I ran 21 random vet dungeons today. I hadn’t done any non-pvp group content since U35. I don’t own Lost Depths or Scribes of Fate but do have the other DLCs. I was on a healer.
- I had way more good groups and good experiences than bad. By a huge margin.
- we had very few wipes and zero DNF
- I only got 3 fake tanks. I expected more based on forum chatter. One was vote kicked at the first boss, one was coa1 so it didn’t matter, and one I got kicked because I stopped healing when I kept getting boss aggro. When the group complained about heals I asked why I should do my job if the “tank” who has 22k health and no taunt doesn’t have to do theirs. Got the boot.
- if you don’t know the mechanics please say so up front! People would rather take the time to explain than wipe because you don’t know what to do
- In many instances the speed runners slow things down. Groups waste more time trying to get out of combat to go through doors than they would have spent just clearing the trash
- Low dps is a widespread problem but isn’t a barrier to finishing in most cases. Super high dps can still blow by most mechanics while low dps groups need to know and follow them to clear the harder vets.
- vMoS overhears my GPU. It didn’t before, but did both times I got it today
- When did people start running coa1 right-to-left instead of left-to-right?
- The event drops are good. It’s nice to have an event that doesn’t fill my inventory with low value junk with stupidly high drop rates
The big takeaway for me is that most of the dungeons are still fun, and despite the number of forum threads to the contrary, most groups are good. Many of them are great.
We are undaunted.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 10 September 2023 03:39 Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche