Kahjiits vs poptarts?

There are several types of kahjiits that are very unique and reliable. One of those kahjiits is very disorganized when it comes to arguments about poptarts.

This kahjiit likes to eat strawberry poptarts and she cannot explain why but atleast tries to without unintentionally saying a pun. Another kahjiit likes blueberry poptarts and has a whole 10 paragraph professionally written debate essay. Then the 3rd kahjiit likes troll flavored poptarts which is plain weird and has a side of salty forums. I mean fries.

The 3rd kahjiit is an excellent hunter when it comes to finding and taking down river trolls in Northern Elwsywer. Then somehow turns them into poptarts using a basic provisioning crafting skill and combining a few food recipes.

The another kahjiit is really good at finding and picking fruits that are the color blue. This kahjiit is an frost mage who also traps a lot of elite enemies in ice blocks to protect her friends. Otherwise she is very smart when it comes to logic, reading, and writing.

The kahjiit just likes eating strawberry poptarts without reason...

They all end up in a battle against a world boss when exploring. Instead of trying to defeat the boss, the kahjiit sat there and ate strawberry poptarts. While another kahjiit and the 3rd kahjiit where using strategy based logic and hunting skills to defeat the boss.

The odd thing is that neither one destroyed the world boss.

The mysterious 4th kahjiit with blue hair and light rust colored fur showed up right at the last second eating vegetable samosa flavored poptarts. Has won the battle.

But wait, this ain't over...

The 4 kahjiits still can't decide which flavor of poptarts is the best and which ones give the most buffs.
Edited by wilykcat on 25 December 2023 16:01
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