I have completed all the fishing achievements. Now I just want to fish "for profit." What is the best configuration?
1. Do I want the CP perk "Angler's Insticts" active? I assume NO, since it increases "rare" or "trophy" fish, and I don't want those. Or does it affect the drop rate of containers, like Pyandonean Bottles or Abyssal-drenched folios?
2. Do I want to use "Artaeum Pickled Fish Food", or fish in a group? I assume NO, because these increase drop rate of "rare" or "trophy" fish. Or does this also affect the drop rate of containers, like the Pyandonean Bottles and Abyssal-drenched folios?
3. Do I want to have the "Sharp as Night" companion active? I assume YES. He appears to have (2) buffs, one increasing "rare fish drop" and one to "reel-in frequency", but ZOS has clearly stated that the rare fish increase simply replaces some bait drops, so as long as I don't need bait -- it seems that the reel-in frequency will bring in more fish. True?
4. Do I want the CP perk "Reel Technique" active? I assume YES, since it decreases bite time irrespective of what is on the hook (more fish/containers over time).
Is there any data / experience available to answer these questions?
Edited by DrScott59 on 20 December 2023 04:05