In the Coldharbour public dungeon, Village of the Lost, you need to complete a quest with a Khajiit called “Holes in the world” to clear the dungeon. You take the Khajiit to three tears and he closes them. However, the tear in Khaj’yahai spawns on top of a house rather than inside the house as intended. The Khajiit is then unable to access the tear to close it and the quest is rendered impossible to complete (and the dungeon is impossible to clear as a result).
I’ve tried relogging, waiting 30+ minutes after logging out before logging back in, dropping the quest and restarting it, exiting the dungeon and re-entering it, finishing all other objectives before attempting this tear, etc. I even tried dropping onto the house from above but the character slides off the roofing. Playing on Xbox NA if it matters, but I’ve seen reports from people on PC having the same issue.
Really hoping a quick fix could be made about this or someone has advice on how to fix this glitch, because it’s driving me mad not having the public dungeon listed as complete due to this bug lol.
Edited by Hunting_Halcyon on 16 December 2023 17:01