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Please, revert the getting transported to bosses in dungeons

I log in want to do a daily in a random group, and all i get is pulled from boss to boss, it is annoying and i really am losing confindence i can enjoy the majority random groups which i would describe as 90% of the time this is what to expect
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on 25 July 2023 03:17
  • Daoin
    or being told to 'wipe' is eso actually the only mmo on earth with a 'how to die and when, and do it' guide for pve action ? after a skip run also
  • Katheriah
    Respectfully, if this happens 90& of the time, you seem to be falling behind and that's exactly what this pulling is for.

    Maybe you can try to run with people that want to take it slow? I know there's some guilds that seem to focus on that and if it's random normals you can also try to solo.
  • Daoin
    im not slow i have clears of speed runs faster than most skips, fact is sometimes the tank cannot control the mobs or a dd want to rush through other times its due to a larger number looking for a mask, and i dont want to join a random group with people i know i want to meet new people enjoing the game itself too especially in random group finder, rather make a group yourself for a skip run and leave randoms alone or simply revert what they imposed on everyone. but thats a good example of what to expect from players in randoms ' join our wipe run or leave' other words theres really no choice due to being pulled or kicked, personally i call it or them 'Gen Wipe' but have been know to call it other things also not fit to mention in forum lol
    Edited by Daoin on 24 July 2023 09:52
  • derkaiserliche
    I am a high cp main Tank doing random dungeons often and i know what you mean.

    But there are different options:

    1. Skip some minions, without pulling them --> thats totally okay and normal
    2. Pull minions and then tell everyone to wipe at the boss --> good luck clearing alone, i just leave
    3. Clearing every minion in a fast way and you still get pulled from boss to boss --> you are simply either half afk or very new
  • wilykcat
    I like the automated teleport to boss room in dungeons "joining encounter".

    Sometimes when the dungeon has a really big environment ( I do admit I sometimes get lost), the teleport gets me to the boss room and then I feel relief. I can help my team defeat the boss.

    In games like World of Warcraft they don't have the automated teleport "joining encounter" for dungeons. The game instead completely locks players out of the boss room. This can result in the group getting others kicked out or leaving. If not, then the group has to get destroyed by the boss and wait for the rest of the group to arrive to enter the boss room.

    I like the "joining encounter" automated teleport to boss room system elderscrolls has in place. It solves the "groups and or a indivual player that have not showed up to the boss fight yet and the rest of the team already started" problems.
    Edited by wilykcat on 24 July 2023 11:29
  • Sarannah
    Personally I love the "joining encounter", the only thing I want is for players to be unable to start that encounter until most main mobs before that boss are actually dead.

    No more speedrunning, it is one of the worst things in MMO's I have ever encountered. (even worse than fake roles)
  • ganzaeso
    Most of the time it is one player quing as tank for a specific dungeon so that they can farm for something specific.

    The problem is they are roping 3 other individuals into their farming run who may not be alright with helping because they have other goals for running the dungeon.

    The fact that "Random" only applies to getting grouped randomly is also a problem. Whoever ques as the tank is the player the dungeon is chosen from and if they que specifically for a dungeon the dungeon is not random.

    I had some trouble when leveling my arcanist because I qued properly as a DPS and several times fake tanks would just rush past every encounter even though it takes about 30 seconds to finish them on normal with DPS numbers these days. It is quite tough with a new character to deal with even normals and especially tough if they have no experience with dungeons.

    I have 3250 CP and this behavior completely disgusts me. If players are going to farm for stuff they need to learn how to do it properly.

    1) Form a group/duo that can run the target content (Many Vet Dungeons can be soloed)
    2) Enter the target content manually and complete the farm objective
    3) Reset with difficulty toggle and repeat
    (Math before coffee, except after 3, is not for me)
  • danno8
    As someone who has missed out on drops from dungeons that have doors that you can't get through due to a stuck mob somewhere that is required to be killed before you can open the door, I like the transport to boss room mechanic.

