Consistently low FPS, not sure where to look

I noticed today am getting a consistent 29-30 FPS in town and a max of 45 elsewhere. This is down considerably from my previous 80-90.

This is new since last weekend and is exclusive to ESO, not impacting other games.

Nothing has changed on my end. I checked and reset the settings in my Nvidia control panel and GEForce experience. I reloaded my user settings from a backup to make sure nothing had changed there.

I updated my GPU driver to the 10/4 Nvidia update and ran a troubleshooting utility.

I tried turning off all addons and starting the game client fresh.

And through all of that, still running consistently at 30fps. I’m absolutely not interested in playing eso at low frame rate, and I honestly don’t know where else to look for the root of the problem.

I’d love to hear suggestions from the community.
Edited by Reverb on 14 October 2023 23:23
Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Reverb
    Additional steps I’ve taken without success - repairing the game client, and turning all graphics settings to med/low.

    I’m running a RTX 3090 Ti and an i9 9900. Not the newest CPU or GPU on the market but plenty to run ESO on high with good fps, and nothing that accounts for frame rate plummeting in the last week.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • ZOS_Phoenix
    Hello @Reverb,

    I would recommend sending a ticket to our support team here for further troubleshooting on this issue.
    Staff Post
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