SORC BUFF - Please make Blood Magic passive scale off max offensive stats

Currently, this passive only scales of max HP, and you can only proc it when you hit someone with a Dark Magic ability. Magsorc and stamsorc will either use Crystal Frag or Crystal Wep and having this passive scale off max HP is really limiting this class' offensive healing power. Tanks may use Encase but I rarely see them. Please change this passive to scale off max offensive resources so both classes can benefit from being offensive!
Edited by StaticWave on 9 January 2024 07:21

Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • i11ionward
    Blood Magic is an offensive heal with interesting mechanics that reward you when you attack. But you can really benefit from this passive only when using Crystal Fragments or Crystal Weapon. I'd like to see other spam skills trigger Blood Magic too.

    What if the skill description was like this?
  • Turtle_Bot
    It could be a bit strong if it proc'd off any direct damage done.

    Maybe if it proc'd off dealing damage with any sorc ability (with a 1s cooldown) that would be better. Fits with the class better, facilitates using more class abilities instead of cramming more generic world/weapon abilities which is always a good thing (assuming classes are better balanced).
  • Udrath
    Maybe like a flat heal number similar to Living Dark but procs off direct damage dealt and not scale at all, and only increased from healing done/received buffs.
    Edited by Udrath on 9 January 2024 17:47
  • Soarora
    As a PvE sorc tank, I’d support this change. You’re right, a tank’s not reasonably going to proc this so it’s basically a dead passive.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • Vaqual
    not trying to start a fight, but the proc conditions seems to be the balancing aspect of the passive?
    Edited by Vaqual on 10 January 2024 12:04
  • Aces-High-82
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    It could be a bit strong if it proc'd off any direct damage done.

    Maybe if it proc'd off dealing damage with any sorc ability (with a 1s cooldown) that would be better. Fits with the class better, facilitates using more class abilities instead of cramming more generic world/weapon abilities which is always a good thing (assuming classes are better balanced).

    That be Curse, CF/CW, Streak and Overload (If you accept all the bugs/downsides of it). Any other viable sorc skill?
  • i11ionward
    Vaqual wrote: »
    not trying to start a fight, but the proc conditions seems to be the balancing aspect of the passive?

    To be honest, the passive is essentially dead outside of the Crystal Fragments and Crystal Weapon skills. If the effect of the Blood Magic Skill is moved to CF/CW and the passive is removed, then nothing will change at all. I would like the passive to have at least some effect besides two morphs of one skill.
  • Turtle_Bot
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    It could be a bit strong if it proc'd off any direct damage done.

    Maybe if it proc'd off dealing damage with any sorc ability (with a 1s cooldown) that would be better. Fits with the class better, facilitates using more class abilities instead of cramming more generic world/weapon abilities which is always a good thing (assuming classes are better balanced).

    That be Curse, CF/CW, Streak and Overload (If you accept all the bugs/downsides of it). Any other viable sorc skill?

    Hurricane, bound armaments and technically fury (for those who manage to find room for it on their bars).

    A lot of sorc skills need a complete redesign (especially on the dark magic line), hence why I added the "(assuming classes are better balanced)" clause at the end of my post for wanting more class abilities worth slotting on builds.
  • StaticWave
    I think having the Blood Magic passive scale with offensive stats would be a good change. For example, this is the passive's tooltip at 33k HP without any modifiers:


    Versus 42.7k HP:


    About 900 tooltip difference, but you're losing ~9k stam/mag in the process. Having it scale off offensive stat instead will give this passive more healing and really dive further into the offensive healing theme of the class. That way, magsorcs can get some extra healing whenever they use Cfrag and stamsocs can get more healing whenever they use Cwep.

    PC NA

    Static Wave - AD stamsorc

  • Aces-High-82
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    It could be a bit strong if it proc'd off any direct damage done.

    Maybe if it proc'd off dealing damage with any sorc ability (with a 1s cooldown) that would be better. Fits with the class better, facilitates using more class abilities instead of cramming more generic world/weapon abilities which is always a good thing (assuming classes are better balanced).

    That be Curse, CF/CW, Streak and Overload (If you accept all the bugs/downsides of it). Any other viable sorc skill?

    Hurricane, bound armaments and technically fury (for those who manage to find room for it on their bars).

    A lot of sorc skills need a complete redesign (especially on the dark magic line), hence why I added the "(assuming classes are better balanced)" clause at the end of my post for wanting more class abilities worth slotting on builds.

    Hurricane is nice for minor Expedition and MR. But as already offen mentioned the tickrate isnt ideal and doesn't really fit on magsorc bars.
    BA is nice for its ignore LoS feature, ngl. Again no barspace for magsorc and Bound Morph more valuable when stacking max mag.
    On Fury: they really should turn it into a spamable like already proposed in another thread
  • Turtle_Bot
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    Turtle_Bot wrote: »
    It could be a bit strong if it proc'd off any direct damage done.

    Maybe if it proc'd off dealing damage with any sorc ability (with a 1s cooldown) that would be better. Fits with the class better, facilitates using more class abilities instead of cramming more generic world/weapon abilities which is always a good thing (assuming classes are better balanced).

    That be Curse, CF/CW, Streak and Overload (If you accept all the bugs/downsides of it). Any other viable sorc skill?

    Hurricane, bound armaments and technically fury (for those who manage to find room for it on their bars).

    A lot of sorc skills need a complete redesign (especially on the dark magic line), hence why I added the "(assuming classes are better balanced)" clause at the end of my post for wanting more class abilities worth slotting on builds.

    Hurricane is nice for minor Expedition and MR. But as already offen mentioned the tickrate isnt ideal and doesn't really fit on magsorc bars.
    BA is nice for its ignore LoS feature, ngl. Again no barspace for magsorc and Bound Morph more valuable when stacking max mag.
    On Fury: they really should turn it into a spamable like already proposed in another thread

    Understandable that hurricane and BA are more stamsorc options, but they are still usable sorc abilities that deal damage and would proc the blood magic passive if it were to trigger off any sorc ability.

    Definitely agree though that hurricane (and boundless storm) should have their tick rates reduced to 1 second to match their AoE nature (and the base AoE of both morphs increased to 7m to match the new melee base attack range). Fury also definitely needs 1 morph made into a proper reliable spammable, or at the bare minimum, be a more traditional execute instead of the current buggy mess of a proc based delayed damage skill that it is right now.
  • Aces-High-82
    Best and easy to implement help in the healing department for sorc would be to double Matriarch HP. Decent meatshield in exchange for two barslots sounds reasonable. It would still die easily vs balls and siege aoe due to its pathing AI but at least useable in open field.
  • Jsmalls
    Deleted because this doesn't contribute to the topic.
    Edited by Jsmalls on 11 January 2024 16:42
  • Turtle_Bot
    Best and easy to implement help in the healing department for sorc would be to double Matriarch HP. Decent meatshield in exchange for two barslots sounds reasonable. It would still die easily vs balls and siege aoe due to its pathing AI but at least useable in open field.

    Easiest way, for sure, but not the best way, not by a long shot.

    Also, I'm sick and tired of ZOS taking the easy option every single damn time when it comes to balancing sorcerer. That sort of balance practice has resulted in what sorcerer has become today, a classes class that is dependent on overpowered procsets to perform at a level that is comparable to the other classes (in PvP) or a zookeeper (in PvE).

    There's a long list of examples I can think of, but the main example of the easy way being the worst way is the removal of Overload's third bar (I've spoiler tagged the other examples I could think of so the post isn't pages long).
    • Overload 3rd bar - Seems unfair when 1 class gets a 3rd bar to slot extra abilities on it, so it got removed, completely ignoring the fact that the 3rd bar was REQUIRED due to how the pets function (must be slotted on ALL bars) to allow sorcerer to slot a similar amount of utility abilities as the other classes. This was done because removing the third bar without any replacement/other changes was the easy option. This deleted 1/3 of sorcerers bar space where (even to this day) no compensation has ever been given to sorcerer for this abomination of an overnerf (Imagine the outcry if the other classes suddenly lost 2 slots on each of their bars and could only slot 3 abilities + an ultimate on each bar).
    The other "easy fixes" ZOS has done to sorc over the years (that I could think of).
    • Mines - Instead of fixing the interactions with tight spaces, they changed the skill to be a crazy expensive ground based DoT.
    • Crystal Weapon - Instead of fixing the stacking interaction, it's now a 1.5x spammable that also requires landing a LA to do anything.
    • Bound Armaments - Instead of changing the LA buff so it didn't over buff when combined with the LA CP, the removed it entirely.
    • Rune prison - Instead of finding a good middle ground for the stun and damage aspect, they all but deleted the damage and put a massive delay on the stun attempt.
    • Shields - Constantly removed mechanics and nerfed values of these, heals with core combat mechanics are just objectively better options than shields now.
    • Pets - Instead of reworking pets to be viable in PvE, they gave them immunity to mechanics/AoE. Becomes apparent just how horribly bad pets are when new content is released that doesn't include these ZOS granted immunities (see IA on release).
    • Negate - Instead of allowing mechanics to function in a negate, they made negate useless in PvE and essentially removed it entirely replacing it with a stun for NPCs.

    There's probably a lot more examples I'm forgetting (and there's certainly examples for other classes as well), but the easy option is just not good enough anymore, especially when it comes to Sorcerer. The class needs a revamp/overhaul to prevent this continuous cycle of overbuffing/overnerfing and keep it in a good spot as a class and not just as an "insert overpowered procset" carrier (in PvP) or as a zookeeper/atro bot (in PvE).

    Sorry for the tangent, but I am just that sick of it always being the easy option taken by ZOS when it comes to attempting to balance sorcerer while we have had complete reworks/overhauls to DK, NB and Warden that have actually made those classes very strong. Even plar was very strong up until the Jabs/PotL changes, which would be easy fixes to sort those out if ZOS actually wanted to do that (buff jabs total damage to pre U35 levels to account for the missing tick of damage created by the animation change and make PotL not be double dipped by battle spirit).
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