Jewelry Crafting Daily bug

Let say you are on the first level of crafting jewelry, you can create things from level 1 to 14 with switching the levels.
I noticed that the writs wouldn't not complete if you are at least 1 step AFTER the minimum level crafting possible. To be simple, the writ would only work for the least level you can craft, from 1-14, only the level 1 would work.
If you put points in jewelry crafting, it's only the least level of crafting that will work.

The completion of the dailies should work for any level item crafted, not only the first one. It's breaking a bit the progression of the job, because more high-level the item is, more EXP earned :smile:
Edited by ZOS_Bill on 8 September 2023 16:06
  • virtus753
    It works fine with blacksmithing, etc., so certainly a bug that it doesn’t work that way with jewelrycrafting. (Tested with level 14 iron for blacksmithing and level 24 pewter for jewelrycrafting.) Probably an oversight, since they implemented these writs so much later after the others.
  • Llether
    Yes as I know it is only bugging for jewelry, I always try to do the max level of stuff I can do on other jobs
    I noticed the bug more than a year ago and still not fixed :(
  • Djennku
    Have you tried abandoning the daily writ and picking it up again? It should update

    EDIT: just reread OP's post and realize what the issue might be. It asked you to craft to your level, and you crafted gear for the writ one level lower. Solution would be to craft the writ level appropriate pieces. Hope this helps.
    Edited by Djennku on 10 September 2023 08:49
    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • Llether
    Djennku wrote: »
    Have you tried abandoning the daily writ and picking it up again? It should update

    EDIT: just reread OP's post and realize what the issue might be. It asked you to craft to your level, and you crafted gear for the writ one level lower. Solution would be to craft the writ level appropriate pieces. Hope this helps.

    It doesn't work to picking up again the quest.
    No the writ says like "Craft Two copper Necklaces" there is no notion to level as the material already means the level of crafting we are in
    It should work for any item-level we can craft in the window from the material needed (like pewter from level 1-14 item-level)
  • Djennku
    Actually, that's incorrect. If it asks for copper, you need to craft copper, not pewter.

    EDIT: unless I'm completely misunderstanding you, which I may be
    Edited by Djennku on 10 September 2023 09:23
    @Djennku, PCNA.

    Grand Master crafter, all styles and all furnishing plans known pre U41.
    Vamp and WW bites available for players.
    Shoot me an in-game mail if you need anything, happy to help!
  • Llether
    Yeah you didn't understand my point, which maybe is on my own cause I'm not english native.
    The pewter thing was just an example saying that it's bind to LEVEL 1 of Jewelry job skill, and bind to level 1 to 24 of level-item we can craft at the station.
    Of course if the quest says "craft copper stuff" (which is LEVEL 2 of Jewelry job skill, and 26 to 50 level-item I think), we need to do as they say.
    If we focus on the bug, and keeping the COPPER example, it'll complete only for the level-item 26 in the craft station, If I craft a level-item 30 it won't count for the quest. it should count at any level-item, as all the other jobs skills do
    Edited by Llether on 10 September 2023 15:55
  • Llether
    As update 40, the bug remains, despite changes on jewelry in this update.
  • greenmachine86
    I understand the glitch but not understanding why you want to craft the daily writs at a higher level though. The reward doesn't increase but the amount of mats you need to use does
  • Llether
    The amount of exp gained is higher depending on the level of stuff crafted :)
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