How yall like that pve players got a whole thing. They said we have pvp content comming...three months after the new expac. And they aren't even giving us something to be excited for. That's like if today they said spell crafting comming...but nothing to say about it for 9 months.
Speaking of, what a womp. New skills for the weapon lines...instead of allowing more customization for existing skills. Total loss of confidence in this team...
Maybe not total, new chapter looks great, as always. I havnt gotten a meaningful update since summerset. Everything else has been nerfs, lack of pvp content and support, useless additions that don't effect me, new classes that look terrible (like the "necromancer") terrible. Another useless year. Ugh...if BG content weren't so fun to me I'd be gone lol. Cause I love me some BGs even though it's beginning to get stale.