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Easy fix for gold spammers

Hire me.

I'm willing to spend a few hours a day zapping the @accounts of gold spammers into oblivion. I'm sure there are others who would too. You don't even have to pay me a lot, I'd even do it for free subscription time. Just need a rt-click and "banish" option and send them into oblivion... see what I did there? Bust seriously, I would do this. Have a live person handling this and it will get very expensive for them very quickly.
  • kengordon
    Yes! Gold spammers ruin online games!!!
  • Silowyi
    They make local chat pretty much useless. If I owned a game I think it would be far cheaper to have someone do nothing but zap them than they lose in subscription fees from people who get tired of not being able to use the chat functions, plus, what a peaceful online world it would be!
  • rainbowlovelips_ESO
    I would most definitely zap/ban/block/report gold spammers for a free sub. No need to pay me, just let me play and I would gladly keep the game clean of jerks.
  • pema
    A report option would be cool. then you can let an admin handle it. as the game aint cheap it will solve fast when people get a temp or perm bann
    Officer of Alith Legion
    Ebonheart Pact guild, EU server.
    Check out our site alithlegion.com
  • Jitaki
    And the minute some one says something in chat you disagree with... do they get zapped too?
  • Silowyi
    Well you couldn't really play. If you had that power it would have to be on a dedicated and monitored account as that power/responsibility doesn't really belong in the hands of someone currently gaming. I play at least 10 hours a day if not more, I'd be willing to do a 3-4 hour shift -5 times a week doing nothing but watching chat and waiting for reports to go zap em!
  • TheAurelian
    During beta I really hated chat and even then the spammers were out in force. I'm actually really liking it now though, and I like being able to switch between chat windows once you've opened them.
    “Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost...." -Hiromu Arakawa-
  • Seraseth
    I installed GoldSpamFilter addon from esoui last night. In the 4 hours after, I didn't see a single one. This was of course after reporting and ignoring 32 of them :p
  • Silowyi
    Jitaki wrote: »
    And the minute some one says something in chat you disagree with... do they get zapped too?

    No, I'm not a power-hungry b*tch, and I wouldn't want to lose my own access. It's an adult rated game so people can *ignore* what they find offensive. I'm ONLY suggesting this as a tool against gold-spammers. I have no desire to police, or be policed, for thought.

    Reporting abuse is fine. Reporting gold-spammers is fine. The problem with gold-spammers is that by the time they are dealt with they have probably already made enough sales to justify buying more copies. They need to be zapped quickly whereas other violations of TOS can probably wait for someone to handle them.

  • Beucko
    Although I always applaud community members stepping up, I don't think regular players should have these kind of capabilities.

    I wouldn't dare doubt that any of you have the best intentions but I'd rather see paid employees take the GM role in a controlled work-related environment instead.

    Forum-wise it would be possible to have some player-moderators but even this should be reserved for only the most trusted people that have been around for a while and are in contact with Zenimax/Bethesda staff regularly.
  • ManiacMcLaughton
    I just want a faster way to report them than the current way. You don't even have to give me anything but a tool to do it.....
  • Silowyi
    I don't disagree, I don't actually expect them to hire me, they really should have someone do it... that said, they are welcome to hire me and give me a non-playing account that they can monitor to make sure I do my job right! I didn't expect to be questing at the same time, although I think it would be awesome if as I zapped gold-spammers they gave me XPs for special gold-spammer zapper titles and maybe cool visual gear!
  • Silowyi
    I just want a faster way to report them than the current way. You don't even have to give me anything but a tool to do it.....

    The problem with a tool is that you still need someone (me me me!! or anyone!) to respond to it quickly and also to make sure people aren't burying the system in reports against non-gold spammers.

    It's not that games don't have other issues, but this is a big one that has plagued so many games for so long.. seems like an easy fix to me.
  • ZurinArctus
    This is something that just is nowadays. Best you can do is ignore them and move on.

    At least they don't seem to be outside the beginner zones.

    You can also add another tab for zone and shout chat (which they seem to use) to keep it off your main tab. You're not missing much on either of those two channels anyway. :expressionless:
  • nerevarine1138
    Player enforcement doesn't work. It's been tried, and it inevitably leads to abuse and more complaints. Plus, a ZO rep still needs to review those bans, so it just results in more work for everyone.
  • unstablejester
    Soul Shriven
    Create a separate chat tab for Group, Guild, and PM. Have the Main chat just for Zone and periodically check it. That's what I did at least.
  • Silowyi
    The reason you aren't missing much in zone chat is that it's become kinda useless do to the spam. It's almost impossible to try to buy/sell stuff... well it's difficult anyway.
  • Silowyi
    Create a separate chat tab for Group, Guild, and PM. Have the Main chat just for Zone and periodically check it. That's what I did at least.

    You're right, and I have, but I'm of the school of thought that we shouldn't "have to" do that. And as everyone keeps saying, a player shouldn't have that power. That's why whoever does it (me or anyone) should have a separate access and monitored account that isn't for playing when on "shift". Also that person doesn't have to have the ability to ban the account but at least they can immediately silence the account until an admin can review the details and then ban them.
  • tallenn
    Yeah, I think I have a problem with random players who's only qualification is they say they don't like gold sellers having the power to ban other player's accounts.

    Instead, I'd be happy with a tool for reporting gold sellers that works kind of like this: right click on name, select report for gold selling, click ok, and done. Account is automatically ignored (without taking up a slot in my ignore list), and gold selling report is sent to customer service. Quick, easy, and effective, so lots of players would use it.
  • Gremlis
    Use trusted beta testers for free while you get to know them and see if they are capable employees before hiring. It's a free service that might pan out later for people as moderators.
  • Seraseth
    tallenn wrote: »
    Instead, I'd be happy with a tool for reporting gold sellers that works kind of like this: right click on name, select report for gold selling, click ok, and done. Account is automatically ignored (without taking up a slot in my ignore list), and gold selling report is sent to customer service. Quick, easy, and effective, so lots of players would use it.

    That's really the ideal way of doing it.

  • Altheina
    Here's an idea which came out of my mind - why not have dedicated ZOS rep login into the game at random time/ in shift or whatever is appropriate and start waving the ban hammer on any gold spammers that are spamming the chat window given that there are only 2 mega servers?
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
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