The Elder Scrolls Online {PC, NA, AD} Friday Night Fights with Dominion Imperial Guard! RECRUITING

Looking to combine murder and taco Tuesdays? LF the best large scale AD PVP experience? New to the game? Then we are the guild for you!

Activities: Trading, PvP, Dungeons

Currently, we offer our 350+ active members a profitable guild trader, as well as weekly raffles. We also offer multiple weekly PvP raids and a weely normal trial group. We support a Discord server as well as live streams. The guild has a guildhall and mnaintains a crafting hall with access to all the craftable armor stations, mundus stones, and a variety of training dummies.

Note: As a guild we only PvP as AD, applications from non-AD toons will be rejected out of hand unless a reason is provided.

Platform: PC Megaserver: NA Alliance: AD Dues: None Discord:
Eric Dikkersun - Achernar - EZE - theendoftheriver - Orion Silvercuff
  • theendoftheriver
    Bumping this post to remind folks to look us up on Fridays in Gray Host or follow along on my stream for a feel.
    Eric Dikkersun - Achernar - EZE - theendoftheriver - Orion Silvercuff
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