    People storming ahead with no regard for other group members however are simply rude. I want to get it done quickly also, but I never just leave people behind with the idea that "oh they'll just get transported anyway!"
  • Ragnarok0130
    Daoin wrote: »
    I log in want to do a daily in a random group, and all i get is pulled from boss to boss, it is annoying and i really am losing confindence i can enjoy the majority random groups which i would describe as 90% of the time this is what to expect

    Oh heck no, 'joining encounter" is one of the few really good QOL improvements that ZoS added to the game. Please stay with your group OP this isn't a sight seeing tour.
    Daoin wrote: »
    or being told to 'wipe' is eso actually the only mmo on earth with a 'how to die and when, and do it' guide for pve action ? after a skip run also

    Being told to wipe generally only happens in formal groups who have an objective and it tends to happen in RNDs only when people wanted to skip trash and sprint ahead. I suspect you are complaining about a Falkreath Hold RND where people sprint to the skeleton boss, pull you in, and then say to wipe/reset so you can down the boss efficiently because these guys are farming Pillar of Nirn and want to get in as many reps as possible. And in other MMOs where we were progging raids we were told to wipe and reset so ESO not the only MMO where this occurs.
  • sarahthes
    ganzaeso wrote: »
    Most of the time it is one player quing as tank for a specific dungeon so that they can farm for something specific.

    The problem is they are roping 3 other individuals into their farming run who may not be alright with helping because they have other goals for running the dungeon.

    The fact that "Random" only applies to getting grouped randomly is also a problem. Whoever ques as the tank is the player the dungeon is chosen from and if they que specifically for a dungeon the dungeon is not random.

    Randoms were created to fill groups where someone needs a specific dungeon but doesn't have 3 other people to queue with.

    They were incentivized with good rewards so people would continue to do them, so that people.who don't have a group can still do the dungeons they need.
  • EnerG
    Daoin wrote: »
    im not slow i have clears of speed runs faster than most skips, fact is sometimes the tank cannot control the mobs or a dd want to rush through other times its due to a larger number looking for a mask, and i dont want to join a random group with people i know i want to meet new people enjoing the game itself too especially in random group finder, rather make a group yourself for a skip run and leave randoms alone or simply revert what they imposed on everyone. but thats a good example of what to expect from players in randoms ' join our wipe run or leave' other words theres really no choice due to being pulled or kicked, personally i call it or them 'Gen Wipe' but have been know to call it other things also not fit to mention in forum lol

    Yeahhhhh I'm gonna need some proof on that, I agree with the comment above, if 90% of the time YOU are the one getting pulled YOU are the issue, your team isn't out of position, you are.
  • Braffin
    I don't see how reverting "joining encounter" would in any way improve a player's experience in dungeon runs. On the contrary, this function is specifically made for slower players to ensure they may partake in boss fights and don't miss the affiliated rewards.

    Reverting this would "punish" solely this slower players, as they miss the fights as well as the rewards. The group won't slow down just because a catch-up-mechanic is deleted.
    Never get between a cat and it's candy!
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. It's not that hard.
  • Jack-0
    What is it that you're doing in these groups, how are other people getting so far ahead of you?
  • Soarora
    Braffin wrote: »
    I don't see how reverting "joining encounter" would in any way improve a player's experience in dungeon runs. On the contrary, this function is specifically made for slower players to ensure they may partake in boss fights and don't miss the affiliated rewards.

    Reverting this would "punish" solely this slower players, as they miss the fights as well as the rewards. The group won't slow down just because a catch-up-mechanic is deleted.

    This. The real solution to slow players who don’t want yoinked is to rework the auto-exit dungeon timer I think. Let people stay in the dungeon until they log out or increase the timer or something. Then can go back and grab missed chests and such, as long as they weren’t touched beforehand.
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
    • Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • tomofhyrule
    Devil's advocate - it's not always about looting every backpack and chest.

    There are some dungeons (notably basegames) that speedrunners can break the quests of. Some times you'll need to stop in the middle of a dungeon and talk to an NPC, but if someone yoinks you ahead, you missed that quest stage and can't get it back without restarting the dungeon. There are even some DLC dungeons like the Cauldron that are affected, as the quest giver will despawn when the first add pack is pulled, so if the speedrunner takes off immediately then nobody can get the quest.

    "Ugh, why do you quest? Randoms are for the XP!!!" No, there are skill points and Undaunted experience for doing the quests, especially for new characters. You want your healer to throw you orbs? Then they need to level their Undaunted.

    Communication is the important part, but a lot of players don't like to care about what's being said in chat. It's not hard to say "on quest" in chat, but people should also be willing to slow down for that. Or "need speedrun" if they're just farming. (I never understood why the onus was on slower people to explain why they need to go slower but not on the speed demons to ask for skipping everything)

    There's a reason I don't PuG because if I need to farm gear or run quests, I'd like to make sure my group is on the same page (well that and the fact that a lot of people treat support mains like crap). If I am in a group and we need to pick up one more person to complete the group and then they start charging forward when we say not to... well, 'Kick from group' is a thing.
  • virtus753
    While I can see arguments both ways from a player perspective with the “joining encounter” mechanic, I think the devs from their perspective are unlikely to want to revert something that has cut down on, well, let’s call them “approaches that reward player ingenuity.” There were ways to trivialize certain encounters (e.g. Dagrund in MoS) and to leave carries out of encounters that no longer work since this mechanic was introduced. Reverting it would re-enable them.
  • wolfie1.0.
    The joining encounter feature has more positives than negatives.
  • kargen27
    I still advocate for not getting the dungeon reward if everything in the dungeon doesn't die. No skipping.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • ESO_player123
    kargen27 wrote: »
    I still advocate for not getting the dungeon reward if everything in the dungeon doesn't die. No skipping.

