shriven
    I agree with @blahgameblahb14_ESO‌, so far the game is very enjoyable, smooth clean and very pretty. not to even mention the depth of play in crafting and exploring.
  • Willow
    KidKablam wrote: »
    Then go play Neverwinter Online. =) I'll be here.


  • myblackbox123
    Thank you for the posting a comment that pretty much says what your comment headline says.
  • montgomery.luke07b16_ESO
    Mobiz wrote: »

    I tried Neverwinter Online, that is free by the way, and compared it with ESO ...

    Seriously I don't think ESO is a better game and don't worth 60$

    We are far from Skyrim.

    Ah ha ha ha ha thanks for the laughs man made my day.

    On topic though if you don't like it don't play it its that simple.

    Personally this is the best MMO I have played. and I have played a lot. This is my new home for the foreseeable future.
    By Hircine's hand i mark thee!
  • Nox_Aeterna
    We are , i dont even know how many years it will take for the PC/consoles AND internet connection we have to allow such a game to exist.

    For a MMO i thought ESO was quite well done ,still if it is worth the sub is a matter i will only be able to answer after playing more than a few days.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Elkesai
    Soul Shriven
    Look at free-to-play games and game versions compared to this game. I have no problem paying this tiny amount for this much enjoyment. Really, you aren't being forced to pay or play. And complaining about it makes you seem rather cheap. Just quit throwing all that money at weed, and you'll have more than enough.
  • mutharex
    Hmm kthxbye?
  • Decimus_Rex
    Mobiz wrote: »

    I tried Neverwinter Online, that is free by the way, and compared it with ESO ...

    Seriously I don't think ESO is a better game and don't worth 60$

    We are far from Skyrim.

    LOL ! WHAT!?

    Neverwinter is a cheesy ,watered down maze game.

    It's so on rails that I buzzed through it in less than a month and couldn't reroll another toon after the second one because of sheer boredom

    You can have that P.O.S!

    My spidey senses are telling me you don't even own a copy of this game and are here whining about the sub hoping Zeni will drop it?
  • SpireofSouls
    Try a different game, sorry that you didnt like ESO and your not the only one. I am thinking about going back playing Mortal Online myself.
  • DarkWombat
    Wow, if you are going to try to bring it, at least pick something that is not a paywall headache, linear crapfest like Neverwinter, a game that I would not play even if someone gave me $20 an hour (my time is more valuable than that)
  • Tarqueth
    I've played Neverwinter Online also, along with many other free and subscription based MMO's. Personally I am loving ESO. Unlike you, I do feel like the game was worth my $60 and will be worth $15/month sub fee.
  • Fahstolph
    Well..they both have magic and swords...so sure, ya, I can see the comparison :D
    One does not simply get EXP in Cyrodiil.
    -Boromir of Gondor3
  • vanillexhope
    I'm not impressed with this thread.
  • Hexos
    Take your trollish self back to Neverwinter then. Comparing this game to NWO is a grave insult. There is no comparison.
  • sflanagan21ub17_ESO
    Original poster...

    Pretty much what everyone above me has said. I think your comment about "trying" Neverwinter spells out your uneducated opinion very well.

    If you had actually played Neverwinter instead of trying it, you would notice the differences particularly in the depth of play and overall openness departments.

    Quit sounding like a such a cheap *** and pony up for some real entertainment otherwise I'll see you in Neverwinter (not). I'll be the guy that looks like everyone else trying to convert in game currency to something that is actually usable without having to resort to spending a small fortune on micro transactions.
  • Narrator
    Original poster...

    Pretty much what everyone above me has said. I think your comment about "trying" Neverwinter spells out your uneducated opinion very well.

    If you had actually played Neverwinter instead of trying it, you would notice the differences particularly in the depth of play and overall openness departments.

    Quit sounding like a such a cheap *** and pony up for some real entertainment otherwise I'll see you in Neverwinter (not). I'll be the guy that looks like everyone else trying to convert in game currency to something that is actually usable without having to resort to spending a small fortune on micro transactions.

    Thank for this +1

  • Melian
    Cool story, bro. Can I have your stuff?
  • Gohlar
    Hexos wrote: »
    Take your trollish self back to Neverwinter then. Comparing this game to NWO is a grave insult. There is no comparison.

    Agreed. This is more on par with Conan.

    I do think the amount who will sub to this will actually end up being pretty low. This game really, really wants you to solo quest (monsters in dungeons give no exp for example) and those games always seem to fail.

  • Decimus_Rex
    Try a different game, sorry that you didnt like ESO and your not the only one. I am thinking about going back playing Mortal Online myself.

    Sorry to hear that.

    I did M.O for a bit in beta and in the early days.

    This is quite a change up from MO , if MO is your style of PvP then this is probably like going from a racing stock car to a Pink Prius for PvP or sandbox style play

    However MO is a ghost town mostly right now.

