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I created an orc to compare with the others in the franchise

And honestly, ESO's orcs are pretty good. I think the only problem is that the fangs are tiny. And this is actually super weird, considering that in Skyrim their jaw is dislocated because of the size of their tusks.

But... Other than that, ESO's Orcs are amazing!

It would be really cool if Zenimax added a Hide Chests option soon, just like the Hide Shoulders option, huh?

This could allow them to work on some unique outfits, for example, for legs, that don't require complementing the upper part of the body... Like Skyrim's Fur Armor, which is just a bunch of leather on the lower part of the outfit. (... we need more options that leaves our chests bare like like the barbarians we are... AAAAAAAAARGH!)

Anyway... This post is just to share this image with you guys and make a stealth request for Hide Chests LOL
a better green skin for the orcs
... please T_T

Edited by ZOS_Icy on 16 January 2024 18:27
@FabresFour - 2075 CP
Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • spartaxoxo
    I still think the Orcs in Oblivion looked best. Obviously not in terms of graphic capabilities. But, the nose was less human and the tusks stood out with deforming their jaw so much. I also liked their ears were more clearly Elven.
  • FabresFour
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I still think the Orcs in Oblivion looked best. Obviously not in terms of graphic capabilities. But, the nose was less human and the tusks stood out with deforming their jaw so much. I also liked their ears were more clearly Elven.


    I just created an orc in Oblivion because I thought this Oblivion NPC didn't do justice to the orcs in the game, he's just another community joke.

    And actually, I realized that the snout is VERY interesting, and explains a lot about the orcs being called Pig Child!

    @FabresFour - 2075 CP
    Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • Hapexamendios
    I have a bow/bow Orcanist and she kicks ass.
  • UGotBenched91
    Too many wrinkles… male orcs have too many wrinkles.
  • jlmurra2
    Too many wrinkles… male orcs have too many wrinkles.

    Both male, and female Dunmer had that issue in Skyrim.

    I favor both the Skyrim, and ESO version of the Orcs.
    Edited by jlmurra2 on 3 October 2023 13:51
  • AvalonRanger
    Personally, ESO character model is the best.
    My playing time Mon-Friday UTC13:00-16:00 [PC-NA] CP over2000 now.
    I have [1Tough tank] [1StamSorc-DD] [1Necro-DD] [1Real Healer]
    But, I'm Tank main player. Recently I'm doing Healer.

    By the way...Dungeon-Meshi(One of Famous Japanese fantasy story comic book) got finale...
    Good-bye "King of Monster Eater".
  • Vulkunne
    From my experience I think Skyrim Orcs are actually pretty good. The look, racial abilities, lore, cities, voice acting, all of it is just spot on. ESO Orcs I would say would be the runner up. Just as good in one way but not great like how the Skyrim Orcs are in another way. Also by default the ESO Orcs kind of look like Goblins so it takes a little work and vision to kind of weed out the Goblin features and make them appear more Orcish.

    That said, I think the Orc racial abilities are ok. They're not bad but there is a weakness to them kind of especially compared to Nords. So a Skyrim Orc is going to look and feel a bit different than an ESO Orc. Case in point I've had an Orc DK for as long as I can remember so making a good Orc character def takes vision and a build that is befitting of them. One size fits all is more of a Goblin approach, Orcs are more refined.
    Edited by Vulkunne on 3 October 2023 16:31
  • Dr_Con
    oblivion orcs look like an underbudget anime's attempt at making one. it clearly doesn't capture their threatening side, the voice acting carries it.
  • Wolf_Eye
    FabresFour wrote: »
    And honestly, ESO's orcs are pretty good. I think the only problem is that the fangs are tiny. And this is actually super weird, considering that in Skyrim their jaw is dislocated because of the size of their tusks.

    But... Other than that, ESO's Orcs are amazing!

    It would be really cool if Zenimax added a Hide Chests option soon, just like the Hide Shoulders option, huh?

    This could allow them to work on some unique outfits, for example, for legs, that don't require complementing the upper part of the body... Like Skyrim's Fur Armor, which is just a bunch of leather on the lower part of the outfit. (... we need more options that leaves our chests bare like like the barbarians we are... AAAAAAAAARGH!)

    Anyway... This post is just to share this image with you guys and make a stealth request for Hide Chests LOL
    a better green skin for the orcs
    ... please T_T


    Meanwhile, the top right: Some-BODY once told me---
  • aru
    For bare chest, you can wear Sai Sahan style.
  • LunaFlora
    eso does take place before the other games though so their tusks being smaller here isn't that weird
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • TaSheen
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    eso does take place before the other games though so their tusks being smaller here isn't that weird

    Good thought! Evolution.... I'm not much of an orc fan, but I do think ESO's orcs are the best of the bunch.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • LunaFlora
    TaSheen wrote: »
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    eso does take place before the other games though so their tusks being smaller here isn't that weird

    Good thought! Evolution.... I'm not much of an orc fan, but I do think ESO's orcs are the best of the bunch.

    me too! i love eso orcs
    miaow! i'm Luna ( she/her ).