    And if some mob gets stuck somewhere?
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic, as it deals with dungeons.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • rpa
    I have played games where anybody not present when the boss is pulled will be locked out of boss room for until win or wipe, and that's not good. Slightly amusing if tank is the one left out of the room. I used to to get lost in new dungeons before I learned to ignore everything and just stick to lead (If I can't solo, I can do the quest later with people not in hurry some year..)
    I've also learned that if you have any requirements how other people play you need to have a premade group and discuss that before starting the run.
  • M0ntie
    The game is better with this. Without it slow characters would miss drops from the bosses.
    I almost never get pulled into boss fights, except when stuck. Seems you may be going too slow if you’re getting pulled in 90% of the time.
    I agree with the suggestion that the dungeon should stay open (say for 15 mins) for people who want to loot afterwards by themselves. The disband group should not be offered when a dungeon finishes. And people should be allowed to leave even if stuck in combat.
  • zaria
    wilykcat wrote: »
    I like the automated teleport to boss room in dungeons "joining encounter".

    Sometimes when the dungeon has a really big environment ( I do admit I sometimes get lost), the teleport gets me to the boss room and then I feel relief. I can help my team defeat the boss.

    In games like World of Warcraft they don't have the automated teleport "joining encounter" for dungeons. The game instead completely locks players out of the boss room. This can result in the group getting others kicked out or leaving. If not, then the group has to get destroyed by the boss and wait for the rest of the group to arrive to enter the boss room.

    I like the "joining encounter" automated teleport to boss room system elderscrolls has in place. It solves the "groups and or a indivual player that have not showed up to the boss fight yet and the rest of the team already started" problems.
    I generally like it, only issue is getting pulled then doing quest in dungeons with long wait times for quest like vault of maddens, but if you are so far behind you probably looses out of boss anyway.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • p00tx
    I actually love this feature. It's super helpful when you're a doofus like me who likes to accidentally hit "wayshrine" instead of "revive" :D
    PC/Xbox NA
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  • Daoin
    gen wipe, which are most common to be dragged into group with at around page style farming times are the reason i barely join random groups anymore for random dungeons. skip....wipe....skip...wipe then as if by magic...a big poof..down to knees and transported to final boss. this is the sum total of, for some many years of character creation, all that is to be expected in a random group finder event. please then consider atleast doing something about the actual group finder itself.
    Edited by Daoin on 7 August 2023 10:43
  • Daoin
    EnerG wrote: »
    Daoin wrote: »
    im not slow i have clears of speed runs faster than most skips, fact is sometimes the tank cannot control the mobs or a dd want to rush through other times its due to a larger number looking for a mask, and i dont want to join a random group with people i know i want to meet new people enjoing the game itself too especially in random group finder, rather make a group yourself for a skip run and leave randoms alone or simply revert what they imposed on everyone. but thats a good example of what to expect from players in randoms ' join our wipe run or leave' other words theres really no choice due to being pulled or kicked, personally i call it or them 'Gen Wipe' but have been know to call it other things also not fit to mention in forum lol

    Yeahhhhh I'm gonna need some proof on that, I agree with the comment above, if 90% of the time YOU are the one getting pulled YOU are the issue, your team isn't out of position, you are.

    cannot provide any proof as at the moment i dont have the heart to join gen wipe in thier endevours. however i am willing to show you how to roll through any dungeon properly. your comment also makes no sense if the one pulling is running past every mob (trash) at full sprint.
    Edited by Daoin on 7 August 2023 11:32
  • loosej
    I agree that rnd can be a real pain because of skill gap, fake roles, and different motivations (quest/daily/gear) people have to run that dungeon. But I do believe that the "joining encounter in progress" is better than players not being able to join the boss fight at all. That being said, a lesson I've learned in life (and sometimes still fail to consider) is this:
    • If something negative happens to you sometimes, it is reasonable to attribute this to other people or external factors.
    • If it happens to you (nearly) every time, it is human to attribute this to other people or external factors, but in reality you are the common denominator.
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