    Did you ever try Darkfall?

    Again a very hardcore PvP FFA game but alas another dust bowl

  • Mobiz

    So much comments! For a simple opinion!

    The US server is down, it must be the reason!

  • SadisticSavior
    Mobiz wrote: »
    Seriously, I tried Neverwinter Online, that is free by the way, and compared it with ESO ...
    ...and it was awful. I tried it too. You can keep those cartoony-ass graphics. Was hugely disappointed with Neverwinter.
    Mobiz wrote: »
    Seriously I don't think ESO is a better game and don't worth 60$
    Can you give some specifics? I played both and this game is better in every way from what I can see. Neverwinter is free for a really good reason IMO. It is what I always thought a console MMO would be like, and I hated it.
    Mobiz wrote: »
    We are far from Skyrim.
    As long as we're also far from Neverwinter.

  • Hexos
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Hexos wrote: »
    Take your trollish self back to Neverwinter then. Comparing this game to NWO is a grave insult. There is no comparison.

    Agreed. This is more on par with Conan.

    I do think the amount who will sub to this will actually end up being pretty low. This game really, really wants you to solo quest (monsters in dungeons give no exp for example) and those games always seem to fail.

    I get that same feel too! Conans 1-20 was so well done. Then it became a grind iirc.
    THis game is like Conan's opening x20...the whole way..

    Its impressive how much sheer detail this game has...my wife noticed yesterday that when she cast a spell with her DW nightblade, her char would swap teh cast hand weapon to the other hand so that both weapons where in the right hand while she casted then swapped them back. So cool, it all these little well thought out details that prove this game is AAA+++ quality.
  • jircris11
    Mobiz wrote: »

    I tried Neverwinter Online, that is free by the way, and compared it with ESO ...

    Seriously I don't think ESO is a better game and don't worth 60$

    We are far from Skyrim.
    HOLY COW someone finally noticed that this was not skyrim online! But in all honesty the game is great, Most ppl just thought it would be skyrim online and its not. I have read many post all over mmorpg/ mmobomb and even blog reviews. And one thing i see often is "ESO sucks its nothing like skyrim" Well to them i leave an example. imagine walking in to town with your bags filled with goodies and trash only to find out that EVERY NPC has been killed. Would you like that? i know i would not. so ether realize that ESO is not skyrim and play it for what it is or stop playing. I also have played Never winter online and even after such a long time out its still bugged to all hell, not to mention the community is far worse on it and so are the gold sellers. Even the combat is lacking in a lot of ways. I could go on but i will not. I have played NWO since launch and even pre ordered it and honestly..worst 250 bucks i have spent!
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • Yankee
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Hexos wrote: »
    Take your trollish self back to Neverwinter then. Comparing this game to NWO is a grave insult. There is no comparison.

    Agreed. This is more on par with Conan.

    I do think the amount who will sub to this will actually end up being pretty low. This game really, really wants you to solo quest (monsters in dungeons give no exp for example) and those games always seem to fail.

    I disagree that it is like Conan. I seem to recall they did not have content done on launch past mid level. ESO does have content available up to 50+.

    I hope there are subs because I would like to see the game stick around. F2P is not an ideal way to go, and $15 per month is not a huge outlay if one likes the game.

  • SpireofSouls
    Try a different game, sorry that you didnt like ESO and your not the only one. I am thinking about going back playing Mortal Online myself.

    Sorry to hear that.

    I did M.O for a bit in beta and in the early days.

    This is quite a change up from MO , if MO is your style of PvP then this is probably like going from a racing stock car to a Pink Prius for PvP or sandbox style play

    However MO is a ghost town mostly right now.

    Did you ever try Darkfall?

    Again a very hardcore PvP FFA game but alas another dust bowl

    It been awhile since i played MO, wasnt sure if they any improvements going on, since they are very slow developing it. Yes i played Darkfall, wasnt too impress with it either. I wasnt happy that DF:UW removed the skill systems from previous DF. At the meantime i going to see if i can find players that know how to roleplay out their characters. There are too many powergamers roaming everywhere that kill everything and loot everything lol. I like to take my time and earn the game, but ESO is lack of realism.
  • Ashigaru
    Mobiz wrote: »

    I tried Neverwinter Online, that is free by the way, and compared it with ESO ...

    Seriously I don't think ESO is a better game and don't worth 60$

    We are far from Skyrim.

    The graphics alone are so much better and i am not even talking about how you have to stand still to do any attacks and lets talk about all the exploration you can do in NW since you are pinned to a track and also there is the awesome PVP, ya right give me a break. There is no way to compare this game to NW at all its like comparing apples to a grape, this game is in a whole different league.
  • Budnick
    We are far from Skyrim. lol. yes, every elder scrolls game needs to be like skyrim. I mean Arena and Daggerfall sucked because it wasn't enough like skyrim
This discussion has been closed.