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WTF... JUST WTF.....

  • PhamTrinli
    Chaleria wrote: »
    "WTF its not in Enlgish! I can't understand!" :o
    This is funny... the foreign sub-headers say the same thing as the English header. Just follow the English and you'll be fine. If you have trouble, Google is only a click away.

    Yes, because it is a totally valid design philosophy that your user base be required to use google translate to figure out what your web content is saying/meaning...

    Edited by PhamTrinli on 2 April 2014 08:21
  • Hellsaint
    @‌oomaplestoryoo I don't get it? Do you not understand that they are translations or do you not like people that don't speak English?
    "Nords are so serious about beards. So many beards. M'aiq thinks they wish they had glorious manes like Khajiit."
  • achimb16_ESO3
    @OP: it's just translations of the BIG BOLD ENGLISH HEADERS (dicke fette englische Kopfzeilen / grandes têtes anglais gras). No need to make a fuss about it. It would be ugly and they should split the forums completely if there where even more languages available (e.g. Chinese and Spanish which are also world languages). But it's still clearly structured right now.
    Anyways: you don't shed a very positive light on native English speaking people. I just hope you are not representative for the majority.
    Edited by achimb16_ESO3 on 2 April 2014 10:02
  • Mango995
    I wouldn't like to see only the german forum i really like to see every language because the german forum is much smaller so i am really happy with the design ( native german)
  • Lalai
    I like how the forum is setup. Creates a sense that every language is part of the community. The language selections in the upper right seem to be for the ESO site, and not the forums specifically. Clicking on one does not change how the forums look in any way, English still gets the main headers. It only changes the site.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • Goretex
    press 1 for english :open_mouth:
  • Rosveen
    It's annoying, I get it. It looks messy. I want proper language selection too. But why is everyone WTFing it when it's just the same titles translated to German and French? It's not like ZOS is hiding some important forum information from you by using foreign languages.
  • KreeVa
  • Thelrok
    No shpeiken deutch?
  • Lucifer66
    Kiwi wrote: »
    god forbid any English people learn something they're not the centre of the universe

    English speaking people are not the center of the universe, it's just us Americans that rule the world! So on your knees dogs and learn to speak our language!
    LOL J/K

    Yeah we do tend to expect to see English everywhere, but I imagine it's just as annoying for anyone to not see your native language when you are trying to read something. It's really too bad there isn't just one language we all used because it's impossible to learn them all. Think of all we could accomplish without any language barriers anymore.
    My concern can be measured in micro-give-a-craps.
  • oomaplestoryoo
    Lucifer66 wrote: »
    Kiwi wrote: »
    god forbid any English people learn something they're not the centre of the universe

    English speaking people are not the center of the universe, it's just us Americans that rule the world! So on your knees dogs and learn to speak our language!
    LOL J/K

    Yeah we do tend to expect to see English everywhere, but I imagine it's just as annoying for anyone to not see your native language when you are trying to read something. It's really too bad there isn't just one language we all used because it's impossible to learn them all. Think of all we could accomplish without any language barriers anymore.

    I disagree, since english is considered as an international language for EVERY Countries to communicate, we should be all comfortable reading it. What i meant "reading" here is not getting annoyed. HOWEVER, if you try to put language with symbolic characters, I'm sure a lot of people will get annoyed.

  • Adhamh
    I don't think they need to separate the forums. I don't mind the idea of the links to the forums for the non-English languages being on the same page as the English one, I just mind that the way they're presented makes it look as if they're sub-forums nested inside the English ones. It's obvious by this and other threads that it's been confusing to both sides.

    I can agree with the possibility that they were put together to enhance the feeling of community, but it wasn't executed as well as it should have been. Though the forums were only opened a few days ago and I'm sure they're interested in feedback from us players in regards to functionality and overall user-friendliness. Just give it a bit of time and perhaps our concerns will be addressed.
    IGN: Adhamh
    Race: Nord
    Class: Dragonknight
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
  • psychounz
    Yeah, it's mostly the nesting that's getting to me mainly because it's cumbersome on the eyes.
  • Intrapolly
    1. This isn't the biggest issue, but that doesn't mean it's an invalid concern.
    2. Just because this thread is written from an English perspective doesn't mean it only effects those that read and speak only English.

    I know the OP is far from constructive, but everyone would do well to stop jumping on this and antagonizing each other with short sighted comments such as English speakers being 'arrogant.' The core point is that the current jumble of languages on the forum is inconvenient for some people English speaking or otherwise, and it's not necessary to ridicule them simply for expressing their perspective confusion at the current forum structure. Zenimax is undoubtedly looking into concerns like this and working to improve ease of user experience on the forums, as there has been plenty of criticism against some of their design choices.

    I wouldn't personally say sectioning the forum is the prime solution, but if the threads can't be filtered in a harmonious way, it might be the best in the end. Reading thread titles in your own language between other languages simply is not intuitive however, and you can deny it if you like, I'm just not sure why anyone would object so strongly to a change from what seems to be far from perfect.
  • psychounz
    @Intrapolly‌, thank you!
    Edited by psychounz on 2 April 2014 13:16
  • Yankee
    Threads with such helpful titles as this should be just deleted as soon as they spawn.
  • Gedalya
    Title says it all.

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  • cromica81_ESO
    Honestly these forums are one of the worst I have ever seen.
  • Kinsaven
    The forum design is not really ideal. Whilst yes its basically just a translation of the bold English header, looking at it and having to click multiple times to even get to the forum you need, feels a bit cluttered at times. I like the forum designs that work like:

    English Forums
    - all english sub forums -

    German Forums
    - all german sub forums -

    French Forums
    - all french sub forums -

    etc. etc.

    That way it doesn't feel that cluttered and people can just scroll to the language they would like to use.

    Could've done with a more specific and helpful title to the thread as well, it's no real wonder that some people mistake it for arrogance.
  • ZurinArctus
    They should have just made a localization option. It does get annoying sifting through triplicates due to French and German translations.

    English is my set language, that is all I should see, unless it's in a category/forum dedicated to a language.

    I can see how it would be a hassle though, as most software will only localize the software itself, not the content published via user base.
  • Know
    The current design favors those who speak multiple languages, and wish to engage with communities by subject in each language.

    I've got no problem with that. It is true, however, that if you are not in that multi-lingual group the current design does nothing for you but present a large number of options which are not useful to you (3x as many as are). This is just generally a bad design practice.

    The easy fix? Add an option (not the default) to hide specific language forums in your user profile, so that if you speak French and English but not German, you can hide the German forums when you are logged in and viewing the forums. All of the utility with none of the clutter.
    Persons appear to us according to the light we throw upon them from our own minds. -Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Brim
    Soul Shriven
    The whole forum set-up is kind of weird to me, beyond the mish-mosh of languages clumped into one. I do find it annoying that I can't read a significant portion of the posts on each page (thus they are basically, for me, wasted space), but then I imagine that that's probably what non-English speaking folks have to deal with frequently on sites that are dominated by English-speakers and have no separate space for other languages.

    In short, while it's kind of refreshing to see a lack of linguistic segregation, it does make navigating the forums more of a pain. But honestly, navigating these forums is kind of a pain to me anyway--as far as the categories page is set up. I'm so used to seeing a list of forum areas, the columns freak me out. Haha. It's an adjustment, I suppose.
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