Armory Station - How do we enter a build?

I have never used the Armory Station because I only play one role per character. But now with the Endless Archive requiring more specific builds I am working on a build for that on one of my characters. But I also want to keep the current build available in case I want to go back to it, so thought I'd give the Armory Station a try.

My problem is that when I open the station it's blank and it's not clear what I need to do to enter and save my current build. I don't want to click the wrong thing and lose my current set up.

I've read and watched several tutorials but they all start by showing a build already entered.

Can anyone please explain what I need to do?
Edited by ZOS_Icy on 27 November 2023 18:28
  • fizl101
    I don't know the buttons on pc, but you set up your character the way you want to save it, go into the armory, select the build slot you want to save to then select save build. Then change your character the way you want it, select the other build slot (slot 2) then save build. You will get the option to equip those builds when you select those build slots (triangle and square are the buttons on playstation, i assume there are two keybinds visible on screen on pc too)
    Edited by fizl101 on 27 November 2023 17:55
    Soupy twist
  • SilverBride
    fizl101 wrote: »
    I don't know the buttons on pc, but you set up your character the way you want to save it, go into the armory, select the build slot you want to save to then select save build.

    I'm afraid to say save build when there isn't a build showing. All the slots are empty.
  • fizl101
    the slots will be empty until you save, then it will show up whatever is set up on your character when you click save on that slot. It isn't a builder as such, it just saves however your character is set up
    Soupy twist
  • EdjeSwift
    There's no reason for any apprehension, you can save over a build. The buttons are labeled at the bottom, E to Equip, R to Save, F for settings. The only apprehension/time to be careful is when equipping/saving once you have a build set up with something like a curse set in.

    For steps:
    Step 1: Empty Build


    Step 2: Hit R and confirm pops up


    Step 3: Confirm and Build is put in


    Antiquities Addict
  • SilverBride
    Thanks for the info and the screenshots @fizl101 and @EdjeSwift ! That did help a lot.

    This would be much clearer if there was an option to "enter current build" followed by "save build" once it was verified.

    I'm still a bit hesitant but will give this a try today.
  • ZOS_Icy

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • SilverBride
    One more question.

    Is it possible to completely clear a build if you decide you don't need it any more? Or can it just be written over?
    Edited by SilverBride on 27 November 2023 20:39
  • fizl101
    You just overwrite. You cant completely blank a build slot
    Soupy twist
  • SilverBride
  • Zodiarkslayer
    You can also make a dummy build and use it as a free respec.

    For this clear all your unneeded Ability Points, Champion Points and Attribute Points. Take off your gear , gi to the Armory Station and save current build.

    Or you use one base setup to branch out from.
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