    🌸*throws cherry blossom on you*🌸
    "Eagles advance, traveler! And may the Green watch and keep you."
    PlayStation and PC EU.
    LunaLolaBlossom on psn.
    LunaFloraBlossom on pc.
  • Kirawolfe
    Wolf_Eye wrote: »
    Meanwhile, the top right: Some-BODY once told me---
    The world was gonna roll me...

  • FabresFour
    aru wrote: »
    For bare chest, you can wear Sai Sahan style.

    I have Sai Sahan's, and I also have Crimson Oath's

    They are not truly "bare", they have fabric, or metal, which loses some of the visual impact that I would like to create lol
    @FabresFour - 2075 CP
    Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • FabresFour
    LunaFlora wrote: »
    eso does take place before the other games though so their tusks being smaller here isn't that weird

    Considering that the period from ESO to Skyrim is only 1000 years... I don't think this is much of a question about the fangs. I think we just don't have very big fangs, because they would have to make some pretty blatant changes to the orcs' character creation...
    @FabresFour - 2075 CP
    Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • Al_Ex_Andre
    ESO orcs have more of a sage stature and face than anything now, besides their mandatory orc jaw.

    Good move because they are the best crafters after all if real, and as far as I know they are respectable, at least those we meet in game.

    I like Skyrim Orcs too. Not fan though of the previous green skin, at the opposite to you apparently, get my apologies.

    Ah. ESO Orcs cannot be blonde, neither at the orc character creation screen. I think actually this would fit some orcs, but whatever.

  • FabresFour
    ESO orcs have more of a sage stature and face than anything now, besides their mandatory orc jaw.

    Good move because they are the best crafters after all if real, and as far as I know they are respectable, at least those we meet in game.

    I like Skyrim Orcs too. Not fan though of the previous green skin, at the opposite to you apparently, get my apologies.

    Ah. ESO Orcs cannot be blonde, neither at the orc character creation screen. I think actually this would fit some orcs, but whatever.


    I like the green, but also not as green as Oblivion... I guess I'm just sad that in ESO they don't have any green tone... LOL..... I wish it was a little like Skyrim, that the their skin goes green but it's not too exaggerated, you know?

    If only there was this option LOL, even if it was just 1 skin tone :'(
    @FabresFour - 2075 CP
    Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • tomofhyrule
    Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of how the ESO Orcs look. The males are adequate, but the females really just look like Bretons with cute little tusks more than anything else.

    Looking through the series, I think that Orcs have had the most varies looks throughout, and some have been better than others.
    Morrowind's were actually good... for a 2002 low-poly model. That was when they were just promoted to playable from being random enemies, and they really suffered from having only like 3 faces and hairstyles in the character select. Still, I think they looked really good as they were.
    Oblivion's... existed. And that's all I'm gonna say.
    Skyrim's were awesome, maybe even a little too rugged. Skyrim Orcs were really what got me into the race as a whole. I really do like how they look very non-human in Skyrim, and it really felt like there was a lot more you could do with them (and it even really expanded the lore from before).
    As for ESO's, I do think it's a bit of a step backwards. I'm okay with them toning down the Skyrim-era a bit, but it does feel like an overcorrection in that they're almost too human now. Again, the males at least have the hulking bodyshape you'd expect and can be made to look more Orcy, but the females are the embodiment of that one meme.

    Now as for the skintones, I'm more than a bit salty that I can't give my main a healthy green and have to stick to a greyish brown. Especially since the green skintone is in the game, but set to NPC only (see characters like Mighty Mordra, Captain Graalug, and Brulak. I think even Skordo's got the greener skin tone too, so there are different shades as well). There are a few non-collectable cosmetics that are like that (see all the people asking for dark hair on Altmer), but since we have the grid system in character creation we can't get more. I'd love to give my main the right tone.
    However, I'm loving the height slider. I like my main as the smol-yet-jacked Orc he's supposed to be, and I'd be happy if we even got a bit more variance in the heights.

    But I will say, the best Orc look that I've ever seen is my character from Baldur's Gate 3. Granted, BG3 character creator suffers badly from "only 5 faces" syndrome, but fortunately one of those 5 faces is perfect. I have to say, since then this is how I picture my ESO main.

    And one more thing I wish that all companies would do when voicing Orc characters? They can't make a bunch of sounds because you've got tusks in the way. I really wish that they'd get the VAs of Orc characters to do the voiceovers with something in their mouth, since sometimes it really pulls me out of the world if they have perfect annunciation despite how the character looks. Especially if you have some rugged Orc warrior woman sounding like an anime princess...
    Edited by tomofhyrule on 8 October 2023 17:39
  • Minstrel9806
    To be fair, i think Orc design peaked with Skyrim.
    The wrinkles actually fitted them and were still not as exaggerated as the ones on Dunmer characters.
    I'm happy that they got rid of the "flat forehead" which Morrowind and Oblivion orcs had and gave them a normal shaped head both in ESO and Skyrim.
    Wish they used the Skyrim style orcs in ESO but still ESO ones aren't bad either (maybe a little too tame looking for my tastes and could definitely benefit from more tusk and horn options) and this game was in development before Skyrim (and under a different company) so.
    But, I mean...

