Shield Placement Is Too High Up, Clips Into Armour

As of the Endless Archive update, the position of all shields were moved higher up on the arm.
Visually, it looks off because it appears as though the shield is only strapped to the forearm. It should instead appear as though one of the straps is gripped in the hand.
This also causes many of the larger shields to clip into shoulder pieces and the sleeves of some bulkier chest pieces.

This image shows how a shield appears now. Note the hand peeking out past the shield.

This image was taken several years ago, showing the same shield placed "correctly".

This image shows how the backside of the shield looks. It's a different shield, but it shows how the shield appears to only be strapped to the forearm.

  • pandazooka
    Ah, the first two images are in the wrong order! The 2nd image shows how the shields look right now. The first image is the screenshot taken several years ago. Sorry!
  • StShoot
    yeah i noticed the same, since i like using large shields i noticed that most of them clip into the shoulders now =/
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Can confirm, I checked a couple of motifs after somebody else pointed the issue out to me and the shields did indeed change position. Larger shields clip into the upper arm or shoulders too.

    I wish for it to be adressed but my hope is fleeting lately.
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