I've never been numbers-savvy in this game, and knowing what sets/abilities are good for who when is very daunting when they seem to change (to great uproar) every couple months. Not to mention every time I look up build guides, every result is followed by some reddit or forum thread about how the guy who made the initial result is dogwater and their builds are unreliable...
So the point is, I could just use a bit of guidance on where I could go for safe trustworthy build info, or at least some some touchstones for some evergreen build foundations for at least getting through vet dungeons and maaaaaybe norm trials with the guildies.
My usual go-to character for high-level stuff is my dunmer dragonknight who is specced and geared into mag (for now), even though now all her abilities seem to drain a bit of stam now for some unknowable reason... I'm also partial to using a fire staff at least on the front bar on her, even though I'm not hearing good things about the state of destro staves at the moment...
Edited by NolansGoons on 20 July 2023 02:00 *empty*