    This is pretty much a perfect design in my opinion, ugly (in a good way) at the right point without making them look like monsters, the elven traits are more evident too.
    Edited by Minstrel9806 on 15 January 2024 21:12
  • Elvenheart
    Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of how the ESO Orcs look. The males are adequate, but the females really just look like Bretons with cute little tusks more than anything else.

    Looking through the series, I think that Orcs have had the most varies looks throughout, and some have been better than others.
    Morrowind's were actually good... for a 2002 low-poly model. That was when they were just promoted to playable from being random enemies, and they really suffered from having only like 3 faces and hairstyles in the character select. Still, I think they looked really good as they were.
    Oblivion's... existed. And that's all I'm gonna say.
    Skyrim's were awesome, maybe even a little too rugged. Skyrim Orcs were really what got me into the race as a whole. I really do like how they look very non-human in Skyrim, and it really felt like there was a lot more you could do with them (and it even really expanded the lore from before).
    As for ESO's, I do think it's a bit of a step backwards. I'm okay with them toning down the Skyrim-era a bit, but it does feel like an overcorrection in that they're almost too human now. Again, the males at least have the hulking bodyshape you'd expect and can be made to look more Orcy, but the females are the embodiment of that one meme.

    Now as for the skintones, I'm more than a bit salty that I can't give my main a healthy green and have to stick to a greyish brown. Especially since the green skintone is in the game, but set to NPC only (see characters like Mighty Mordra, Captain Graalug, and Brulak. I think even Skordo's got the greener skin tone too, so there are different shades as well). There are a few non-collectable cosmetics that are like that (see all the people asking for dark hair on Altmer), but since we have the grid system in character creation we can't get more. I'd love to give my main the right tone.
    However, I'm loving the height slider. I like my main as the smol-yet-jacked Orc he's supposed to be, and I'd be happy if we even got a bit more variance in the heights.

    But I will say, the best Orc look that I've ever seen is my character from Baldur's Gate 3. Granted, BG3 character creator suffers badly from "only 5 faces" syndrome, but fortunately one of those 5 faces is perfect. I have to say, since then this is how I picture my ESO main.

    And one more thing I wish that all companies would do when voicing Orc characters? They can't make a bunch of sounds because you've got tusks in the way. I really wish that they'd get the VAs of Orc characters to do the voiceovers with something in their mouth, since sometimes it really pulls me out of the world if they have perfect annunciation despite how the character looks. Especially if you have some rugged Orc warrior woman sounding like an anime princess...

    In the Baldur’s Gate pic, is that hairstyle “short mussed wave”? 😂
  • xclassgaming
    i forgot how absolutely cursed TES 3 Orcs are

    (edit was typo fix)
    Edited by xclassgaming on 15 January 2024 22:23
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • UGotBenched91
    Lineage 2 orcs (atleast male) for the win. Best look and the way they hold weapons and move are better than any game I’ve played with orcs in it.
  • Syldras
    i forgot how absolutely cursed TES 3 Orcs are

    I don't think they look worse than the other races. It's just how graphics were back then.
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Yeah, hard call them worse when everyone was a colourful potato!
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • ikzaa
    I like how the orcs look, I can't imagine venturing into Tamriel without Big Butt Borug.

  • Rasande_Robin
    Comparing ESO Orc's to WoW Orc's.
    is like comparing Aliens from Star Wars and Star Trek

    Star Wars has more variety in their Aliens.
    Star Trek Aliens are humans in costumes...
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • spartaxoxo
    Comparing ESO Orc's to WoW Orc's.
    is like comparing Aliens from Star Wars and Star Trek

    Star Wars has more variety in their Aliens.
    Star Trek Aliens are humans in costumes...

    True. But, Elder Scrolls series orcs weren't always like that. You can definitely understand the "pig children" name when you look at Morrowind and Oblivion. They get more and more human with each iteration. I don't even feel like they are unique from other fantasy orcs, look wise, at this point.
  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Community Creations section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Minstrel9806
    True. But, Elder Scrolls series orcs weren't always like that. You can definitely understand the "pig children" name when you look at Morrowind and Oblivion. They get more and more human with each iteration. I don't even feel like they are unique from other fantasy orcs, look wise, at this point.

    I agree that ESO ones look too soft.

    But the Oblivion ones were simply horrid to the point of being unplayable, like the only ugliest thing in that game were the Khajiit. The Morrowind design was not as bad, they still had that "flat forehead" that i seriously disliked, but they were good overall.

    Sure they were quite literally the "pig children" aesthetically, but i think sacrificing lore description for a more mundane (playable) look can be a smart move if done with moderation.
    Regardless, i think the pig children description was more due to the tusks, and let's remember that it was the name of a racist/diffamatory book about the Orsimer, so a description driven by hate and disgust rather than an accurate representation.

    I agree that an excessive human look is bad, like i don't like BG3 half-orcs for example (just to quote a more recent game).

    Again, in my personal opinion, they could reuse the Skyrim design for ES6 and i wouldn't complain.
    Edited by Minstrel9806 on 17 January 2024 21:11
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